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What can be done to defuse America?


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Basing your argument on "climate change" isn't going to be a winning strategy. Is the climate changing? Yes, yes it is. Is man the SOLE cause? Hardly. Is man a contributor? Quite likely. Is he the MAJOR contributor? Still open for debate.



Pence is even more of a right-wing-nut than Trump..... I REALLY don't want him as pres....... Trump, on the other hand, has backpedaled some, on a fair few of his issues. Congress also seems to be keeping him more or less "in check", on some of his more extreme views.


Then we have his policies that people actually LIKE..... America FIRST. Something our government hasn't thought about in decades.


Hehe,my argument is not climate change,my suggestion was to impeach the most dangerous man that has ever held the office of president of the United States.I didn't know you were an environmental scientist whose research contradicts mainstream science or i would have not have posted such a foolish statement.Yes,America first is a great..um...slogan. ;)


Hmm,interesting,the title of this thread is,"What can be done to defuse America"but now it's the issue the world is facing the OP is concerned with.

Since the OP doesn't think that the Trump presidency has an effect on this world there's not much more i care to say.Bye...

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Basing your argument on "climate change" isn't going to be a winning strategy. Is the climate changing? Yes, yes it is. Is man the SOLE cause? Hardly. Is man a contributor? Quite likely. Is he the MAJOR contributor? Still open for debate.



Pence is even more of a right-wing-nut than Trump..... I REALLY don't want him as pres....... Trump, on the other hand, has backpedaled some, on a fair few of his issues. Congress also seems to be keeping him more or less "in check", on some of his more extreme views.


Then we have his policies that people actually LIKE..... America FIRST. Something our government hasn't thought about in decades.


Hehe,my argument is not climate change,my suggestion was to impeach the most dangerous man that has ever held the office of president of the United States.I didn't know you were an environmental scientist whose research contradicts mainstream science or i would have not have posted such a foolish statement.Yes,America first is a great..um...slogan. :wink:


Hmm,interesting,the title of this thread is,"What can be done to defuse America"but now it's the issue the world is facing the OP is concerned with.

Since the OP doesn't think that the Trump presidency has an effect on this world there's not much more i care to say.Bye...


Sorry, I mispoke when I added the World and people are not following the spirit of diffusing, when they attribute everything to President Trump, To talk about impeachment against someone you say is the most dangerious man to hold the oval office is just more patrisan rhetoric.It will simply continue to stoke the fires of partisanship. This does the exact opposite of what the topic is about.


I would argue that, no matter who was placed in the white house that there would be factions that would see him/her as dangerous or destructive. It doesn't matter who anyone wants to snarl at or the excuse in which it is used, since it is ultimately, we as Americans need to clean up our own messes. That mess is that we describe each other and some of us, ourselves as what our political leanings are, instead of Americans. What i'm talking about is how do we, as citizens get beyond the partisan bickering and grandstanding. President Trump didn't put himself in office. It was a progression of polarizing individuals who those of the opposition denied the respect due to a setting president. Fear and anger backed up by prejudice that the media fostered into a seething caldron of hate that is tearing this country apart.

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Yeah. I sometimes wonder why people who are against President Trump forget that the right had to, as they would say "endured" eight years of President Obama. To their credit, the right never went as far off the edge in 2920 days of the Obama administration, as the left has gone off in less than 100 days of President Trump.


It seems that when I want to remove partisanship from a thread about defusing political angst, that some of these same types of people would rather take their toys and go home, then discuss how to be less anal about acting out on their beliefs.

This reminds me of the thread I posted here about left wing totalitarianism. Same same GI.

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Basing your argument on "climate change" isn't going to be a winning strategy. Is the climate changing? Yes, yes it is. Is man the SOLE cause? Hardly. Is man a contributor? Quite likely. Is he the MAJOR contributor? Still open for debate.



Pence is even more of a right-wing-nut than Trump..... I REALLY don't want him as pres....... Trump, on the other hand, has backpedaled some, on a fair few of his issues. Congress also seems to be keeping him more or less "in check", on some of his more extreme views.


Then we have his policies that people actually LIKE..... America FIRST. Something our government hasn't thought about in decades.


Hehe,my argument is not climate change,my suggestion was to impeach the most dangerous man that has ever held the office of president of the United States.I didn't know you were an environmental scientist whose research contradicts mainstream science or i would have not have posted such a foolish statement.Yes,America first is a great..um...slogan. :wink:


Hmm,interesting,the title of this thread is,"What can be done to defuse America"but now it's the issue the world is facing the OP is concerned with.

Since the OP doesn't think that the Trump presidency has an effect on this world there's not much more i care to say.Bye...


I have a degree in environmental geoscience. I actually do have a clue, and I am not biased by who is writing my paycheck, or funding my research.


