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[WIPz] Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE64)


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Some ideas:


2) Write to Behesda for permission. Tell Bethesda that we would be just as happy if they did it, and released SKSE64 as a paid feature of Skyrim SE (say, an expansion pack costing US $20). If they are not interested, then secure their permission to raise funds via a site like gofundme.com

Wow, the F***?

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Oh just screw it, lets just play Oldrim.


Actually, I've changed my tune and now prefer to play SE. So many great mods have been ported over with "workarounds" to get past the "no MCM" issue that I'm now having a blast with it. You can even use the abbreviated SkyUI to get rid of the fugly interface (you just don't get any of the bells and whistles that SkyUI gives you in Oldrim.)


EDIT: Mind you, I'll happily adopt SKSE 64bit and SkyUI SE when they become available. I just no longer feel the need to wait as SE now has a nice selection of mods.

Edited by LeddBate
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Only reason I want SKSE64, besides for SkyUI is for Legacy of The Dragonborn Gallery. To be able to run that mod and all the mods associated with it would be heaven. Tried getting the perfect build to work on my new laptop, but it won't, so I've moved to Skyrim SE, checking out the new mods, seeing what I like, so that if the day eventually comes where SKSE64 arrives, and Legacy is ported over, I'll already have a good set up in mind except for those mods that need SKSE to run like Uncapper. Only learnt last night that it needs skse to run

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I seriously wish they'd allow donations or some sh*t like that. I also wish we had more developers working on it. Seriously, f*cking 7 months later and we're still waiting. I just tried playing Oldrim and had my a*s handed to me by my f*cked up combination of bad mods and a bad mod manager that won't properly install/uninstall mods without running in admin mode. I'm just seriously pissed off right now. I'm not mad at the skse64 devs, they're doing their best and doing it for free. But the latter is their stupid choice and if they'd let the community pay them for their time I bet they'd get enough donations to quit their day jobs and just focus on this and we'd have it in no time.


I've put hundreds of hours into my oldrim save, mods and it's just frustrating thinking of all that time I'd have to spend reconfiguring it and reinstalling of all my mods, etc. etc. etc. etc. to get it to work. I can't bring myself to do it on a version of a game that's going to hopefully be useless sometime this century....

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They gave us an update last month, let me translate it for you: "this is a lot of work, we are doing it, but it will require time. No release date since we can't know when it's done, but it will be done, be sure about it".

I want to play Skyrim SE with SKSE64 as bad as anyone one, maybe even more, but I understand this isn't something we can cry about while writing "I want it and I want it now" kind of posts all over the internet. It's useless and disrespectful towards the developers of the script extender. Also, all this talk about money and how they would make it come out faster are idiotic: the team said many times in different interviews they don't create script extenders out of money, but as a fun activity for their gaming life. They also said they will never accept money for it because it would make creating it a paid job and they already do that for a living in their everyday life, this is fun for them, an hobby.

So please guys, do whatever you want, but please stop complaing. I understand people not wanting playing the Old Skyrim anymore, I'm one of them, I don't want to touch that thing ever again because I lost too many characters I invested a lot in because of crashes and stuttering and bugs. Just play something else in the meanwhile. I just finished New Vegas with many mods and quest mods and it was amazing, I'm thinking of playing it again for a second round. Also the Witcher Wild Hunt is an amazing game, go play or replay that. Right now I just started Oblivion again. We have stuff in the meanwhile, there is no need to bother the SKSE team with complaining.

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Interesting topic. I recently chose to mod out a skyrim se play through mostly following the SEPTIM guide and can honestly say, the game is so far more stable and enjoyable to me over oldrim. First, my enb works correctly, cleaner and quicker loading and NO CTD playing up to level thirty seven so far. In addition, ninety five percent of the mods I care about are already ported. Moreover, some of the mod authors did a rewrite to work around no MCM and re-coded rather than just porting with some enhancements and stability improvements. Yes, there are a couple thIngs missing still (convenient horses should be out any day now), but overall the loss of SKSE has had little impact to me in contrast to the Far greater stability improvements. Your mileage may vary, but I am having more fun now on SE than oldrim just by virtue of the stability and visual improvements I am enjoying. 95% is close enough for me. Yes, SKYUI non-hack will be great someday, but the move to SE was worth the ugluier UI to me. Your mileage may vary. SE>CTD
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But the latter is their stupid choice and if they'd let the community pay them for their time I bet they'd get enough donations to quit their day jobs and just focus on this and we'd have it in no time.

You seem to assume they work as dishwashers or something. As far as I know, their jobs are way "better" than what they are or could be doing here, even for money. Also, by what I know about the typical donation amounts here, this might maybe feed them for a month or two. A real job feeds them for years or decades.


They gave us an update last month, let me translate it for you: "this is a lot of work, we are doing it, but it will require time. No release date since we can't know when it's done, but it will be done, be sure about it".

The dev gave no reassurance whatsoever, that the project will be completed. He merely stated what has been done and what still has to be done.


Full quote of the statement:


Sorry, this isn't intended to be an April Fools joke or something like that.


I don't really have any good news. A large amount of the core code (papyrus support, scaleform support, etc) is ready, but the layout of most of the game data classes still needs to be verified as unchanged from the 32-bit version.


I haven't had any time to work on this for the past few months due to work, and I assume the same is true for Stephen. Making time estimates for full-time professional engineering projects is very hard, and this is far from that.


Again, sorry for getting people's hopes up.

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