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This sounds like a sociological experiment in progress. Hmmm!


Also a scatalogical experiment, judging from some of the posts in the official (pinned) update thread about SKSE. :whistling:

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Be timorous enough to ask when it will be done - or how it is progressing - and you will be torn into tiny little bits by the self-appointed Defenders of the Faith.

Simply stating that you are looking forward to SKSE64 seems safe enough - but be careful.


Ahah, yeah I noticed.

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It is not about that or being negative to people looking forward to it. It is about posters like **t*r***I* that keep arguing, and arguing, and arguing some more. Or the fact most people could simply go to Silverlock.org and see the update.

Frankly I don't blame the team, they have lives and yes you can look forward to it all you want. By all means tell others, engage in conversation but quit whipping the dead horse trying to rush them.

It is disrespectful to the team saying "Give your work to others, you aren't rushing fast enough" (slight paraphrasing there) as opposed to simply stating they look forward to it. The entire thread should hopefully be just team updates or posts. I go to read updates, not scour pages trying to see through silly attempts to rush them.

If I was one of them and read it? I wouldn't be in such a rush. It is one thing to look forward to SKSSE64, it is another thing entirely to post that they should give their work to others when the ones that say that cannot even be bothered to read the current updates.

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"or that the team allows forks of their work."




Don't do drugs kids.



Dangit, Ethreon! You made me spit soda on my monitor laughing...


Really, you laughed at one of the overly used snowclone/templates when it comes to inadequate comebacks?


Seriously though, this thread is the sole reason we need paid mods. This project is dead because of the authors' arrogance.

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"or that the team allows forks of their work."




Don't do drugs kids.



Dangit, Ethreon! You made me spit soda on my monitor laughing...


Really, you laughed at one of the overly used snowclone/templates when it comes to inadequate comebacks?


Seriously though, this thread is the sole reason we need paid mods. This project is dead because of the authors' arrogance.



You sound salty lad. "arrogance" of the authors? What arrogance? I think you need to lay down the jet too.

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Whats wrong with this community? For every game Oblivion, F3, FNV, Skyrim, F4 they make a script extender. It take some time they cleary said they work on it. Whats so difficult to understand this?? They work in her FREE TIME COMPLETLY FREE so we all have fun in our free time. Its a shame what people wrote in this thread and in the other thread. If people mean this project is dead then go away mod a other game but dont bother the Team. Its done when its done.

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Whats wrong with this community? For every game Oblivion, F3, FNV, Skyrim, F4 they make a script extender. It take some time they cleary said they work on it. Whats so difficult to understand this?? They work in her FREE TIME COMPLETLY FREE so we all have fun in our free time. Its a shame what people wrote in this thread and in the other thread. If people mean this project is dead then go away mod a other game but dont bother the Team. Its done when its done.


+1 for this comment!


Although, to play the devil's advocate for a moment... -some of the folks complaining aren't whining about how long it's taking, but rather at the lack of any news. Some of them have offered to either assist, contribute (funds) or actually want to make their own script extender with their own group. While that sounds magnanimous on the surface, some folks are indeed getting "salty" on both sides. But more practically, there's specific problems with the offers being made.


Specifically (though not conclusively)...

"Assisting the Silverlock Team": That's not their real name, it's just what I use to refer to Behippo and the others. Anyway, they've already got their own group, which presumably knows each other's strengths and have therefore most likely apportioned the coding to be done in the most efficient manner possible. Adding additional people would most likely slow the actual coding process down. This isn't my opinion, just what I've heard other people (who claim to code) elucidate.

"Contribute funds": They can't accept donations for their work. It would get them in potential legal trouble. There are several reasons for this, many revolving around their "right" to produce and release code that hooks into the Skyrim game engine. I don't pretend to understand the legal ramifications, I simply take their word that they cannot accept donations.

"Create their own script extender since there seems to be little progress recently on SKSE": I understand this is something referred to as "forking" -as it creates new code/programming that does roughly the same thing, but operates differently. If I got that explanation wrong, please forgive me. Anyway, the Silverlock team would (apparently) prefer there be no forking of the script extender while they work on theirs. The problem some folks are having with this is that they feel that's too possessive. And that they should be allowed to go ahead and offer their own script extender if SKSE is going to take a long time to finish. I can understand that feeling. However, until (and if) the Silverlock team decides they cannot get SKSE-SE released, it is my opinion that we should wait. I realize that's not going to sit well with some folks. And I'm certainly NOT going to tell someone that they CAN'T write their own script extender. Frankly, that's none of my business to do so. But, I can voice my opinion. There's a difference.


Most of the animosity seems to stem from people getting hot-under-the-collar at each other's opinions -and then the posts start spiraling down into trolling mode. And I understand. It is really difficult for me to resist responding to a troll-like post. Other's either have thicker skin or can simply shed it off without reacting. I envy them. Which is probably one of the reasons I try not to jump down other's throats (too much.) Most of us (myself especially) don't like being criticized, even obliquely. So try to remember that everyone can have opinions. Even if you're certain they're wrong, even if you can prove it, -try to keep it civil.

Edited by LeddBate
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"or that the team allows forks of their work."




Don't do drugs kids.



Dangit, Ethreon! You made me spit soda on my monitor laughing...


Really, you laughed at one of the overly used snowclone/templates when it comes to inadequate comebacks?


Seriously though, this thread is the sole reason we need paid mods. This project is dead because of the authors' arrogance.



Because of their arrogance? The only one being arrogant here is you, kid. I don't understand some people, why is it so difficult to understand? It will be ready when it's ready, not before, and certainly not because you whine about it.

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