I all reality, I don't think there is ANY way to defuse the current situation. We are going to have to let it run its course, and see what happens.....

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Basing your argument on "climate change" isn't going to be a winning strategy. Is the climate changing? Yes, yes it is. Is man the SOLE cause? Hardly. Is man a contributor? Quite likely. Is he the MAJOR contributor? Still open for debate.



Pence is even more of a right-wing-nut than Trump..... I REALLY don't want him as pres....... Trump, on the other hand, has backpedaled some, on a fair few of his issues. Congress also seems to be keeping him more or less "in check", on some of his more extreme views.


Then we have his policies that people actually LIKE..... America FIRST. Something our government hasn't thought about in decades.


Hehe,my argument is not climate change,my suggestion was to impeach the most dangerous man that has ever held the office of president of the United States.I didn't know you were an environmental scientist whose research contradicts mainstream science or i would have not have posted such a foolish statement.Yes,America first is a great..um...slogan. :wink:


Hmm,interesting,the title of this thread is,"What can be done to defuse America"but now it's the issue the world is facing the OP is concerned with.

Since the OP doesn't think that the Trump presidency has an effect on this world there's not much more i care to say.Bye...


I have a degree in environmental geoscience. I actually do have a clue, and I am not biased by who is writing my paycheck, or funding my research.


I all reality, I don't think there is ANY way to defuse the current situation. We are going to have to let it run its course, and see what happens.....


My opinion on letting it run it's course is that what it might end up as being. We've already had one civil war and we don't need another one, especially with today's tech advances and the level of firearms we have in this country.

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My opinion on letting it run it's course is that what it might end up as being. We've already had one civil war and we don't need another one, especially with today's tech advances and the level of firearms we have in this country.


Civil War? Tend to doubt it, besides most liberals are against guns and conservatives tend to be proficient with a variety of weapons. Even liberals aren't that stupid.

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My opinion on letting it run it's course is that what it might end up as being. We've already had one civil war and we don't need another one, especially with today's tech advances and the level of firearms we have in this country.


Civil War? Tend to doubt it, besides most liberals are against guns and conservatives tend to be proficient with a variety of weapons. Even liberals aren't that stupid.


i suggest you look to the evening news to get a rather small sample of what the Left is able to through at the right in a war of ideology that even now takes few prisoners. Guns can kill those who physically come at you. Those in real power need not even be in your area. They just send hack into your personal records and wipe any knowledge of you off the map. Try living without a bank account.

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My opinion on letting it run it's course is that what it might end up as being. We've already had one civil war and we don't need another one, especially with today's tech advances and the level of firearms we have in this country.


Civil War? Tend to doubt it, besides most liberals are against guns and conservatives tend to be proficient with a variety of weapons. Even liberals aren't that stupid.


i suggest you look to the evening news to get a rather small sample of what the Left is able to through at the right in a war of ideology that even now takes few prisoners. Guns can kill those who physically come at you. Those in real power need not even be in your area. They just send hack into your personal records and wipe any knowledge of you off the map. Try living without a bank account.


You have a very dark perspective in contrast I have faith in the American system in the long run. My crazy ass neighbors with their "resist' signs do not bother me, those in the political wilderness usually howl at the moon...it's just noise. As for being wiped off the info verse..their reach better be world wide to be effective.

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My opinion on letting it run it's course is that what it might end up as being. We've already had one civil war and we don't need another one, especially with today's tech advances and the level of firearms we have in this country.


Civil War? Tend to doubt it, besides most liberals are against guns and conservatives tend to be proficient with a variety of weapons. Even liberals aren't that stupid.


i suggest you look to the evening news to get a rather small sample of what the Left is able to through at the right in a war of ideology that even now takes few prisoners. Guns can kill those who physically come at you. Those in real power need not even be in your area. They just send hack into your personal records and wipe any knowledge of you off the map. Try living without a bank account.


You have a very dark perspective in contrast I have faith in the American system in the long run. My crazy ass neighbors with their "resist' signs do not bother me, those in the political wilderness usually howl at the moon...it's just noise. As for being wiped off the info verse..their reach better be world wide to be effective.


The American system died out along the same time as being treated in a dignified manner became the excursive reward for correct thinking. As far as faith is concerned. i have a very real faith in humanities capacity to delude themselves into believing their excremental is exclusively odor free and one's ideology was sacrosanct.


We don't have an American system. We have imaginary chains around our necks that we humorously call civility that keep the liberals and the conservative from doing in public what they do in private and them blame each other for governmental intransigence. They are there for power and care nothing for any of us except that they can sic us on each other by calling the other side evil l and we salivate like Pavlov's dogs.


This is not America any more. This is hate being inflamed by fear and being perpetrated on all of us through deception and we lap it up because it makes us feel virtuous.

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