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I was thinking "Skeksis". Bonus points to anyone who knows what Skeksis are!


Yes, yes, totally off-topic. I'm sorry...

Edited by LeddBate
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I highly doubt anything is being done with SKSE64 at this point. If there was, wouldn't we have heard something about it by now?


Until we hear something to the contrary straight from the horse's mouth, I think it's safe to assume SKSE64 is in fact quite dead.

Edited by FilthyCasual523
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I highly doubt anything is being done with SKSE64 at this point. If there was, wouldn't we have heard something about it by now?


Until we hear something to the contrary straight from the horse's mouth, I think it's safe to assume SKSE64 is in fact quite dead.

why do you come in here and just make up hearsay? did you bother too read back and see the last update was a month ago, which by your standard is probably WAY too long even though it isnt, but have you ever made a program before? do you have ANY idea the man hours involved in making something like this happen? its only 4 people, who are doing this for FREE while you b&@*$ and moan about something you obviously know nothing about, while you sit there being completely unproductive to the community at large. if you had ANY semblance of intelligence you could look up the skse download update list before SE and see the you were lucky if you got an update every 2 months. god forbid anyone of these modders has a life outside of skyrim and cant give us an update on how in the 20 minutes they had freetime today they compiled a list and uploaded it in the new file for the future update. but nah guy you havnt seen a new download link or they havnt poseted on forums so come in here and talk s#*! about their hard work cause its not comming along fast enough for you

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I highly doubt anything is being done with SKSE64 at this point. If there was, wouldn't we have heard something about it by now?


Until we hear something to the contrary straight from the horse's mouth, I think it's safe to assume SKSE64 is in fact quite dead.

Quality shitpost right here.

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Just a clarification for leddbate:


Forking, in a programming context, is the practice of taking an existing codebase and building atop it in a way that diverges from the efforts of the rest of the code. By forking a codebase, the original set of code continues down it's own development path (you can think of this as one tine of a fork) while the forked copy goes down another (For reference, these 'tines' are usually called branches).


This means the skse team isn't, from your description, saying no one else can make a script extender, just that they don't want them using existing skse code to do it. There are a number of reasons for this policy, but from a modding perspective the most compelling is that it would diverge the modding base into skse and forked branch groups, reducing overall MOD intercompatibility in the long run.


It also means that the final version can be updated with confidence instead of being stained by reports actually stemming from the forked branch, facilitating maintenance, troubleshooting, and confidence in the final product.


And because I haven't said it before - thanks, behippo and team. I and the skyrim modding community eagerly await the fruits of your labor.

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I highly doubt anything is being done with SKSE64 at this point. If there was, wouldn't we have heard something about it by now?


Until we hear something to the contrary straight from the horse's mouth, I think it's safe to assume SKSE64 is in fact quite dead.

Quality shitpost right here.



I mean, what can you expect from him..

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