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Inter-race cross breeding


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I thought I read it was possible somewhere. It could be a cool aspect for character creation for them to put in the next game. Like maybe you pick your main race and then pick the town you are from and based on the location you have x% chance to get x% of traits from the different people that live there. Like maybe if the character was from Whiterun their background is mostly nord but if they were from Bruma there would be a higher chance of different backgrounds mixed in maybe. just spit-balling

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There is a mod character called M'rissi which seems to be a Khajiit/Human interspecies. Many of the followers and presets offered by Japanese modders involve characters with various types of animal ears, suggesting some interspecies propagation.

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There is nothing says about folk and other races breeding, sex happens, but babies are no where to be found.


This can mean that:


-That the sex doesn't result in babies.


-Can happen, but it just not said.


-That beth did not make their minds on it.


-That the sex is not really that common, and it seems like it from what I have seen in oblivion and skyrim, I don't recall a beast person and an human/elf couple, I can think of many elfs pairs and humans and elfs, but not even one beast and other unless in books and it just purely sexual. With male Khajiit having barbed penises, we know that male Khajiit should not be common to have sex with, unless you don't value your insides.




There is a mod character called M'rissi which seems to be a Khajiit/Human interspecies.

There is many types of the Khajiit, some looking 100% human with maybe light fur, others are big big cats. It up to what moon they born under. Not human parents



Many of the followers and presets offered by Japanese modders involve characters with various types of animal ears, suggesting some interspecies propagation.

Nah, they are just Japanese and it common in Japanese fiction to have animal ear characters

Edited by Boombro
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There is a mod character called M'rissi which seems to be a Khajiit/Human interspecies. Many of the followers and presets offered by Japanese modders involve characters with various types of animal ears, suggesting some interspecies propagation.

Actually, if you read the Thalmor Justicar's (can't remember her name now) journal, you find that's not the case at all. I don't want to spoil it for anyone, but it's much darker than that.


As to the OP's question, the consensus in the lore community seems to be that Arogonians definitely can't breed with anything else, and Khjaiit probably can't either. Keep in mind, that's just what I've gotten from reading various forums, so that may not be completely true.

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We know sex happens between Man/Mer and the Beast Races. Barenziah had a tryst early on with a Khajiit, and we have at least one Dunmer-Argonian couple in ESO. Some will argue otherwise, but all the evidence we have points to the Dunmer as being quite promiscuous, so they've probably tried just about everyone...


Anyway, while we do know of interbreeding producing offspring amongst Man and Mer pairings of all sorts, we have yet to see any such confirmation from Argonians and Khajiit. As others have noted, the generall consensus is that its not possible, because of the radically gestation and maturation behaviours of the Khajiit and Argonians.


If it DOES happen, the offspring is almost certainly of the mother's race with little to no trace of the Father. IE, if the mother is Khajiit, you get a kitten. If the Mothers an Altmer, you get a baby High Elf. There doesn't seem to be any evidence of the same sort of cross-over you get with Man-Mer pairings.

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Somewhere in the game (not a mod) you run across a Dark Elf hunting a group of bandits in a Falmer infested dungeon. I don't want to spoil the adventure line itself, suffice to say that you find out that the Dunmer character's mother was Dark Elf and his father was a Khajiit. The only sign of his mixed heritage was one of his eyes, which he deliberately gouged out to be rid of it! Pretty hard-core there. Wish I could remember that NPC's name...

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Woah, that is pretty interesting!


That changes so much.



Wish I could remember that NPC's name...


I think I can find out, first of all, was it in a letter or a journal (book?)


Using the skyrim wiki, that lists all sorts of items with the holder, place and summery. One can easily trace such stuff.


Did the dunmer wore anything unique? Any quest you can recall? Name of the place?


The most important, are you sure it not a mod after all?

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