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In response to post #41560960. #41582510, #41582850, #41584305, #41584730 are all replies on the same post.

Thandal wrote:

Edit.....and yes, discord SHOULD be an option and not an obligation, but that is not the case.


Seems like you just can't/won't/don't bother to read.

Here is part of what you see when you click the "Chat" button on the Nexus:


To access our old, boring, text-only chat room, please click "I Agree" at the bottom of this page.




Then there's your totally incorrect rant about "being forced":



edit: I do not want discord, I just want to chat in the old fashioned way.......something I donated money to support. Now I am being forced to sign away more personal info to yet another company like Microsoft or Apple or Google.



No, you are not "being forced" to do anything at all. NOTHING prevents you from using chat "in the old fashioned way".


You seem to be whinging that OTHER people will be able to use an option you don't want.



The Number One rule on the Nexus is: "Don't like it? Don't use it." :armscrossed:


It's hard to take someone seriously when the points and objections they raise are demonstrably false.

(Kinda' like a certain major party candidate for U.S. President... :whistling: )

rpacetoday wrote: yeah, i liked it, I used it. Now it has changed. It is only a matter of time until the old fashioned chat is done away with, now be honest. Am I correct or what?
rpacetoday wrote: please be honest and tell all of us what will happen with the old fashioned "defunct" Nexus chat in the next year or so
The Vampire Dante wrote:
In response to post #41560960. #41582510, #41582850 are all replies on the same post.

Thandal wrote:

Edit.....and yes, discord SHOULD be an option and not an obligation, but that is not the case.

Seems like you just can't/won't/don't bother to read.

Here is part of what you see when you click the "Chat" button on the Nexus:

To access our old, boring, text-only chat room, please click "I Agree" at the bottom of this page.


Then there's your totally incorrect rant about "being forced":


edit: I do not want discord, I just want to chat in the old fashioned way.......something I donated money to support. Now I am being forced to sign away more personal info to yet another company like Microsoft or Apple or Google.

No, you are not "being forced" to do anything at all. NOTHING prevents you from using chat "in the old fashioned way".

You seem to be whinging that OTHER people will be able to use an option you don't want.


The Number One rule on the Nexus is: "Don't like it? Don't use it." :armscrossed:

It's hard to take someone seriously when the points and objections they raise are demonstrably false.

(Kinda' like a certain major party candidate for U.S. President... :whistling: )

rpacetoday wrote: yeah, i liked it, I used it. Now it has changed. It is only a matter of time until the old fashioned chat is done away with, now be honest. Am I correct or what?
rpacetoday wrote: please be honest and tell all of us what will happen with the old fashioned "defunct" Nexus chat in the next year or so

If the use of the discord chat software proves to be manageable and doesn't cause any problems or undue drama, then the old chat will be decommissioned entirely.

Ethreon wrote: It's not the problem of the majority of users you are old fashioned.

thank you Dante, much appreciated
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In response to post #41560960. #41582510, #41582850, #41584305, #41584730, #41585240 are all replies on the same post.

Thandal wrote:

Edit.....and yes, discord SHOULD be an option and not an obligation, but that is not the case.


Seems like you just can't/won't/don't bother to read.

Here is part of what you see when you click the "Chat" button on the Nexus:


To access our old, boring, text-only chat room, please click "I Agree" at the bottom of this page.




Then there's your totally incorrect rant about "being forced":



edit: I do not want discord, I just want to chat in the old fashioned way.......something I donated money to support. Now I am being forced to sign away more personal info to yet another company like Microsoft or Apple or Google.



No, you are not "being forced" to do anything at all. NOTHING prevents you from using chat "in the old fashioned way".


You seem to be whinging that OTHER people will be able to use an option you don't want.



The Number One rule on the Nexus is: "Don't like it? Don't use it." :armscrossed:


It's hard to take someone seriously when the points and objections they raise are demonstrably false.

(Kinda' like a certain major party candidate for U.S. President... :whistling: )

rpacetoday wrote: yeah, i liked it, I used it. Now it has changed. It is only a matter of time until the old fashioned chat is done away with, now be honest. Am I correct or what?
rpacetoday wrote: please be honest and tell all of us what will happen with the old fashioned "defunct" Nexus chat in the next year or so
The Vampire Dante wrote:
In response to post #41560960. #41582510, #41582850 are all replies on the same post.

Thandal wrote:

Edit.....and yes, discord SHOULD be an option and not an obligation, but that is not the case.

Seems like you just can't/won't/don't bother to read.

Here is part of what you see when you click the "Chat" button on the Nexus:

To access our old, boring, text-only chat room, please click "I Agree" at the bottom of this page.


Then there's your totally incorrect rant about "being forced":


edit: I do not want discord, I just want to chat in the old fashioned way.......something I donated money to support. Now I am being forced to sign away more personal info to yet another company like Microsoft or Apple or Google.

