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So. What is your personal interpratation of the SOPA and PIPA acts?


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The SOPA bill is wrong. Plain and simple.


What is your personal interpratation of what it will do?


Heres mine.


It will limit the content of many major websites, like Facebook, Youtube, and Google.


It will end up encouraging piracy, rather then discouraging it.


It will end up wrecking most torrent search sites.


It will also go down in flames.


That's mine, what is yours?

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Think snowball rolling downhill, these two (SOPA & PIPA) are just the half course of the avalanche. If they pass, nothing will be able to prevent TC being fully implemented soon afterward.


To understand what's TC, think your PC is now "hardware level" censored and censor, the documents you write are not yours anymore but owned by the software in what it was done, use your imagination and try to see the other goodnessness it can bring to you. TC means trusted computing, ask yourself "trusted" to whom, if you find it is to you, I'm sorry.


PS: If you think I'm exaggerating... look at the CK itself and that planned "integration" with Steam... are you sure the mod you are making is yours in any way now?

Edited by nosisab
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I believe if it passes it'll stand for a while. When the clauses start to be abused, which they will if they're instated in current form, it'll garner a lot of negative attention. Eventually a large company or a really, really gutsy individual will challenge it, take it to the supreme court, and it'll end up getting shredded down to sane standards.


I personally don't intend to purchase any media beyond games, as well, if SOPA goes live. No, I'm not pirating, I'll just do without. If I can't have sane laws then they can't have my money. :) I do imagine slightly more disgruntled people who are e-savvy might start pirating more often, but this is inconsequential to the fact that existing pirates won't care. Piracy won't even stumble a bit. It'll just carry on.


Hollywood will just have to learn to make movies people want to pay to see. :psyduck: Crazy idea, I know.

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as an American citizen, I would abide the law, wage war on terrorism, and support my capitalist senators elected by myself and rely on the U.S. Department of Justice to seek court orders against websites outside U.S. jurisdiction accused of infringing on copyrights, or of enabling or facilitating copyright infringement, to promote prosperity, creativity, entrepreneurship, and innovation by combating the theft of U.S. property, and for other purposes, and to ensure my safety. and their profit.


but Since I'm not an American citizen, being Really, like REALLY far away from the US of A. I really can't care. as long as the proposed bill doesn't intervene with my interest, let the black-outs, debates and protests continue. the laws don't seem to stop pirates right now, how could some proposed, theoretical, slightly Autocratic, stop them then???

Edited by Ihoe
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It's wrong. Torrent sites have legal things on them, and are major, it's not their fault that they have illegal crap that they can't whipe without tracing proof. It's really the goverments fault that piracy is happening, and they want to ruin the internet because of it. And it won't just affect America, the UK will have restricted access to American based things that were affected.
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The Stop Online Piracy Act...


It's stupid. :rolleyes:



Google and Wiki are already protesting, and good luck convincing the other major websites that taking a small slice of their pie won't be so bad. As soon as they here "take", the opposition begins. Not to mention that it is a direct violation to our rights, justified, I'm sure, by some absurd excuse to clean up the Internet. This bill isn't going to work IMO. The internet is just too big to regulate, and its growing faster than SOPA could possibly hope to catch up to. It's just another example for us to question on what goes through the minds of those politicians everyday.

Edited by Keanumoreira
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