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What can be done to defuse America?


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Basing your argument on "climate change" isn't going to be a winning strategy. Is the climate changing? Yes, yes it is. Is man the SOLE cause? Hardly. Is man a contributor? Quite likely. Is he the MAJOR contributor? Still open for debate.



Pence is even more of a right-wing-nut than Trump..... I REALLY don't want him as pres....... Trump, on the other hand, has backpedaled some, on a fair few of his issues. Congress also seems to be keeping him more or less "in check", on some of his more extreme views.


Then we have his policies that people actually LIKE..... America FIRST. Something our government hasn't thought about in decades.


Hehe,my argument is not climate change,my suggestion was to impeach the most dangerous man that has ever held the office of president of the United States.I didn't know you were an environmental scientist whose research contradicts mainstream science or i would have not have posted such a foolish statement.Yes,America first is a great..um...slogan. :wink:


Hmm,interesting,the title of this thread is,"What can be done to defuse America"but now it's the issue the world is facing the OP is concerned with.

Since the OP doesn't think that the Trump presidency has an effect on this world there's not much more i care to say.Bye...


Sorry, I mispoke when I added the World and people are not following the spirit of diffusing, when they attribute everything to President Trump, To talk about impeachment against someone you say is the most dangerious man to hold the oval office is just more patrisan rhetoric.It will simply continue to stoke the fires of partisanship. This does the exact opposite of what the topic is about.


I would argue that, no matter who was placed in the white house that there would be factions that would see him/her as dangerous or destructive. It doesn't matter who anyone wants to snarl at or the excuse in which it is used, since it is ultimately, we as Americans need to clean up our own messes. That mess is that we describe each other and some of us, ourselves as what our political leanings are, instead of Americans. What i'm talking about is how do we, as citizens get beyond the partisan bickering and grandstanding. President Trump didn't put himself in office. It was a progression of polarizing individuals who those of the opposition denied the respect due to a setting president. Fear and anger backed up by prejudice that the media fostered into a seething caldron of hate that is tearing this country apart.


Defusing,defusing here we go again.The removal of Trump is the first step to defuse the turmoil that the Trump administration is perpetuating on the American people and the world at large.It's not at all partisan for plenty of republicans are having problems with this man-child's behavior.Our greatest sin is in allowing an antiquated system such as the electoral college to continue to exist.I'm sure that i don't have to point out that the popular vote was not in his favor.Thus the LEADERS had nothing to do with this reprobates election.

Addiction to politics is a reality,i'm sure, but there are scores of us that are apolitical whose only interests are the concern for the betterment of humankind.All inclusiveness and rational humanistic acceptance is now taking a back seat to Trumps racist,misogynistic,homophobic,xenophobic rhetoric.Trump is not my president.

Edited by gandalftw
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Basing your argument on "climate change" isn't going to be a winning strategy. Is the climate changing? Yes, yes it is. Is man the SOLE cause? Hardly. Is man a contributor? Quite likely. Is he the MAJOR contributor? Still open for debate.



Pence is even more of a right-wing-nut than Trump..... I REALLY don't want him as pres....... Trump, on the other hand, has backpedaled some, on a fair few of his issues. Congress also seems to be keeping him more or less "in check", on some of his more extreme views.


Then we have his policies that people actually LIKE..... America FIRST. Something our government hasn't thought about in decades.


Hehe,my argument is not climate change,my suggestion was to impeach the most dangerous man that has ever held the office of president of the United States.I didn't know you were an environmental scientist whose research contradicts mainstream science or i would have not have posted such a foolish statement.Yes,America first is a great..um...slogan. :wink:


Hmm,interesting,the title of this thread is,"What can be done to defuse America"but now it's the issue the world is facing the OP is concerned with.

Since the OP doesn't think that the Trump presidency has an effect on this world there's not much more i care to say.Bye...


I have a degree in environmental geoscience. I actually do have a clue, and I am not biased by who is writing my paycheck, or funding my research.