No, you are not "being forced" to do anything at all. NOTHING prevents you from using chat "in the old fashioned way".

You seem to be whinging that OTHER people will be able to use an option you don't want.


The Number One rule on the Nexus is: "Don't like it? Don't use it." :armscrossed:

It's hard to take someone seriously when the points and objections they raise are demonstrably false.

(Kinda' like a certain major party candidate for U.S. President... :whistling: )

rpacetoday wrote: yeah, i liked it, I used it. Now it has changed. It is only a matter of time until the old fashioned chat is done away with, now be honest. Am I correct or what?
rpacetoday wrote: please be honest and tell all of us what will happen with the old fashioned "defunct" Nexus chat in the next year or so

If the use of the discord chat software proves to be manageable and doesn't cause any problems or undue drama, then the old chat will be decommissioned entirely.

Ethreon wrote: It's not the problem of the majority of users you are old fashioned.
rpacetoday wrote: thank you Dante, much appreciated

yeah whatever Edited by rpacetoday
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In response to post #41567245. #41573665 is also a reply to the same post.

VanScythe wrote: So, once the Mod Author section gets sorted out, do we need to apply for it or something, or will we just get added to it automatically?

Also, what are the requirements for having access to this section once it is fully implemented?
Ethreon wrote: If it will work anything like twitch, being logged in both here and there with the same name, and connecting your nexus account to the Discord would grant you automatic access, Of course, once setup.

Seems simple enough. Do you know about any requirements? I saw someone in here say there was a minimum UDL needed, to be entered.
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In response to post #41548250. #41549805, #41554765, #41555265, #41555345, #41555580, #41555720, #41555905, #41556075, #41556295, #41559270, #41560625 are all replies on the same post.

AddictedBloo wrote:

I have some concerns regarding the new chat and the (maybe) potential abuse of it. So I wanted to ask if it will ever be integrated with the forums (if possible) where we don't need to create an account with discord. The other issue is the file sharing aspect, I have done some reading up on it and heard from some friends, now I'm not saying it is nor isn't possible but I worry that there could be some malicious abuse with it for something as public as Nexus. I don't know for certain if malicious code can be implemented but it's my main concern. Do you plan on turning file sharing off? That's pretty much it for now.



NeoNord wrote: As history has shown multiple times, if there is a way to abuse something, people will find it and abuse it endlessly. I went through this with one MMO and do not plan to deal with it again. An inherently bad idea but Nexus has already stated in a "news" release they want to get more involved in social media. Probably a good time to start looking for alternatives to Nexus. Your point is well taken but I doubt anyone at Nexus will heed it. I hope the community reads your post before they make a decision.
rpacetoday wrote: yeah i do not want a discord account either and considering I have already paid Nexus for usage, I do not feel that I should have to sign up for one

I feel violated somehow

and cheated
BlindJudge wrote: We are going to be monitoring the chat and voice closely to begin with. We want communication to be free flowing but will obviously ban anyone who shares anything malicious, pornographic etc.

These first couple of weeks are going to be a learning curve and we are looking at 'bots' that can help with moderation etc.

We'll keep you informed.
rpacetoday wrote: but yet we are being forced to sign up with a service and share more of our personal data. I do not find this right.
rpacetoday wrote: oh and monitoring voice chat is just censorship in the extreme.....I do think you will bump heads with freedom of speech issues. It is one thing when it is posted on a web chat, but when it is in spoken chat, you really run the risk of going afoul with the law
matortheeternal wrote: rpacetoday: I think you must be misunderstanding something fundamental about this change. You are neither obligated nor required to join or participate in the Nexus Discord Chat. Your membership and continued usage of Nexus Mods is in no way impacted by whether or not you participate in the Discord Chat.

Discord is a well known service used by thousands of gamers and is very trustworthy in my opinion. You're free to have any opinion you want on the service, of course. You are not being violated or cheated - there are no repercussions for not participating in the new Discord chat.
rpacetoday wrote: well I do feel cheated because there will be no chat as it used to be and I will be forced to sign up for an external service just to chat.....so while it may be a well known service, I think it should be an additional service to the chat already existing. As far as the trustworthiness is concerned, when Nexus says they will be monitoring the spoken chat to punish people they disagree with, that, at least to me, seems to be going too far. Discord should be an option, not an obligation.
matortheeternal wrote: Discord is an option, not an obligation. The Nexus is not obligated to provide a chatroom as a part of their forum functionality. You are free to set up your own chat server/service for people to use to communicate with you. You are also of course free to continue using the private messaging functionality of the forums to communicate with specific individuals. There's also email, steam (assuming you own a steam game, you have access to steam chat), and many other options out there.
rpacetoday wrote: okay, they have had a chatroom for as long as I can remember.....they may not be obligated to have one, but to give up a good one in favor of another info grabbing company, is wrong. I have enjoyed coming to chat periodically for some time now, meeting up with the Bloos and the Tacos of this world, but I guess that will all change now and you say, somehow, that I am wrong to be against it........grrrrrrrr.

