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E-Cigarette and Vaping, For and Against


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You're ridiculously predictable with have a bad case of target fixation....... so intent on getting off a shot you can't see the approaching deck.

Maybe you should invest in the 64 pack after all.

1. You were wrong about what ad hominem means (and can't spell it)

2. You didn't know what 'whataboutism' is

3. You strawman people's comments

4. You falsely accuse others of strawmanning


And you seem to lack the capacity to acknowledge any of these things.


I'd say that's fairly predictable sort of behaviour for someone who's had their arguments systematically exposed and demolished on the internet. There's no approaching deck; the rickety ship 'Aurielius' took a heavy broadside and promptly sunk, taking her fragile, obstinate captain with her.

Edited by gnarly1
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Japan is the only country that comes to mind who encourages breeding.


We still have baby bonus here in the Great Frozen North and at one time I think the idea existed south of the border too ... has it been done away with in the US or was it always more of a state by state thing?

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Japan is the only country that comes to mind who encourages breeding.


We still have baby bonus here in the Great Frozen North and at one time I think the idea existed south of the border too ... has it been done away with in the US or was it always more of a state by state thing?


You still get tax deductions for each child you have, and if you have 12 (or more) you don't pay income taxes at all.


The republican party is against abortion, and a fair few of them are against federal dollars paying for contraceptives as well.


The republican party gave a really good shot at defunding planned parenthood. And I think some of that is still about. To the point of NUMEROUS clinecs closing.


Yes, the birthrate is declining, but, that isn't relevant to the discussion. The republican party is all about 'pro-life', right up until you are born, then, you are on your own.


So, while they may not be actively encouraging a high birth rate, they ARE taking active steps to see that it happens. Fortunately, they aren't as successful as they would like.

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Japan is the only country that comes to mind who encourages breeding.


We still have baby bonus here in the Great Frozen North and at one time I think the idea existed south of the border too ... has it been done away with in the US or was it always more of a state by state thing?


You still get tax deductions for each child you have, and if you have 12 (or more) you don't pay income taxes at all.


The republican party is against abortion, and a fair few of them are against federal dollars paying for contraceptives as well.


The republican party gave a really good shot at defunding planned parenthood. And I think some of that is still about. To the point of NUMEROUS clinecs closing.


Yes, the birthrate is declining, but, that isn't relevant to the discussion. The republican party is all about 'pro-life', right up until you are born, then, you are on your own.


So, while they may not be actively encouraging a high birth rate, they ARE taking active steps to see that it happens. Fortunately, they aren't as successful as they would like.



Interesting ... so here in Canada the family receives money for each child and tax deductions per child as well. The baby bonus income is generally attributed to the woman as that is more often than not the lower income earner of the family and the tax deduction to the man (providing he is the higher income earner, and thus offers the most "bang for the buck" from the tax break). I've not been involved in all that for decades of course. I've also not seen much reported regarding how effective it is in sustaining organic population growth. I would think it would be a difficult thing to measure accurately.


There we go Hey ... yet another successful thread hijack! :laugh:

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There we go Hey ... yet another successful thread hijack! :laugh:



What's even more amusing is the fact that this discussion was necro'd from a thread that died in 2017, only to be almost immediately hijacked and sent down a very spurious path.


E'gad I love GMAD and her children. :happy:


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There we go Hey ... yet another successful thread hijack! :laugh:



What's even more amusing is the fact that this discussion was necro'd from a thread that died in 2017, only to be almost immediately hijacked and sent down a very spurious path.


E'gad I love GMAD and her children. :happy:




I can't speak to your track record Perraine, as I must confess that I haven't taken note (yet ... you are on notice now) but Hey and I enjoy something that I consider more akin to an ability than a skill (as you might find in Oblivion). The advantage conferred by an ability is no effort is expended to achieve it's result, it just flows as naturally as water down a course.

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Japan is the only country that comes to mind who encourages breeding.


Well their issue is their low birth rate, for their ~126 million people. The age chart for the country looks nearly like an upside down pyramid with a large part of the population is in the 50+ age group and narrows quite a bit in the under 20 age group. I heard from someone that is familiar with Japan culture and worked as a teacher there for awhile, he sees the societal pressure is one of the key issues there that drives people to become over work and neglect dating or break contact and get way to much into escapism. So their governments push is attempt to fix something but not in the best manner to fix it, in some cases it just makes the issue worse. (Pretty much any governments attempt to fix something that isn't properly understood usually fails.)

Edited by Gracinfields
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Japan is the only country that comes to mind who encourages breeding.


Well their issue is their low birth rate, for their ~126 million people. The age chart for the country looks nearly like an upside down pyramid with a large part of the population is in the 50+ age group and narrows quite a bit in the under 20 age group. I heard from someone that is familiar with Japan culture and worked as a teacher there for awhile, he sees the societal pressure is one of the key issues there that drives people to become over work and neglect dating or break contact and get way to much into escapism. So their governments push is attempt to fix something but not in the best manner to fix it, in some cases it just makes the issue worse. (Pretty much any governments attempt to fix something that isn't properly understood usually fails.)


In my view, governments aren't in the business of 'fixing' anything. If they actually solved a problem, they wouldn't have that issue to campaign on. So, the general trend is to treat symptoms of a larger ill, but do nothing to deal with the ill itself.

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In my view, governments aren't in the business of 'fixing' anything. If they actually solved a problem, they wouldn't have that issue to campaign on. So, the general trend is to treat symptoms of a larger ill, but do nothing to deal with the ill itself.




Not much of a platform when all parties agree that people need to stop marrying their waifus and marry a real woman and get to make babies.

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