I all reality, I don't think there is ANY way to defuse the current situation. We are going to have to let it run its course, and see what happens.....


Cool,i admire your education though i never said anything about being biased.You might consider giving evidence or at the very least providing links to sources that would provide verification for your claims.Just a suggestion my young brother....

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Basing your argument on "climate change" isn't going to be a winning strategy. Is the climate changing? Yes, yes it is. Is man the SOLE cause? Hardly. Is man a contributor? Quite likely. Is he the MAJOR contributor? Still open for debate.



Pence is even more of a right-wing-nut than Trump..... I REALLY don't want him as pres....... Trump, on the other hand, has backpedaled some, on a fair few of his issues. Congress also seems to be keeping him more or less "in check", on some of his more extreme views.


Then we have his policies that people actually LIKE..... America FIRST. Something our government hasn't thought about in decades.


Hehe,my argument is not climate change,my suggestion was to impeach the most dangerous man that has ever held the office of president of the United States.I didn't know you were an environmental scientist whose research contradicts mainstream science or i would have not have posted such a foolish statement.Yes,America first is a great..um...slogan. :wink:


Hmm,interesting,the title of this thread is,"What can be done to defuse America"but now it's the issue the world is facing the OP is concerned with.

Since the OP doesn't think that the Trump presidency has an effect on this world there's not much more i care to say.Bye...


I have a degree in environmental geoscience. I actually do have a clue, and I am not biased by who is writing my paycheck, or funding my research.


I all reality, I don't think there is ANY way to defuse the current situation. We are going to have to let it run its course, and see what happens.....


Cool,i admire your education though i never said anything about being biased.You might consider giving evidence or at the very least providing links to sources that would provide verification for your claims.Just a suggestion my young brother....


Young? :smile: I wish. I *might* be younger than you, but, I wouldn't expect by very much......


Just look at the history of the world. How many cities are under water, and have been so, for more than a thousand years? What caused sea level rise then? It certainly wasn't industrialized man....... Where I live, the climate has gone from tropical, to buried under a mile of ice, no less than six times, in the last few hundred million years. If that isn't evidence that climate changes, regardless of what man is doing, I don't know what would be.


An easy google search will bring up studies that show that CO2 content, actually FOLLOWS temp change....... that evidence suggests that 'green house gases' that everyone is chicken littling about aren't necessarily the entire problem. I have little doubt that man is contributor, maybe even as much as cows...... but, we most certainly are NOT the "sole cause". I suspect we are simply accelerating a natural process. We can either adapt to the changing conditions, or, we can die out. Either way, the planet will go on.


I don't think removing trump from office would make one whit of difference in defusing anything. Besides, would you really want "President Pence"? Some of his ideas are even more whacky than The Donalds..... Had Hilary won the election, we would likely be having the EXACT same discussion, just from different sides of it. :smile: At this point in time, we are a population divided, on purpose, by our government. "Divide and conquer" has more applications than just in War. They keep pointing at the 'other guys' as 'the enemy', so that we don't notice who the real enemy is. Our own government.

Edited by HeyYou
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Basing your argument on "climate change" isn't going to be a winning strategy. Is the climate changing? Yes, yes it is. Is man the SOLE cause? Hardly. Is man a contributor? Quite likely. Is he the MAJOR contributor? Still open for debate.



Pence is even more of a right-wing-nut than Trump..... I REALLY don't want him as pres....... Trump, on the other hand, has backpedaled some, on a fair few of his issues. Congress also seems to be keeping him more or less "in check", on some of his more extreme views.


Then we have his policies that people actually LIKE..... America FIRST. Something our government hasn't thought about in decades.


Hehe,my argument is not climate change,my suggestion was to impeach the most dangerous man that has ever held the office of president of the United States.I didn't know you were an environmental scientist whose research contradicts mainstream science or i would have not have posted such a foolish statement.Yes,America first is a great..um...slogan. :wink:


Hmm,interesting,the title of this thread is,"What can be done to defuse America"but now it's the issue the world is facing the OP is concerned with.