Edit.....and yes, discord SHOULD be an option and not an obligation, but that is not the case.
Jalond wrote: This is the internet. You have no freedom of speech on someone's domain or their chat room. Do not confuse Discord with public domain.
VDracul wrote: @rpacetoday. Assuming you are in the US, the constitution protect our freedom of speech from the government, so they can't throw us in jail just for expressing our opinion on something. It does not protect us from a private organization telling us to leave the room if they think we are crossing the line. Most chats I've been in kick people for really obnoxious things like sexually explicit language, encouraging others to do something illegal or hate speech.
Another thing is that online, we are interacting with people from all over the world, and freedom of speech laws are different in different countries, so which one to apply would be a tricky business.
And... you've been told repeatedly that you do NOT have to get into Discord if you don't care for it.

Things change, I know that beyond 40 or so people like to plant a flag and say "this far and no further" but that's just putting yourself in opposition to the world. I just used the new chat for a bit, never used the old one, amd I'm old enough to remember IRC when it was new :)
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In response to post #41567245. #41573665, #41586310 are all replies on the same post.

VanScythe wrote: So, once the Mod Author section gets sorted out, do we need to apply for it or something, or will we just get added to it automatically?

Also, what are the requirements for having access to this section once it is fully implemented?
Ethreon wrote: If it will work anything like twitch, being logged in both here and there with the same name, and connecting your nexus account to the Discord would grant you automatic access, Of course, once setup.
VanScythe wrote: Seems simple enough. Do you know about any requirements? I saw someone in here say there was a minimum UDL needed, to be entered.

Up to the experts, I'm just another user. I know the service has integrated twitch and youtube connectivity, due to the strong gaming presence on both. Haven't seen any other connections offered though.
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In response to post #41576315. #41577230 is also a reply to the same post.

Thandal wrote:

I've just read their privacy policy and it basically says that they record and keep all information you provide.
They do make a special case for children under 13 ... well kind of:

"We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13. If you are under the age of 13, please do not submit any personal information through the Services or access or use the Services in any way. We encourage parents and legal guardians to monitor their children’s Internet usage and to instruct their children never to provide personal information on the Services without their permission."

But there is no opportunity to add your age anywhere.

Discord Privacy Policy: https://discordapp.com/privacy


Right...? So? The information they "log" is the information you provide; username, email address, pw. That's it, unless you CHOOSE to provide more. And that's the exact same information the Nexus (and basically every single website that has a log-in) collects and stores. The admonition to parents is precisely because they DON'T want responsibility for what kids may do on-line. They don't ASK for PII, but that doesn't mean some 12 y-o won't provide it somewhere. Which is where the need for parental guidance comes in.


Beyond that, they probably "log" usage (stats on time, times-of-day, location-via-IP used, browser used, etc.) in order to manage the service. ("Wow! We need a lot more bandwidth in SW Asia!", or "We should optimize our site for Edge, since a huge number of new users are trying to connect with that browser.") I know the Nexus does, like almost every other site on the internet. :wink:


The last bit of "logging" is, of course, the conversations themselves! Not much point in the service if it didn't keep and display those on-demand. Can't do that unless they "capture and store" what's typed/spoken. :rolleyes:

Ethreon wrote: Meh, people that complain about being "logged and supervised" are usually the same sharing their whole family album pic somewhere.

Its a lot more then that.

In an ongoing effort to better understand and serve the users of the Services, we may conduct research on our customer demographics, interests and behavior based on the information provided to us.

So they collect information which we provide when we register and when&where we use the app.

We may store such information or such information may be included in databases owned and maintained by affiliates, agents or service providers.

They put that information in databases which are owned by third parties (who?).

The Services may use such information and pool it with other information to track, for example, the total number of visitors to our Site, the number of messages users have sent, and the domain names of our visitors' Internet service providers.

The third parties (who?) combine this information with information about you which they've gathered from other services/sources.

In an ongoing effort to better understand and serve the users of the Services, we may conduct research on our customer demographics, interests and behavior based on the information provided to us.

So they research you, where you are, what your interests are and how you behave while using their services.

This research may be compiled and analyzed on an aggregate basis, and we may share this aggregate data with our affiliates, agents and business partners.

And they share this research with third parties.

We use third party service providers who may use cookies or other technologies to collect information about you and your browsing and other usage activities over time and across different websites.

They also share information we don't provide like your browsing habits.

