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[WIPz] Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE64)


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That's something for the moderation staff to say as it is not for regular members to say that. Just use the report button, if one read a questionable post and move on to a more interesting discussion.


Although, I agree with your last sentence though about what the SKSE team have done over the years and all of us who have using SKSE for all awesome mods that has been created should be grateful and not impatient. :smile:

Edited by leonardo2
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I don't see any "self-entitlement" in these latest posts (including mine), but I think I understand what you're trying to say. Regardless, Ian mentioned recently on reddit that he might finally slap a "beta" label on SKSE64 -


I'll continue to patiently wait, though like everyone else in the Skyrim SE modding community, I of course hope for a full release as soon as it's practical. It should also go without saying that I appreciate the work the SKSE team is doing (without any recompense) for the players.

That said, if the moderators want to ignore/lock this topic for any reason, they should do whatever they think is best. It won't affect the team's work either way.

Edited by mikeprichard
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Gotta say though, miss these guys. In my mind, these guys are gone and have moved on with their lives. But I miss Behippo especially - that guys' posts were always reassuring and full of depth. Even when it was bad news, he had a way of making things feel like they are going to be alright. I'm obviously talking about the OBSE days, and when they were active during Skyrim's 'prime modding' years, to which I think a lot of folks weren't around for now to witness it.


Having been studying C++(and finding that jumping in it is not as scary as I thought), and looking at their source, it's easy to see why this has been a time consuming extravaganza for them all. Straight up C++ can't do it. You need assembly knowledge and be good at reverse engineering. That being said.. from my point of view, it would boil down to is it all worth it or not, and most of all, is it fun.

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Gotta say though, miss these guys. In my mind, these guys are gone and have moved on with their lives. But I miss Behippo especially - that guys' posts were always reassuring and full of depth. Even when it was bad news, he had a way of making things feel like they are going to be alright. I'm obviously talking about the OBSE days, and when they were active during Skyrim's 'prime modding' years, to which I think a lot of folks weren't around for now to witness it.


Having been studying C++(and finding that jumping in it is not as scary as I thought), and looking at their source, it's easy to see why this has been a time consuming extravaganza for them all. Straight up C++ can't do it. You need assembly knowledge and be good at reverse engineering. That being said.. from my point of view, it would boil down to is it all worth it or not, and most of all, is it fun.

If you want to read more of Behippo's posts then go here.

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Are there many Skyrim mod authors that are waiting for the SKSE64 beta release before returning to the mod scene and continuing or updating their works? Or have many simply moved on now to other games and projects? I imagine it's a bit of a mixed bag?

Edited by Kulharin
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I've spoken with several authors and seen others note on the Nexus that they're holding off on updating and/or converting their mods until SKSE64 reaches its "final" version. The authors of YASH (Yet Another Skyrim Hardcore mod) and Requiem are just two examples that come to my mind, as I'm interested in those mods. Unfortunately, as noted by the redditor in the recent Reddit topic I linked above, this is exactly the opposite of what the SKSE64 team was expecting by releasing the SKSE64 alpha - they were hoping modders would help test it so it could then safely move to beta and final versions. However, hopefully Ian now sees this as he indicated in the Reddit topic and will move forward to beta soon so things can finally normalize. As Ian notes, there's only one known bug with the alpha in any case (the autosave issue described earlier), and it already has all functionality that will be included in the final version. Fingers crossed.

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SKSE64 in it's current build works very well with a majority of SE mods. I'm finally taking the plunge and building a big mod-list for another play-through. (Yeesh, 7 years and I'm still at this...)


Folks with long memories here will tell you it reminds them quite a bit of when the original SKSE was new for Oldrim.

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I know that there were at least a few of us who tried porting our own mods and reported problems we encountered. I reported the bug that was fixed on the very first update, then I reported two others and never heard back from the team. I was told that other mod authors had reported a few more issues and I've seen a few lists posted over time in places the SKSE team should have seen (since at least one team member was part of the discussion).


But I also do get the sense that there have been very, very few of us actually testing our mods. Especially in those early days there seemed to be more people interested in having their mod be one of the first ported. I saw one early port that didn't work simply because the author was in such a rush to be first that there was a mistake in repackaging the mod. It was absolutely clear that zero testing had actually been done. At least in some cases mod authors seem to know less about SKSE64 than mod users. Maybe the mistake was assuming that mod authors using SKSE functions would know and care enough to actually help make sure SKSE64 is working correctly.


If there's a third group simply waiting for some future time when all the bugs are worked out (by others) and they can simply port their mods then I have even less respect for them than I do for the zero-testing crowd.


If Ian thinks there's only one known bug in the alpha release then either they've fixed quite a few problems so far or he's somehow forgotten the feedback they were given. In either case, at this point I think it's time for a new release because we've certainly gotten as much feedback from most mod authors as we're ever going to see.

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On that subject, has anyone ever considered writing up a test suite that would run each function through its paces to make sure the results are as expected?


I ask this because it's pretty clear to me that most use of SKSE is for nothing more than what SkyUI requires. All of that seems to have been well tested at this point and those bugs that were found have been fixed. Everything else is more specific use of the extended Papyrus functions that a lot of folks may not be using or be familiar with in any way.

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