Since the OP doesn't think that the Trump presidency has an effect on this world there's not much more i care to say.Bye...


I have a degree in environmental geoscience. I actually do have a clue, and I am not biased by who is writing my paycheck, or funding my research.


I all reality, I don't think there is ANY way to defuse the current situation. We are going to have to let it run its course, and see what happens.....


Cool,i admire your education though i never said anything about being biased.You might consider giving evidence or at the very least providing links to sources that would provide verification for your claims.Just a suggestion my young brother....


Young? :smile: I wish. I *might* be younger than you, but, I wouldn't expect by very much......


Just look at the history of the world. How many cities are under water, and have been so, for more than a thousand years? What caused sea level rise then? It certainly wasn't industrialized man....... Where I live, the climate has gone from tropical, to buried under a mile of ice, no less than six times, in the last few hundred million years. If that isn't evidence that climate changes, regardless of what man is doing, I don't know what would be.


An easy google search will bring up studies that show that CO2 content, actually FOLLOWS temp change....... that evidence suggests that 'green house gases' that everyone is chicken littling about aren't necessarily the entire problem. I have little doubt that man is contributor, maybe even as much as cows...... but, we most certainly are NOT the "sole cause". I suspect we are simply accelerating a natural process. We can either adapt to the changing conditions, or, we can die out. Either way, the planet will go on.


I don't think removing trump from office would make one whit of difference in defusing anything. Besides, would you really want "President Pence"? Some of his ideas are even more whacky than The Donalds..... Had Hilary won the election, we would likely be having the EXACT same discussion, just from different sides of it. :smile: At this point in time, we are a population divided, on purpose, by our government. "Divide and conquer" has more applications than just in War. They keep pointing at the 'other guys' as 'the enemy', so that we don't notice who the real enemy is. Our own government.


hehehe,i will suggest that you are indeed younger than i for i am aged and very backward.

I don't use Google i use Bing.Hehe..

Where did i say humankind was the f*#@ing sole cause?Where has anyone in this universe claimed that humankind is the sole cause of global warming?Are you just caught up in the rapture of alternative facts that is the invention of your brother in arms?Oops im sorry i forgot he is a draft dodger.


Ok, but what if we found a way to curtail the amount of greenhouse gases spewed into our atmosphere by our own doing, is that a worthless endeavor?Should we just shelve any attempt to reverse or slow down what is considered a NATURAL process by my young friend?My opinion is that it's a process that we contribute to "bigly" ,to quote Trump,that will one day bring us to our knees if we don't move on to researching other fuel sources.

I realize research costs money which could be better spent on the security of Trump Tower at 100,000 dollars a day forgive my impertinence.I'm not suggesting that the Trump administration is sucking the American taxpayer dry but then again maybe i am.


Of course i do not want Pence in office for any lengthy period of time BUT,and it's a big butt,i believe Pence will be far more malleable due to his political ambitions than Trump will ever be.Trump is in his 70's his ambitions are all real time ,it's now or never for him,while Pence looks forward to a future that may accept him in another time around the wheel,Zeus forbid.


There is no enemy here that i can see it's all the struggle of humanity to express itself through heroes or villains and whomever succeeds will live their lives shortly,will live their lives according to the whim and agreement of their supporters.We have and are the power we just don't know it yet.

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Why dose people seem to think everything would work out if they get their way? Defusing situations start with compromise, not demands and certainly can't be done one-sidedly. People think that everything would work out right if President Trump left office but the plan fact is that President Trump didn't win the election. The left and the right lost the election by default. They gave the country no viable candidate and President Trump simply stepped into the void.

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Why dose people seem to think everything would work out if they get their way? Defusing situations start with compromise, not demands and certainly can't be done one-sidedly. People think that everything would work out right if President Trump left office but the plan fact is that President Trump didn't win the election. The left and the right lost the election by default. They gave the country no viable candidate and President Trump simply stepped into the void.