And sure, the privacy policy also says that they use the information to enhance and optimize their services.
And that is okay, of course! But the sharing part with third parties and the amount of data collecting, even our browsing habits, that is just scary stuff.

Oh and where can I enter my age? Because I want them to know that I'm not under 13 years old.
They are not in their right (according to their own privacy policy) to share and use the information I provide while using their services, because they cannot prove I'm not under 13 years old unless I provide that information. Edited by GemAye
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So they collect information which we provide when we register and when&where we use the app.


As does every "free" web-based service provider. And they can only collect the information if you provide it.



And they share this research with third parties.


As do most (but not all, see Nexus Mods) "free" web-based service providers. And again, they can only collect the information if you provide it. Don't want the website (or their affiliates) knowing your interests, don't list your interests on a public website.



They also share information we don't provide like your browsing habits.


Again, as do most "free" web-based service providers. And you're saying you DON'T take basic steps to prevent tracking of your internet browning?!? (E.g. block 3rd-party cookies, flush cache every time you close your browser, close your browser when you leave a site you don't trust completely, etc.)



And lastly.:


Oh and where can I enter my age? Because I want them to know that I'm not under 13 years old.

They are not in their right (according to their own privacy policy) to share and use the information I provide while using their services, because they cannot prove I'm not under 13 years old unless I provide that information..


They do not KNOWINGLY collect it, but since they don't know your age, they can't tell. That's what they're saying.


If you're the parent of someone under age 13, it's YOUR responsibility to monitor (and perhaps prevent) your child's on-line activity, NOT THEIRS.

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In response to post #41567245. #41573665, #41586310, #41586740 are all replies on the same post.

VanScythe wrote: So, once the Mod Author section gets sorted out, do we need to apply for it or something, or will we just get added to it automatically?

Also, what are the requirements for having access to this section once it is fully implemented?
Ethreon wrote: If it will work anything like twitch, being logged in both here and there with the same name, and connecting your nexus account to the Discord would grant you automatic access, Of course, once setup.
VanScythe wrote: Seems simple enough. Do you know about any requirements? I saw someone in here say there was a minimum UDL needed, to be entered.
Ethreon wrote: Up to the experts, I'm just another user. I know the service has integrated twitch and youtube connectivity, due to the strong gaming presence on both. Haven't seen any other connections offered though.

1000 UDL, you'll get a nexus notification when you've reached it.
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In response to post #41567245. #41573665, #41586310, #41586740, #41590515 are all replies on the same post.

VanScythe wrote: So, once the Mod Author section gets sorted out, do we need to apply for it or something, or will we just get added to it automatically?

Also, what are the requirements for having access to this section once it is fully implemented?
Ethreon wrote: If it will work anything like twitch, being logged in both here and there with the same name, and connecting your nexus account to the Discord would grant you automatic access, Of course, once setup.
VanScythe wrote: Seems simple enough. Do you know about any requirements? I saw someone in here say there was a minimum UDL needed, to be entered.
Ethreon wrote: Up to the experts, I'm just another user. I know the service has integrated twitch and youtube connectivity, due to the strong gaming presence on both. Haven't seen any other connections offered though.
opusGlass wrote: 1000 UDL, you'll get a nexus notification when you've reached it.

I have a few mods on here that have over 1K UDL, but for some reason, I have no access to them anymore, even though I uploaded them on this account.

Nexus tells me I have X amount of files, but when I click on it, I have ZERO.
I cannot change anything on the mod pages or edit them etc.
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In response to post #41567245. #41573665, #41586310, #41586740, #41590515, #41594040 are all replies on the same post.

VanScythe wrote: So, once the Mod Author section gets sorted out, do we need to apply for it or something, or will we just get added to it automatically?

Also, what are the requirements for having access to this section once it is fully implemented?
Ethreon wrote: If it will work anything like twitch, being logged in both here and there with the same name, and connecting your nexus account to the Discord would grant you automatic access, Of course, once setup.
VanScythe wrote: Seems simple enough. Do you know about any requirements? I saw someone in here say there was a minimum UDL needed, to be entered.
Ethreon wrote: Up to the experts, I'm just another user. I know the service has integrated twitch and youtube connectivity, due to the strong gaming presence on both. Haven't seen any other connections offered though.
opusGlass wrote: 1000 UDL, you'll get a nexus notification when you've reached it.
HadToRegister wrote: I have a few mods on here that have over 1K UDL, but for some reason, I have no access to them anymore, even though I uploaded them on this account.

Nexus tells me I have X amount of files, but when I click on it, I have ZERO.
I cannot change anything on the mod pages or edit them etc.

@opusGlass, I've got over 12K UDLs, so I think I'm covered on that end.

@HadToRegister, I don't know why you are having that problem. I can see your mods just fine.
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