JJSkyrimThief Posted June 29, 2021 Share Posted June 29, 2021 How to buy premium avoiding paypal. :confused: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JohnDoeFromTF2 Posted July 4, 2021 Share Posted July 4, 2021 (edited) Can I please get an answer considering that the thread about this was closed, thus restricting the community's ability to have feedback on this specific issue? Edited July 4, 2021 by JohnDoeFromTF2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheRealAbyssi Posted July 4, 2021 Share Posted July 4, 2021 I saw in the NexusMods Mod Author discord, some were testing just that, and it seems that the free users even registered ones canât download if the mod is set to hidden, only premium users can. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JohnDoeFromTF2 Posted July 4, 2021 Share Posted July 4, 2021 On 7/4/2021 at 5:58 AM, TheRealAbyssi said: I saw in the NexusMods Mod Author discord, some were testing just that, and it seems that the free users even registered ones canât download if the mod is set to hidden, only premium users can.Well it would make sense for that to be the case considering the amount of silence, bans, and comment locks going on regarding it.I originally put this on the media seconds of Skyrim, SSE, FNV, and FO4 so that maybe it would draw enough attention so that it became a big enough issue for Nexus to answer, only for them to take it down, claiming that it belongs on the forums.It seems like they want it on the forums only to keep it out of public sight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheRealAbyssi Posted July 4, 2021 Share Posted July 4, 2021 I saw an update from Dark0ne and they fixed it, now free users can get the files. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JohnDoeFromTF2 Posted July 4, 2021 Share Posted July 4, 2021 On 7/4/2021 at 3:49 PM, TheRealAbyssi said: I saw an update from Dark0ne and they fixed it, now free users can get the files.I don't know why they can't just leave a comment saying that rather than doing this cloak-and-dagger. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maxmanatarms Posted July 5, 2021 Share Posted July 5, 2021 A feedback regarding the new changes to Nexus.This will be partially to Dark0ne but it will also always be based around the post regarding the update to the website as he locked it and no other way to post about it save feedback to the major change to the website.Do you think its really fair to lock a "important" forum thread with folks debating what is going to happen to content they made after less then 3 days? going "its circular talking" and going "I'm done" isn't fair to the folks that have used the website or those who have supplied things that made your website what it is today.The whole point of your system is and i quote "Our team started work on a project with the goal of making it easier and far less time-consuming for the average person to set up a thoroughly and well-modded game." That was 2019. I haven't heard or seen anything for 2020 about it and today when i hopped on to check for new mods i see several i use just gone. "I have hidden it due to issues with new forced policy" Then a little google -fu i see kotaku / pcgamer / eurogamer and etc posting about it. Pretty much going "Modders lost content due to website taking what isn't theirs" Short hand for the posts more or less. I haven't heard of this "collection policy" until today 7/4/21. I have been around for since 2011. so 10 years. Half as long as this "20 years worth" of website has been going.I as a individual stated out going through the time consuming mess because i was new and wasn't sure what i was doing. I took my time i poked around and i have found many wonderful mods. This collection set up locks Creators from the creation. They cant delete it only archive. They must do collections . Your giving them 30 days to leave or be assimilated into the collections. Of course as site owner your word is law. Who cares about folks who have worked and created for the 20 years this been around this is easier for your team for you."Internally, we’ve been referring to this project as “collections” and as you are reading this we are edging closer towards external testing with a small number of people"So for a big change which hasn't even gone "public" for in depth testing your already telling users/modders "this is the future" You should know any new implantation should be done in batch. Large ones as it gives the most data. And I'm guessing you have done private ones . "Small ones" to see how it works. Sometimes collection of mods don't work sometimes 1 mod isn't wanted. "mod users are aware that prepping mods can be time consuming and hard to do and we want to simplify it as not every one i tech savy or want to spend loads of time doing it" So literally we want it stupid easy for folks. Wonderful! that's great. But your taking away rights of holders of the mod. After 30 days anyone can take a collection and use it cause the modder cant remove it. Your literally holding it and going "this is mine now" As some folks point out some Modders dump mods 2 or 3 times a year and vanish. 