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Basing your argument on "climate change" isn't going to be a winning strategy. Is the climate changing? Yes, yes it is. Is man the SOLE cause? Hardly. Is man a contributor? Quite likely. Is he the MAJOR contributor? Still open for debate.



Pence is even more of a right-wing-nut than Trump..... I REALLY don't want him as pres....... Trump, on the other hand, has backpedaled some, on a fair few of his issues. Congress also seems to be keeping him more or less "in check", on some of his more extreme views.


Then we have his policies that people actually LIKE..... America FIRST. Something our government hasn't thought about in decades.


Hehe,my argument is not climate change,my suggestion was to impeach the most dangerous man that has ever held the office of president of the United States.I didn't know you were an environmental scientist whose research contradicts mainstream science or i would have not have posted such a foolish statement.Yes,America first is a great..um...slogan. :wink:


Hmm,interesting,the title of this thread is,"What can be done to defuse America"but now it's the issue the world is facing the OP is concerned with.

Since the OP doesn't think that the Trump presidency has an effect on this world there's not much more i care to say.Bye...


I have a degree in environmental geoscience. I actually do have a clue, and I am not biased by who is writing my paycheck, or funding my research.


I all reality, I don't think there is ANY way to defuse the current situation. We are going to have to let it run its course, and see what happens.....


Cool,i admire your education though i never said anything about being biased.You might consider giving evidence or at the very least providing links to sources that would provide verification for your claims.Just a suggestion my young brother....


Young? :smile: I wish. I *might* be younger than you, but, I wouldn't expect by very much......


Just look at the history of the world. How many cities are under water, and have been so, for more than a thousand years? What caused sea level rise then? It certainly wasn't industrialized man....... Where I live, the climate has gone from tropical, to buried under a mile of ice, no less than six times, in the last few hundred million years. If that isn't evidence that climate changes, regardless of what man is doing, I don't know what would be.


An easy google search will bring up studies that show that CO2 content, actually FOLLOWS temp change....... that evidence suggests that 'green house gases' that everyone is chicken littling about aren't necessarily the entire problem. I have little doubt that man is contributor, maybe even as much as cows...... but, we most certainly are NOT the "sole cause". I suspect we are simply accelerating a natural process. We can either adapt to the changing conditions, or, we can die out. Either way, the planet will go on.


I don't think removing trump from office would make one whit of difference in defusing anything. Besides, would you really want "President Pence"? Some of his ideas are even more whacky than The Donalds..... Had Hilary won the election, we would likely be having the EXACT same discussion, just from different sides of it. :smile: At this point in time, we are a population divided, on purpose, by our government. "Divide and conquer" has more applications than just in War. They keep pointing at the 'other guys' as 'the enemy', so that we don't notice who the real enemy is. Our own government.


hehehe,i will suggest that you are indeed younger than i for i am aged and very backward.

I don't use Google i use Bing.Hehe..

Where did i say humankind was the f***ing sole cause?Where has anyone in this universe claimed that humankind is the sole cause of global warming?Are you just caught up in the rapture of alternative facts that is the invention of your brother in arms?Oops im sorry i forgot he is a draft dodger.


Ok, but what if we found a way to curtail the amount of greenhouse gases spewed into our atmosphere by our own doing, is that a worthless endeavor?Should we just shelve any attempt to reverse or slow down what is considered a NATURAL process by my young friend?My opinion is that it's a process that we contribute to "bigly" ,to quote Trump,that will one day bring us to our knees if we don't move on to researching other fuel sources.

I realize research costs money which could be better spent on the security of Trump Tower at 100,000 dollars a day forgive my impertinence.I'm not suggesting that the Trump administration is sucking the American taxpayer dry but then again maybe i am.


Of course i do not want Pence in office for any lengthy period of time BUT,and it's a big butt,i believe Pence will be far more malleable due to his political ambitions than Trump will ever be.Trump is in his 70's his ambitions are all real time ,it's now or never for him,while Pence looks forward to a future that may accept him in another time around the wheel,Zeus forbid.


