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Creation Kit for Skyrim Special Edition


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In response to post #47073530.

Shade1982 wrote:

I installed Skyrim Creation kit thought it was for Skyrim SE or is it ? Because when i try to make a follower or Npc it doesn't show up anything when i click on Actors.

The new Creation Kit is installed through the Bethesda Launcher. Any other is most likely the old CK.

Well it says "REQUIRES PC VERSION OF SKYRIM SPECIAL EDITION" but i already have Skyrim SE downloaded. And i have checked the update button too and it doesn't require any updates right now.

EDIT: NVM forgot to redeem the code !
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  • 6 months later...

Can we expect some further updates, for this mess called creation kit? The Creation Kit for original Skyrim was already terrible and full of bugs... But this one is... simply impossible to handle.

Whenever I try to work on my mod and try to work on the face of an NPC it simply shows me some weird preset that doesn't have anything to do with what is shown in the previously exported facegen... It simply can't reimport what it exported earlier... WTF? ... In original Skyrim CK it was no problem.

Edited by Conquestus
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  • 7 months later...
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In response to post #43864470. #43873875, #43899050, #43915220, #43922610, #43922805 are all replies on the same post.

ghostwalkr wrote: So in order to get the SE CK, you have to install their launcher?
Do we know if they'll release it to Steam, because I really don't need or want another game manager.
DFX2K9 wrote: it is on steam. It's similar to launchers from other games on steam as I understand.
ghostwalkr wrote: Checked both my library and tools, unfortunately I'm not seeing the CK listed. :(
bman011 wrote: seems someone was oblivious to the fact there is 2 version of the ck for skyrim
sparkskel wrote: if the creation kit is on steam, I would like to know how to get it.
Aragingmonk wrote: No steam version, no workshop mods. Before you downloaded CK from Steam and could publish mods straight to workshop. Now they will go to Beth net instead.

This is probably old news by now, but the CK on steam is for the 32 bit Skyrim, not Skyrim SE.
To get the 64 bit SE version of CK, you have to use Bethesda's launcher.
To get the 32 bit version of CK for the original version of Skyrim and Skyrim Legendary Edition, you can get that on Steam.
For the 32 bit CK, (the way I know of) open Steam and look to the top of your list of games where the search function is. Next to it you will see "GAMES" In bold letters. Click on that and a pop up list will appear. At the bottom of the list, you will see "Tools", click on that and you should find a list of tools. In that list you should find Creation Kit. Just, remember, that one is for the 32 bit version ONLY, not the 64 bit SE version.
Perhaps that will help some other's that are looking for the 'Oldrim' version of CK and help clarify the difference a little.
Happy modding.
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In response to post #46780440.

zsopota wrote: I got a bunch of warnings trying to convert something and it scared me because I've never modded anything for Skyrim before.

Revised comment:
If the warnings are from CK, what other's have said about clicking "Yes to All" is probably correct.
If you're getting warnings from you OS because you're trying to change files, it may be because you installed Steam, therefore Skyrim in your Windows "Program Files" folder, or "Program Files (x86)" folder. These folders are protected and make it difficult to mod Skyrim in, let alone create mods in the CK.
I would suggest checking out some videos on YouTube, made by either "Gopher" or "GamerPoets". Both give some 'very' comprehensive tutorials on how to install Skyrim, some even start with suggesting you install Steam in 'any' other folder, or better yet, on a different drive than you OS.
Not sure which problem you're having, and you've probably figured it out anyway, but perhaps this info can help someone else with similar problems. Edited by Ewookie1
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Here's my problem. I installed Skyrim SE and a small number of mods. A few that I'd like to port (for personal use) as well as perhaps creating one or two of my own. So I finally found the correct CK on Bethesda.net's launcher and installed it. It worked fine for a while. But then I found this SE CK fix mod on Nexus and some of the fixes sounded like things that would really help with problems I'd had. Only, once I installed it, it started telling me I didn't have the proper "virtualfile' handle or something like that, in the kernel32.dll. Well, a day or two later, they fixed that and I installed the update. Now, when I try to launch CK in MO2, it can't seem to find my mod list anymore. I've tried to find the instructions I had followed to install the CK into MO2, but can't seem to find them again! Does ANYONE know what I seem to be missing. MO2 Automatically recognizes CK and has created a tool for it, but when I run it, it doesn't find the MO2 mod list.

Is their some sort of argument I need to put into MO2's settings for it? I tried changing the default start folder to "D:\Games\MO2_SSE\Mods" which is where my mods are listed.


At the very least, could someone redirect me to one of those tutorials for installing CK in MO2?


Anyway, if there is 'any' help out there for me (other than those guys with the funny white coats with all those shiny buckles), I'd be REAL grateful.

Thanks guys.

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  • 1 month later...
In response to post #63910366.

Ewookie1 wrote: Here's my problem. I installed Skyrim SE and a small number of mods. A few that I'd like to port (for personal use) as well as perhaps creating one or two of my own. So I finally found the correct CK on Bethesda.net's launcher and installed it. It worked fine for a while. But then I found this SE CK fix mod on Nexus and some of the fixes sounded like things that would really help with problems I'd had. Only, once I installed it, it started telling me I didn't have the proper "virtualfile' handle or something like that, in the kernel32.dll. Well, a day or two later, they fixed that and I installed the update. Now, when I try to launch CK in MO2, it can't seem to find my mod list anymore. I've tried to find the instructions I had followed to install the CK into MO2, but can't seem to find them again! Does ANYONE know what I seem to be missing. MO2 Automatically recognizes CK and has created a tool for it, but when I run it, it doesn't find the MO2 mod list.
Is their some sort of argument I need to put into MO2's settings for it? I tried changing the default start folder to "D:\Games\MO2_SSE\Mods" which is where my mods are listed.

At the very least, could someone redirect me to one of those tutorials for installing CK in MO2?

Anyway, if there is 'any' help out there for me (other than those guys with the funny white coats with all those shiny buckles), I'd be REAL grateful.
Thanks guys.

Guess it's my turn to deal with this gigantic pain in the arse.

Any advice you can give as to WHERE Bethesda is hiding this application would be appreciated. I got the Launcher running, and it's not anywhere within this that I can find (Bethesda really really doesn't want us playing Skyrim anymore, not when we could be playing ESO and Fallout 76...). They don't even have TES 5 anywhere in their menus anymore.

OK, found it. The CK is under "Creation Kit" if you expand the menus on the left of the launcher now (for late 2018, the UI changes sometimes). I would've thought it would be filed under "The Elder Scrolls" or "Skyrim", where their other TES links are usually sorted.

This is as much fun as trying to get games registered via the Ubisoft Launcher.

And am I correct in stating, if all you want is the Creation Kit (and you are in your right mind), you will never ever run this stupid Launcher ever again?

Edited by DuchessOfKvetch
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