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Sorry to see more great mods removed


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Sparrowprince requested their own account be closed, it wasn't a banning. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5181555-sparrowprince-account-closed/


I was looking at the ban thread and noticed just about every account listed was closed by request. I don't know if that's the real reason for many of those accounts. Seems to me a lot of those I am seeing are spam accounts.

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In the case of Sparrowprince, it clearly states that they requested their account be closed. A shame, I really liked their mods.

I'm curious as to the state of this situation, and if there is a root cause for this exodus. Besides Friffy and Sparrowprince, what other prolific mod authors have vanished in the last few months?

Edited by AGreatWeight
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In the case of Sparrowprince, it clearly states that they requested their account be closed. A shame, I really liked their mods.

I'm curious as to the state of this situation, and if there is a root cause for this exodus. Besides Friffy and Sparrowprince, what other prolific mod authors have vanished in the last few months?


Snap n Build. :(

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Sparrowprince requested their own account be closed, it wasn't a banning. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5181555-sparrowprince-account-closed/


I was looking at the ban thread and noticed just about every account listed was closed by request. I don't know if that's the real reason for many of those accounts. Seems to me a lot of those I am seeing are spam accounts.


There's actually two separate forum areas now for banned versus closed by request accounts. Banned accounts get posted here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/188-forum-rules-and-warnings/ and that forum has a sub forum for closed by request accounts here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/631-closed-accounts/

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In the case of Snap N Build, the mod is just hidden. I saw the mod author post within the last 24 hours on this site, so it's possible that one may be down temporarily while they work on uploading a major update. I know they had a trello page https://trello.com/b/Q6VtzSYM/snap-n-build-v2-0 but it doesn't appear to have been updated in awhile. But perhaps the mod author is just prepping for something big and special for us for the holidays? :D

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Sparrowprince requested their own account be closed, it wasn't a banning. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5181555-sparrowprince-account-closed/


I was looking at the ban thread and noticed just about every account listed was closed by request. I don't know if that's the real reason for many of those accounts. Seems to me a lot of those I am seeing are spam accounts.


There's actually two separate forum areas now for banned versus closed by request accounts. Banned accounts get posted here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/188-forum-rules-and-warnings/ and that forum has a sub forum for closed by request accounts here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/631-closed-accounts/


AHH okay thanks for that. I am a bit surprised to see that they split the two kinds of bans / Requests. Kinda relieved since it probably makes organizing much easier. :)

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There's actually two separate forum areas now for banned versus closed by request accounts. Banned accounts get posted here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/188-forum-rules-and-warnings/ and that forum has a sub forum for closed by request accounts here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/631-closed-accounts/


AHH okay thanks for that. I am a bit surprised to see that they split the two kinds of bans / Requests. Kinda relieved since it probably makes organizing much easier. :smile:

Yeah there's even a pinned sticky in the subforum for the closed by requests about it being their way to keeping things organized better.

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Hello yall,


Some of you may have seen me floating around the nexus, others not. Im a mod user since 2012 but never learned to make mods. After reading this thread I just wanted to chime in my few cents as a user not a maker (which it looks like most of yall are).


First..the flattery...Thank you all for all the wonderful stuff you do. Without yall these games would be nowhere near as fun. Im sure ya dont hear it enough with all the demands us users make on yall.


Second..the sadness..It pains me to see we lost another modgod to stupid twits and thieves. As one of the legit users we feel the pain and im sure it only pressures other modgods (ethreon for one, how many mods are you maintaining now lol). It truly does hurt the community i have grown to love as a whole.


With that out of the way, I do fully agree and support the modgods in their right to remove their stuff and have started my own perm storage of mods since DDP pulled all his down (love the animated well he did). Having been around through a few games I can see the effect recent issues have had on the community. Modgods have had to get a bit more "rough" about all the badgering/requests/suggestions/demands. Personally I try to say thanks/endorse/kudo every mod in my perm collection and never take offence if told no to a suggestion. As a result of some of your works and a few comments here n there (some at me, some at others) I decided to start learning haw to make my own mods so that someday i will be able to contribute more then comments and playtesting to this wonderful community


As to paid mods I think crimson said it best:

"If paid mods ever come again, I honestly won't be putting a price tag. I don't even want to think about dealing with the hassle of entitled brats who think they own me because they paid for something. Not to mention paid mods would kill the modding community."

Again thank you for all you do. Know that there are many of us out here that truly appreciate it and that you inspire some (ok a few) of us to actually learn. **bows head and backs out of room**

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While nothing certain, all signs seem to indicate a future paid modding scene. We'll live and see :smile:



AGreatWeight, on 19 Dec 2016 - 9:52 PM, said:

I'm not clued up on what the furore was with the first attempt at paid mods; whether it was people uploading mods that weren't their creation, or other things?



People got upset they had to pay for mods. Simple as that.

I rhink for most people is was that simple, but I think for quite a few, it was the way it was implemented that made it untenable.


I really just wish Beth would work with Nexus to create a paid membership site as a way to at least ease into paid mods. This way mod authors get some money but don't necessarily have a direct link to entitled users. Not that it would eliminate the bigger schmucks anyway, but at least it would keep a layer of seperation. Also may help Beth from creating another complete cluster.

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