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Guys who play girl characters


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women in general just look better...period.


that and my current character is a female Imperial paladin and there's nothing stereotypical about her; she's not a Mary Sue, doesn't tolerate injustice and downright crushes anyone that thinks they can cross her. getting into a verbal argument with her is a lot like talking wits with a Daedric Prince; its going to be a very hard and futile fight for you that and intimidation is her main strength; once when delivering some nirnroot a nameless thief approached her demanding all her stuff. my paladins response? "Walk away, right now." Needless to say the thief ran from the female Imperial Paladin wearing full Dragonplate armor and wielding a huge hammer (Volendrung) with a head the size of a boulder.


women can be just as intimidating as men....even more so. It comes right down not just looks but how steroetyping women in general in a game is a sign of weakness. I play a female character not only for aesthetics but on general principle; heroines are part and parcel and those that are in most games are brainless bimbos with no drive or conviction. my paladin is extremely headstrong, stubborn to a fault and downright a holy terror in a fight.


I don't value a womans looks over her self worth; i've met plenty of women who are very beautiful but hated them because their attitudes, personality and intelligence just made me sick. I have however dated many women who I will admit didn't have that model type figure but were some of the most generous and loving souls i've ever met.


Looks mean nothing; its the soul thats the driving power even if it is just a game character :tongue:

Edited by aeonthraen
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Great rant made me LOL!


But must correct a fallacy, the fashion industry is dominated by men. Like every other corporate atmosphere there is a professional glass ceiling and mostly male designers.


very true which makes me think if women had rights to the fashion industry clothing would probably be a lot more comfortable. i work at Walmart you see and I keep thinking, "Holy god look at this crap! Doesn't that s*** hurt wearing that?"


the common misconception that, "all women want to dress sexy," is a stereotype thats making the market seem more like a sex slave scandal than a legitimate business. I bet if they had a choice sweat pants and a T-shirt with a, "Who Farted?" logo would be the most in demand :biggrin:

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Great rant made me LOL!


But must correct a fallacy, the fashion industry is dominated by men. Like every other corporate atmosphere there is a professional glass ceiling and mostly male designers.


Au contraire, women are in the influential positions. Editors and fashion writers are largely female as are those controlling model agencies, of the men involved many are gay and wouldn't know any more than women what your average Joe finds appealing. If you really want to see what appeals to the average Bloke then the porn industry is where to look, there aren't many sick looking stick insects there. I've worked in female dominated workplaces, I've listened to what's said and I can assure you when it comes to being critical of appearances women are far worse than men are.

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@aeonthraen That's funny. I would never wear that but I can totally see it being a huge bestseller!



So thinking about the last few posts, I'm going to wade into some truly unpleasant waters, so bear with me and understand I've made a certain peace with it, as I am happily married celebrating 30 years coming up in a month.



HadToRegister is a really nice person, and I like him a lot actually, (and I'm not picking on you! it's just the way things are) but notice how he dumbed down his response for the little ladies who don't get science, biology, or anthropology?


Oh screw it.


Women are trophies because men own the power. It's really as simple as that.


If women owned the power we'd probably have Calipers to measure out the golden ratio of the the polykleitan canon of proportions on our men.



Jim certainly we influence the market with purchases, but that is hardly being in control of the industry. As for your contention that what men want can be found in the porn industry, I disagree with that premise as well, I think the porn industry just wants bodies to chew up and spit out. Any bodies that are willing will do.


I have however dated many women who I will admit didn't have that model type figure but were some of the most generous and loving souls i've ever met.


Then you have known true beauty.

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@aeonthraen That's funny. I would never wear that but I can totally see it being a huge bestseller!



So thinking about the last few posts, I'm going to wade into some truly unpleasant waters, so bear with me and understand I've made a certain peace with it, as I am happily married celebrating 30 years coming up in a month.



HadToRegister is a really nice person, and I like him a lot actually, (and I'm not picking on you! it's just the way things are) but notice how he dumbed down his response for the little ladies who don't get science, biology, or anthropology?


Oh screw it.


Women are trophies because men own the power. It's really as simple as that.


If women owned the power we'd probably have Calipers to measure out the golden ratio of the the polykleitan canon of proportions on our men.



Jim certainly we influence the market with purchases, but that is hardly being in control of the industry. As for your contention that what men want can be found in the porn industry, I disagree with that premise as well, I think the porn industry just wants bodies to chew up and spit out. Any bodies that are willing will do.


I have however dated many women who I will admit didn't have that model type figure but were some of the most generous and loving souls i've ever met.


Then you have known true beauty.


:biggrin: Indeed...its been a rarity (hard for me to get close to people at times) but every experience I hold dear to my heart.

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Could you explain to me a bit of whats behind your wanting to play as a female character?


I have no urge what so ever to play as a female and am kind of interested in seeing what drives people to do so...?


For me it all started with Guild Wars, if I have to watch a character in a game from behind for hours I'd prefer it to be female. Wierd thing is, I had a male character in Fallout 3, female in Skyrim and Oblivion, too many rads?