30 days is pretty much less then nothing and if anything its "TOKEN" its your "look we did offer them a chance""It is our conviction and vision that modding should be as easy as possible, so more people can enjoy this hobby that has brought us all together and that laid the foundation for the very existence of our site and community 20 years ago." Not much of a vision if you literally burn half your folks away and every major PC/Game related website is calling you thieves. that's how folks run away and stay away and find a different home. doesn't matter how easy it is to mod. If someone wants to give a mod and know you'll keep it forever why give it to you to hold? "What are collections and how does it all work?" So we are to trust randoms on the internet to give us properly running set ups. Sure why not big name streamers or youtubes might have a awesome mod list. I can play like MIkeburnfire and etc etc etc. Cool. those are the good guys.Funny things about mods is sometimes bad coding can be snuck in. Coding that does nothing by itself but if a whole bunch of them all work at the same time say a "collection" has a whole bunch put together and when they are all ran at the same time. they can do behind the scene mischief. you just made it easier for the bad players on the internet to do bad things cause they just got to make it look good and someone is bound to take the bait."Are collections a “Premium feature”?" You pretty much said "it isn't going to be but you should do it cause its better. So your making it harder for folks to download. cause if not collection we have to do it 1 by 1. You know just like before collections. to get certain mods. But if you do it with premium we get money and you do things faster then ever before and we then can do more better things for YOU. What is it called in the real world? " forced obsolescence" or "Planned obsolescence" I.E if its the only way they got to go forward eventually. Your turning this into a "Freemium" website."Addressing speculation about collections" Quote "This system at this moment is still very much in development and we’re looking at giving it to a first set of trusted users for further testing soon." So its not even fully set up to be used widespread and your already setting fire to the fields. That is not smart. You might as well be going "we will fly in the sky with our new jet-packs. we have the design but the prototypes will be out one day soon... in the next few years" Why are you destroying trust you guys have earned with users/modders and everyone else with something that isn't even finished?have your guinea pig group test it and run. Offer it openly for X amount of users get a test of the waters before jumping into the pool. I may be to cold. It may be to hot. but without dipping your toe in your not going to find out. your gonna have a shock to your system and it can cripple you if you haven't already hit the bottom of the pool head first.A whole paragraph you write is literally " No one know how its going to work including us and at the moment its all speculation"What is that. "major change to the TOS/Website but we don't know how it works. sorry deal with it. How is that fair or even right to do? You can speculate its going to work but folks cant speculate its not going to work? What is this tautology? "So far, our stance has been not to talk about our plans for collections publicly at all until the system was ready"Then why even post this major news? Why not wait till it was able to crawl and be tested? why literally talk about it in 2019. then go now "its coming" and then say "not yet tho" what is that?And the "We have talked to mods concerned about donations being lost and we (you and Pickysaurus) try to see it through modders eyes" Well short of you actually modding (which lets be fair its your own site your not going to disagree with something your wanting to do and are doing regardless of several hundreds if not thousands of users are going don't do it" Your not really seeing it from there view. your Site owner first and modder second from what we can see from you locking the thread and from previous posts from before.then you try and use some "mod author focused survey" as grounds as its been talked about and folks are general positive about it? That survey has very clear language. "MOD PACKS" Not "collection made by others using your work you can no longer remove" you did the Folgers coffee test "which is better? That one? guess what its something you never would try and had to be trickled and forced into try/retrying cause we want to prove this is better our way"and then you say your not going to implement donation points at first but if someone puts together 500 mods its only fair they get something for the hard work. What hard work? putting together a personal mod list and then sharing it cause youtube viewers keep asking for it? for twitch viewers? Sure it could of been hard or it could be easy who are you to judge the difficulty of it? let alone let a person who did something personally for fun to benefit off work that others did to create the mods that are used?"That being said, this is a project that is still in development and we’re likely not going to get everything right immediately. However, let me assure you that we are aware of the concerns that have been raised so far, we’re actively working on catering for them and we will be working with testers to help us iron out as many niggles as possible before it is released to the public"Then do it first test it first make it not just mod authors add in a couple hundred every day mod users who may not have high end PC's or gaming systems to help stress test it when you actually finish making the thing and not just burning the house around you to make sure its the only way for your new home to be built down."Where we want to go from here""At this moment we have already committed close to two years of development time, blood, sweat and tears to creating this collections system"A system that has yet to be released or massively used.In fact your speculating its going to work great and your plans are going to land running as you don't want bad speculation to ruin it. tho you admit it may not be perfect. "You wouldn't have done it if you didn't believe it was going to work." Look at company's that spends billions and years to upgrade things. They thought they would work to and it failed and cost them stocks and customers and all sorts of stuff. You can believe all you want without testing its meaningless without release to the public its meaningless."If we can pull this off - and this is our core conviction - everyone will win" 1: existing user of mods have convenience. i can look through for things i want and download what i. No new system is going to change that. But it might make it harder if i have to attempt to