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But I can't describe the mod because I have literally no idea what mod it was. I clicked the X button on my tracked mods page by mistake and didn't catch which mod it was, and it was just gone. And I have my tracked mods sorted by last updated, so I couldn't even guess what letter the mod name starts with. Edited by bradmillerbiz
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I wonder, is the nexus website scheduled under maintenance right now?


Since of a few min ago I tried loading into the site but I have Received and error saying the website is temporality down.


I would like to know if there is a planned schedule of when the site will go back online, cause there is nothing on nexus mods twitter account and nothing on reddit saying of any website maintenances.


EDIT: for more information this is what I see when I load into nexusmods site;

503 Service Temporarily Unavailable Edited by Fragss
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Choose the game where you downloaded the mod you are looking for then search that mod from the Download History





Is this intended for me? Because I can't just search for the mod. I don't know what it's called. I don't know the name of the mod, what it does, when or even if I've ever downloaded it, etc. I know literally nothing about the mod. Literally nothing, other than the fact that I'm no longer tracking it. Literally. And not literally as in figuratively, literally as in literally.

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Guest deleted34304850

Is this intended for me? Because I can't just search for the mod. I don't know what it's called. I don't know the name of the mod, what it does, when or even if I've ever downloaded it, etc. I know literally nothing about the mod. Literally nothing, other than the fact that I'm no longer tracking it. Literally. And not literally as in figuratively, literally as in literally.


Amazing that you were tracking a mod that you don't know anything about, except that you're no longer tracking it. Sounds like you're SOL. Maybe take some screen prints next time, or write yourself a little note, or something to help?

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I knew what the mod was called and what does while I was tracking it, obviously, or I wouldn't have been tracking it lol. I will take your suggestion to heart and perhaps create a list of all my tracked mods on my notes app or something. Hopefully someone else will come along that knows of a way to locate it.


I know that there at least used to be a way to view a list of activity on your account, including tracking events. I'm just not sure if they removed that feature, or if I just can't find it again.

Edited by bradmillerbiz
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More weirdness on the Skyrim SE site - was signed in, used the drop down to sign out, dialog said I was signed out. Closed down my browser, then came back later and tried to sign in. Site said that I was already signed in. This has happened several times today, over varying time spans between sessions.

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