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Wisdom in six words


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Fire burns when poked with fingers. 

Use a poker it is safer. 

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"Poke 'er?  I hardly know 'er!"

Has that joke been way overdone?

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Jokers and pokers stir up happiness.

Poker night was on every Thursday.

Jokers wives play weekends and days.

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Coughs that smoke are from marijuana.

I know because it's happening now.

I tried to hold it in.

But snot shot out my nose.

I may have a smoking problem.

However, there is a bright side.

Despite the boogers on my shirt,

THC effectiveness was far from diminished.

I can always wash my shirt.

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1 hour ago, Oblivionaddicted said:

Does Burd shave using Mehrune's Razor?

Silus Vesuius might well want to.

A wish that will go unfulfilled.

Edited by AaronOfMpls
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I won't reply to this topic!

I am too wise to reply!

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