There is no enemy here that i can see it's all the struggle of humanity to express itself through heroes or villains and whomever succeeds will live their lives shortly,will live their lives according to the whim and agreement of their supporters.We have and are the power we just don't know it yet.


Perhaps not you personally think along those lines, but, the headlines I am constantly seeing, refer to it as "man-made global warming". Some of them flatly state that man is the sole cause, or, at the very least, the major driving force behind it. Of course, few, if any of them, have any kind of scientific background either.


Then we have the the 'research institutes' that get their funding from the pro- side of the argument...... Which introduces bias all it's own. How long do you think those dollars would continue to flow if they came to the conclusion that mainkind is only a minor contributor?? That doesn't sit well with their agenda. Al Gore has made billions on global warming, and I am sure he would like to continue to do so. Blowing holes in his pet theories would likely truly annoy him.


So far, not a single one of the doom-and-gloom predictions the AGW folks have been prophesying has come to fruition. Not. One. They are obviously missing something fairly important there......


That said, reducing the human impact on our environment isn't a bad idea, but, trashing our economy in order to do so, is just stupid. Why is it always the extremes with either side????


If the AGW crowd really wanted to help, they would do away with the ethanol fuel mandate. It actually is counter-productive. Looking at the entire cycle, from production, to consumption, ethanol in our gasoline actually results in MORE CO2 being dumped into the atmosphere.... But, the ag sector makes big bucks on it, so, can't do what actually makes sense, have to keep those dollars flowing into the pockets of the already mega-rich.


And this is only ONE of the major issues that divides our country. Neither side is willing to compromise. Both sides believe the other guys are 'nuts', to hold the beliefs that they do, when it is oh-so-obvious that they are wrong...... In this environment, there will be no compromise. The side that is in power, will implement their policies, and those will remain in place until the 'other guys' come into power, then they will roll back the policies of the previous administration, and put their own in place. This is nothing new under the sun, and is a cycle we have seen repeated over and over again, for the last several decades. It isn't going to change. The positions just move further, and further apart. Given your 'age', I would expect you to have already seen this.

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"So far, not a single one of the doom-and-gloom predictions the AGW folks have been prophesying has come to fruition. Not. One."


Everything from rainfall patterns/amounts and land/ocean temps to polar icecap melting and coral reef dieoff rates have been following their predicted behaviors according to the AGW model.

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Why dose people seem to think everything would work out if they get their way? Defusing situations start with compromise, not demands and certainly can't be done one-sidedly. People think that everything would work out right if President Trump left office but the plan fact is that President Trump didn't win the election. The left and the right lost the election by default. They gave the country no viable candidate and President Trump simply stepped into the void.



No, it is not ok. President Trump didn't elect himself. He was elected by people who thought they had no viable option and that is because they felt that either party had left them, not that they left their parties. Democrats and republicans voted for President Trump.

From what I've seen neither party has even began to look at themselves and tried to figure out why that was. they have doubled down on their separate ideologies as in their own sanctimonious way as if they were some modern day Moses's going to lead this country into a promised land of their own making, no matter what happens to the rest of the country. America isn't the far right or the far left. It is the middle and it was the middle that put President Trump over the top, because either party wasn't listening to them. That opened the door for for a business man who has been waiting in the wings, for a very long time, and listening to the pulse of the country, all that time to jump in at the right time, with the right language to gain the White House.


This, lets take out President Trump and everything will be great idealism isn't going to work, because if it wasn't President Trump, then it would have been someone else and that's a fact.

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"So far, not a single one of the doom-and-gloom predictions the AGW folks have been prophesying has come to fruition. Not. One."


Everything from rainfall patterns/amounts and land/ocean temps to polar icecap melting and coral reef dieoff rates have been following their predicted behaviors according to the AGW model.

Only in very general terms. And not even that accurately. They point at generalizations and say "See!! See!! I told you so!!" Look back thru history, and you will find that these "patterns" they are pointing at, have been repeated numerous times already. It is nothing new under the sun. Their claims only convince the folks that won't educate themselves.

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