hunt down a collection or "mod pack" to find 1 mod out of dozens of hundreds of others in it.2: new users can mod easy.Nice that's great to do but like me way back when youtube helps. NMM (pre vortex) helped it did the work and was simple to understand. your lack of faith in someone doing something they want is sad.3: Mod authors will benefit from a larger audience and accumulate more downloads and donation points.So you aim to help mod authors with more people and downloads also cool. Oh you mean Donation points you implemented to try and retain them as if they moved away you would love clicks/users etc? That isn't a mark in your book. that's a "we want more money and will pay small amounts to keep authors around"4: Growth of the entire “modding ecosystem” meaning more mod users, more mod authors, and more mods.Once again this sounds nice and good but it comes back to more clicks for you. More authors uploading here. More Mods here. That's all you and your website first and the fact it helps authors or users second and third.You then post about donation points. and how it helps the authors make money from doing "what they love or do as a hobby" thats cool and all but they have to do it through you. Hell i apparently opted in but i don't upload anything. Nice to know forced automation at work. You have a Patreon that's awesome. I have never seen news or heard about it until today. I would be more then willing to throw 1$ at ya a month. No problem. hey while were at it why not make it that only? Pay us 1$ a month to have access to the website. all the mods you want.... Oh wait you would lose premium (paid increased service) folks who have paid to do things bigger and better. but you would definitely hit your dream of 1,000,000 to use for mod authors I'm sure."A change to file deletions and an important notice in light of collections""If you have come this far in reading this massive wall of text then you will hopefully recall two key points I am trying to convey: our goal is to make modding easier for everyone, and we believe a powerful collection system is the way to achieve this goal"Well no i did it so i can pull apart your "sweet words" so folks can see the issues in them "Joseph Seed". "we wanted to address issues deleting would have to collections" An issue that isn't yet a thing cause the system isn't running yet."We didn't know we would become this big so we have an issue with old Coding due to the past starting foundation" Well yes that happens when things grow old things need to be changed. So your trying to fix an old building without having to scrap it.. That isn't the best of ideas or smart. Even old old websites at some point start from scratch tell folks things will be down temp. Scrub the original stuff away and then put the new system into effect . Typically after some very through testing to make sure its doing the new age stuff properly. Cool you got developers working on the website. there is issues due to the massive load of new files and updated files causing issues. and if that was allowed to continue i mean the uploading and upgrading of files it can cause a huge issue for future collections from working as it can break the whole thing. Whats that? if a file is gone it breaks the collection. You mean the system you haven't finished or did beta testing on will die due to a file being removed cause the Owner of it removed it due to one reason or another then put a new one that's up to date. So on the basis owners controlling there files can hurt your future baby your taking those owners rights away? Not shocked everyone is calling you thieves including the websites posting news about this update."That being said, please note that the general technical reasons for why file deletions are a concern is not merely a figleaf to hide the fact that this is mostly a problem for collections. Let me stress that even without collections in the picture, file deletions and disappearing data constitute a problem and create a development environment that cannot serve as a strong foundation for the future of our platform." Your literally saying your future plans hinge on an issue you and your team is and are aware about but instead of starting from scratch making sure its implemented in a new stronger website. your adding struts /duct tape and new coding and then taking away poster rights because its the only way for your "foundation" to keep going with the way you want it to be.If the issue is with file deletion and disappearing data why not fix those issues first. then attempt to add collections in. Fix the spine of the book before more pages fall out and scatter in the wind."File archiving""Recognizing these problems, we made the difficult decision to change how file deletions work Instead of permanently removing a file, mod authors can now choose to archive it which will move it into a file archive and make it impossible to download directly unless specifically requested e.g. via the API."So you now hold and now lock the content away. The API can request it at anytime. Collections can take it at any time. But the author cant permanently due to technical issues and because it would ruin your upcoming "collection" idea.You also posted this new deletion change on a " semi-private mod author only forums on 22 June 2021" So not even public but "semi Private" you had several authors voicing concerns and alternative methods for it.1) Common users may badger them to make the file open to download and don't want that to happen. What can they do? Mod author can completely hide it which has its trade offs but it wont effect collection so its a moot issue. 