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You know what i like?


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  • 2 weeks later...

I like the fact today I have actually seen a TESLA Super Charging Station. It was so exciting to actually see them than it is just to read about them. I think seeing them made it a firm fact in my mind that the cars are out there. I read that the new family version cars, for $32,000.00 US, are all in backorder. If you want one you're going to have to order it, place a down payment, and wait until it rolls off the assembly line.


Now if I can only get a look at one while I am out driving my Crosstrek XV Hybrid?

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*I Like* how so many people have been members of Nexus for months, yet their

first post is a cry for help when they have mucked up their game.

*I Like* autumn more than any other season.

*I Like* random acts of kindness.

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  • 2 weeks later...

*I Like* imagining that some day Hollywood will make a movie of Pagafyr's

"From Day Dreams of a Spaced Out Old Man comes" thread.

*I Like* not having lost any sleep over thinking about the subject in the above statement.

*I Like* knowing some people are so bored they are actually reading this....

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I like waking up after spending the previous day pondering what I need and finding I don't have to get out of bed because the shelves in my Fallout Vault are stocked. You know, just in case Autumn gets nasty before Winter's turn comes around.


I like the idea I had an idea which made no sense at all, so that it seemed I might need something, and instead of forgetting the idea, I made up a story around it so it seemed important.


I like the fact Malachi Delicot had a funny idea about what my stories created from those ideas I had like that could be used for.


I like the taste of the syrup on pancakes, walfles, and french toast. So if anyone wants the pancakes, waffles, or french toast I'd gladly give it to them as long as i get the syrup.

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  • 2 weeks later...

*I Like* not needing that coffee boost in the morning like so many people have to have. :wacko:

*I Like* trying almost any food that is not too strange. :sick:

*I Like* Carah :wub:

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I like the fact Net Neutrality has been established by the F. C. C. in the U. S. of A..


I like dslreports speed testing because it includes several tests at once from several different locations and determines if the ISP suffers from BufferBloat from each site too.


I like the fact I don't have any kids. And I like the fact Nanny's date male Goats, and have kids with male goats, and that the Nanny's are the kids mothers.


I like the idea of having a sweater made with Angora Goat hair.

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I like the fact Net Neutrality has been established by the F. C. C. in the U. S. of A..

Me too, although the Title II protections bestowed by the FCC on internet traffic in our country is protection not establishment of net neutrality. And I don't mean Google's purposefully corrupted definition of net neutrality. 90% of our planet's view of itself is now dictated by a single company's legal department. We've managed to outdo Orwell, at least until the laws start kicking in. The same basic privacy and other protections afforded to our telephone conversations and postal mail will soon protect internet traffic in the US, and companies like Facebook will need to find revenue sources other than systematic rape of their subscribers' communications.

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