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Is Fallout: New Vegas worth re-purchasing?


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i've been playing fallout 4 for sometime and late into the game im beginning to understand some of the criticisms. you're kinda forced into playing the main story or the substories. and only a few of the quest mods satisfy.


and while this isnt a huge problem for skyrim, i worry that eventually i'll be doing the exact same thing im doing in fallout 4 (trying to discover every location and clearing every cell). Each hold has its respective quests and special locations but i still sometimes get the feeling that i can never play as someone besides the dragonborn/sole survivor/chosen one.


before i consider buying new vegas for pc, i wanted to hear if the game catered to the audience of people wanting to make their own characters and stories. is there an abundance or well made quest mods? is it immersive?


and on a side note, has this been an attribute of skyrim all along and i just needed to dig for more quest mods?

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FONV is a lot better at freeing up the lead character and letting you choose what type of person you are. the only things you know about the lead are as follows:


1) former over glorified mail man

2) shot in the head

3) wants revenge (if you play the main quest)


the main quest does not feel forced on you at all and can for the most part be avoided entirely. on top of that your character is almost a clean slate with several options of dialog to choose from that allows you to play out a role quite easily. the only thing that i believe ruins the character is one of the DLC lonesome road as it sort of creates a back story for your character albeit a vague one.


the game has a lot of freedom and you can easily ignore quests and just do what you want. with mods the game gets better. really in my opinion what ruins the game is that it was released early and is incomplete (blame Bethesda they rushed it out the door, no seriously, i'm not trying to be salty towards them or anything that is the truth) and that can be obvious at times. i strongly encourage you to get it.

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For what FONV costs these days I'd recommend trying it, but I agree with most everything qwertyzeldar said. The game struck me as disjointed either as much as or more than unfinished, and it's what ruined any chance of immersion for me. This also isn't meant as a personal swipe to Bethesda, but imo FONV is what happens when a game is designed by corporate committees instead of hardcore gamers, tries to please everyone and winds up pleasing no one. Also imo the exact opposite of immersion is being forced to watch long, dull (most of them are pans of static screen images, beyond belief for a video game imo) and uninterruptable cutscenes, which honestly sound like they were written by the author of Harry Potter. Way too many half-told stories to tie up, and the authors don't delve too far into a single one of them. So I didn't feel invested in any way toward anyone in the game. Also it was the first game I remember where I didn't even realize the climax ending was the climax ending.


Still trying to understand what there is about radiation poisoning that makes people turn into or wish to become cowboys. Who knows.

Edited by TheMastersSon
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  On 1/27/2017 at 3:12 PM, DisGuyOvahEere said:


  On 1/27/2017 at 7:11 AM, DisGuyOvahEere said:

got it

none of the mods are working

anyone know a good how to guide?

specifically hud mods



These kinds of mods have to be installed in the right order otherwise menus and functions can be lacking or broken.


In case you haven't already read everything here, I would start here: UIO - User Interface Organizer

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  On 1/29/2017 at 11:54 PM, wizardmirth said:


  On 1/27/2017 at 3:12 PM, DisGuyOvahEere said:


  On 1/27/2017 at 7:11 AM, DisGuyOvahEere said:

got it

none of the mods are working

anyone know a good how to guide?

specifically hud mods



These kinds of mods have to be installed in the right order otherwise menus and functions can be lacking or broken.


In case you haven't already read everything here, I would start here: UIO - User Interface Organizer


NVSE is also not working.

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