2) What if a mod is completely useless and needs to be trashed? "Our goal ultimately is not to prevent deletions of files that are broken, it is to prevent arbitrary deletions eroding the integrity of the database on one hand, and undermining the collections system on the other."So don't want it to mess up the system and don't want it to effect the new big major change for collections (which once again isn't even finished or ready for testing) as its more work for you to prove the new method of collections is the "Future for the modding community" You will how ever in the future make it easier with a toolkit for them to remove said useless files AFTER collections is shown to work and function. also quote" That being said, let us be clear about the fact that we’re not going to bring back support for random file deletions, due to the problems they cause." So its not their work once its on your site. its yours to keep and use as Nexusmods sees fit to use. 3) Mod authors are worried about losing control of files they upload. what can they do? You and your team/group etc. Don't care. This is for you to control your website easier and better and no matter who says what or for what reason why don't care at all. If the file is against TOS it will be trashed but other then that files here on the website is here to stay forever. You as a Mod maker understand but its for the "comparable services" you want this site to be and the high standard you to be at. You will not budge this is your hill and others will die on it regardless if they want to or not.You literally go on a "we know how ya feel but its really for the best if you just side with us but if you don't its cool you can go somewhere else as we aren't on the same page" This is for "modding to be more accessible" the programs literally install the mods for you. (NMM /Vortex etc) . The system literally runs the files as they are installed. The only thing your doing is burning bridges and setting your home on fire cause you want to Look good and make your site the best. There is always going to be conflicts with one mod to another and has to be reorganized or arranged and its part of the learning curve."Opting out isn't a thing that can be done" your full of it. Just like mods can hide files have them mark a mod to be hidden from collections. Its not hard. Have it pop up "1 or more files are marked as hidden and cannot be downloaded would you like to continue to download" when the program attempts to start pulling the Mods from the source. Its not unreasonable. It really isn't. What is unreasonable is you literally taking control from folks that made your website what it is today and going "my rules or no ones rules"You hope you have changed us and our ways with the long essay post (you locked cause folks kept bringing up the same issue just a hint if its brought up again and again the issue isn't solved just a heads up.) you want it to be easy to download mods and play like you tubers or your friends or etc. That's nice and great and fantastic. If you can afford a development team have them make a new page a new website that does the collection bit and set up and works. have that one be no delete once they get the info have that one do all the new stuff your baby project is supposed to do. Have it the "new face" of your work of 20 years. Keep the old and let it act the way it does where they control their work. Your deleting process is ridiculous. August 5th is dead line. Less then a month away. Some folks don't show up for months at the time you going to grandfather them and let them do it later cause you decided and forced this change on everyone in the middle of the down time they take to do real life stuff? Not only is the email that is from the profile supposed to send you a template they then need to log in/on and respond to a message to go "yes i want to remove them cause your stealing my control from me" If they don't or cant they then are "upgraded" to the new "TOS" which you should really add this in and have folks re agree that you will hold art work/data files they put in at any point before 8/5/21 as you said so that's why and short of discretion of a MOD you will allow to be spread regardless of the creators intent or will.I wasn't swayed. I'm not a mod maker but i feel its their work and they should have say over it always unless paid for and traded/sold to you not because your ancient coding is bad or you refuse to restart it on a new better foundation. You are forcing folks to bow to your iron rule or to move along. I'm sure you have lost folks some are waiting and seeing others are going "yay sure better okay mods pls" But your no better then the Tech giants of apple/Google/Amazon.Your way or no way. Your a dictator and not a friend to the gaming/modding family anymore. You smile and shake hands as you hold a dagger behind them with the other. Your a "business" owner and we the users and the mod authors are just more $ for you. as you locked the real post I'm doing it here as a feedback regarding the new site changes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AliRiddle Posted July 5, 2021 Share Posted July 5, 2021 As a mod user about the collections/file archiving: I am shocked that a change like this is not opt in for the authors who want to do that. Those that are not as interested in their files being included in collections could've then continued as before. People who upload their files should always be allowed to remove them for any reason. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JohnDoeFromTF2 Posted July 6, 2021 Share Posted July 6, 2021 (edited) I was looking at the pinned comment on the latest news post, and I have a question. Quote Archived files can still be downloaded by users via collections, by free users and Premium users alike. Outside of that, both the mod id and file id is required, which is non-trivial for the average user to obtain.If free users can access files through collections traditionally (going to mod author's pages, what is stopping them from taking the link and sharing it? Edited July 6, 2021 by JohnDoeFromTF2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
M48A5 Posted July 6, 2021 Share Posted July 6, 2021 (edited) Nevermind. Edited July 6, 2021 by M48A5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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