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Am I correct in thinking that there is no way to reply to a specific post on the forums, only on the Nexus itself or by quoting the post I want to reply to?


A search of this topic turned up a similar question from back in 2013 but I just want to make sure that a) I understood correctly and b) nothing has changed since then.


If there isn't any way to reply to a post on the forums, is there a way to add basic formatting to a reply on the Nexus (e.g. bold, italics, links)? Or do I have to continue doing what I do currently: reply to the post on the Nexus then switch to the forum, edit my reply, and add the formatting/links? It seems a very cumbersome way of doing things, so I'm wondering if I'm missing something obvious.



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On the forum side you quote the post you want to reply to or you can add @+the posters name, but generally you can use the quote/multi quote feature.


If you want to add formating to a post on the nexus you need to switch to the forum view, the formatting will copy over to the nexus side. So, yes, keep doing what you're doing.


The forum code and the nexus code are two different animals which is why they work very differently.

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Yah, I copy-and-paste over sometimes, too, usually when I want a different font or text color.


Otherwise, if you know (or can look up) basic BBCode, you can type it yourself in file/image comments. (I usually type it in the forums, too, since I'm generally more comfortable with it.*) I assume you've found the light-switch button in the forum editor already, for grabbing the code.


And yes, there are some differences in which codes work where (such as youtube tags working only on files/images). Spoiler tags at least now work the same in both places, thanks to a recent update. And an updated editor for the file/image side seems to be on the Nexus to-do list.



* deleted remark about how in my day, we didn't have WYSIWYG editors on forums, blah blah blah uphill, both ways, in the snow, over dial-up... :smile:

Edited by AaronOfMpls
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I hope I am in the right spot, but since I have a question I must be. I am dowloading some mods and a couple of them failed of were cancelled. I sweep the failed mods out of he download manager of NMM, but when I try to download them again it gives me an error that tells me that they are already downloading. What am I doing wrong? Are the mods still downloading after they failed? How can I download the files if NMM keeps sending me this error?


Wrong place - This is the SITE feedback and not NMM troubleshooting. You will not get much help by posting in the wrong place.


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@Oubliette & AaronOfMpls: Thanks for the replies.


I was wondering what that light-switch button did as it was the only one that didn't offer an explanation when I hovered over it, and I hadn't been brave enough to click on it to find out.


A few years back, I used BBCode a fair bit on a ProBoards forum (and also preferred typing it manually to clicking the icons), so I might have a go at entering [b] and [/b] etc. directly on the Nexus.

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Derek: Click the controls in the bottom right corner of the player. You can add the video to your "watch later" list, view it on youtube.com, or open it full-screen.
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help how do i get racemenu to show up in my game im new to skyrim ,i have watch countless video's to learn how to get racemenu to show up but im not having any luck with it i just started playing skyrim for 3 days now and for the life of me i cant get racemenu to show up i press the button next to the number 1 and all type in showracemenu and it only brings up what race i want to be nothing else i hope someone can help me ty ...


Wrong place. This the the general Nexus site "Feedback, suggestions and questions" forum. You need to use the one appropriate for the specific game, and in this case for the specific mod, involved. --TNL

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I have a question regarding musical content in Mods.

Is is acceptable to include a remix of a musical piece in a mod on the Nexus?

The content in mind is a complete recreation of the original both in recording and arrangement.

Does doing so infringe on Nexus rules?

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@lennykrapitz; The same rules apply to music tracks as to any other content you're going to use in a mod. If you didn't create it yourself (your own performance) you need permission from whoever did. If it's your own work you can use it. :thumbsup:

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