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As for what a woman looks like and what is considered beautiful..in this day and age it's hard to find true beauty because society is being forcefed to see and think what is beautiful by huge corporations wanting to sell us their products and manipulating real women into fantasy dolls with photoshop, lighting and brilliant make up artists and designers.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. One person may see freckles as an imperfection and ugly while the next may see beauty in freckles. Some see large eyes as being attractive, others don't. It's really hard to define beauty because it's not the same for everyone.


Great post. I've tried saying the same thing before.


I don't think culture and fads matter that much compared to what an individual finds beautiful. When I was younger I was looking for skinny girls with a perfect figure -what society has been telling us is beautiful and the reason why so many women feel the need to get breast implants because when you are skinny you don't have big boobs. Anyway, it took me a while to free myself from all that bull and find out what I really find attractive in a woman.


Culture is one thing but it doesn't mean that it should condition our way of thinking. After all we are lucky enough to have opportunities to open ourselves to different experiences and different cultures. Something that must have been much more difficult in the past.


Also on the subject of culture determining what we find attractive I think that this is negated by the very existence of homosexuality. After all most cultures and societies don't condone homosexuality but you can look at any culture or at any period in history and you will notice that homosexuality has always existed. There is more to being attracted to someone than insuring the survival of humankind or finding a socially suitable mate. I don't like the idea that we are driven by the instinct to perpetuate our species. Heck I'm straight and I don't want kids. Having a partner (regardless of gender) doesn't necessarily mean that you want to have an offspring.


But seriously, does it not go both ways? If i listen to the comments of girlfriends about what the ideal man should be and how he should look it's just as unrealistic as expecting every woman to look like a super model or moviestar. Men have the same problem as women as far as the commercially idealised look is concerned it's not achievable for 95% of people.


That's true. Some women have similarly high and unrealistic expectations and as a result they remain single or settle down and are unhappy. That's the fault of the media.


Are men (real men) supposed to look like Calvin Klein ads? I sincerely doubt that. It doesn't mean that we can't take care of our bodies and that we shouldn't exercise and try to get in shape but it's also true that no matter what many men won't ever get a six-pack (unless we're talking about beer).


The big difference is that society doesn't tell us that the most important quality for a man is to look pretty which is basically what women are being told their entire lives. I'm pretty sure that most guys would rather be strong with average looks than be really good looking but physically weak.


I've worked in female dominated workplaces, I've listened to what's said and I can assure you when it comes to being critical of appearances women are far worse than men are.


I've noticed it too. Women clearly pay more attention to what are just details to us. This can serve us well once we know that putting a little attention to that sort of details will be noticed. That can be a real bore as well.


Women are trophies because men own the power. It's really as simple as that.


A few (wealthy) women do the same. Gigolos or boy toys do exist. True it's not as common because women are usually not the ones in a position of power but you will always find people who like to be seen with a pretty thing. It's human nature and the fact that society wants us to value possessions more than actual relationships.


I think the porn industry just wants bodies to chew up and spit out. Any bodies that are willing will do.


QFT. I think that the average stripper/porn star with huge fake boobs doesn't represent what men actually want but a caricature of what average joes are supposed to find attractive in a woman.


Porn is really dangerous for teenagers who are exposed to it and get the wrong idea on how to express their sexuality from watching some sick hardcore stuff. Talk about creating unrealistic expectations (but that probably goes both ways).


What is really disgusting about the porn industry is the double standard as women are supposed to indulge men's fantasies and engage into girl on girl action. Nothing is more sexist than assuming that being bisexual is fine for a woman but that it becomes taboo when it involves guys. This bias is present in popular culture -all you have to do is to watch some Friends reruns to learn that it's perfectly alright to get your jollies while watching two girls going at it.


It's not because men want to stare at a womans ass at all that they play as girls. But because if we play muscled, sixpacked hunks we simply get jealous. It will remind us we should actually be in the gym working on our own sixpack instead of gaming, growing a beerbelly and being lazy ;-) ;-)


I know this is meant as a joke but that is an interesting remark. I'm thinking of the opposite of course. When we're playing RPGs we make up characters who are most of the time stronger and better looking than we are. These alter egos are meant to be used to escape in fantasy worlds.


If you're a scrawny guy playing a hulking barbarian it doesn't necessarily mean that you want to look like that character in real life. Playing a female character doesn't mean that a guy wants a sex change either. It's about escapism and playing the role of a character that is very different from the person you really are.


I know some people are always trying to recreate their own selves in RPGs but the main point of an RPG is to pretend to be someone else and playing a character of the opposite gender is definitely a good way to make sure that your character is very different from the person you are in real life.

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HadToRegister is a really nice person, and I like him a lot actually, (and I'm not picking on you! it's just the way things are) but notice how he dumbed down his response for the little ladies who don't get science, biology, or anthropology?

I wasn't dumbing it down for anybody out there, I was dumbing it down for me, because I wasn't explaining my position well at all, and being a visual person,

I thought a graphic would help explain my point better.

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