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New Nexus Mods design launched


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In response to post #54696893.

axonis wrote: I'll use this mod as a reference to my points. I'm using my personal computer for this review and I'll also try to write another one with my experience on my phablet.

REPORT is the first link in a mod's description. I don't think this button should be anywhere in a mod's description but placing it in such a prominent location may convey bad faith to mod authors. It's better to move this functionality in the same place with other Nexus administrative actions such as unban requests etc.

The DESCRIPTION tab now contains extra elements such as the short description, the SHARE button, Permissions and credits and Mirrors. Many mod authors, including myself, consider this page to be exclusive to their editing. For example I do include the short description in my long description but with additional formatting and links. Perhaps you can create an extra tab for all those details.

On the FILES tab, the MISCELLANEOUS FILES are collapsed. This makes browsing their descriptions difficult to read since I'd have to expand each and every one of them. On my mod this isn't a big issue since those files are patches and their name conveys what they are, but in some mods it's important for them to be displayed. Can you expand them by default or provide a button to do so for all files ?

On the IMAGES tab, I really don't think it's necessary to enforce the 16:9 ratio in images by displaying that gray background around them. Considering that Nexus supports all kinds of games and many games are not made for this resolution, you can simply remove the background. Of course you can keep your grid based on 16:9 if that's necessary.

The image preview is probably the weakest point of the new design vs the old one. Yes, it has bells and whistles, but for many mods, including my example, images aren't showcasing photos but screenshots and can include a lot of important details that the user is supposed to read. Try to see this image in the new design and the old design and you'll see that my comments are lost under the thumbnails bar. And even though I can hide the thumbnails, the function to do so isn't quite obvious and there are still header and footer overlays on my images. So, please try to find a solution to display images with a minimal amount of extra elements (the front/back arrows and a close button are OK).

Replies to comments at POSTS have a very narrow indentation and this makes it difficult to discern an original comment and replies to it. That should be easy to deal with by expanding the indent, but if you could switch to a threaded type of discussion like Reddit at some point that would be royal...

LOGS looks great but I would rather split Author activity, User activity (for uploaded media) and Endorsements into separate categories.

Finally, the footer section is too big and rather redundant to be displayed on a mod page. We already have the links at the header menu. This footer is fine on the main nexus page, but on our mods it can be safely removed or at least turned to a collapsed link.

The new design is overall impressive and a great improvement to the old. You had some real guts to allow the entire browser width to be used for text. I haven't seen that in a site for a long long time. Thank you.

A thoughtful review.

"Replies to comments at POSTS have a very narrow indentation and this makes it difficult to discern an original comment and replies to it. "

This rings especially true for me.

Just trying to find the next post as opposed to the responses to an on going discussion is near impossible for me. I understand the framing . . . but it requires scrolling v e r y s l o w l y to find any one original post.
Edited by Bandit01
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I tried the site redesign but have since reverted to using the old design for one simple reason. Namely that of how my Nexus 'homepage' of a games' Tracking Centre appears at the redesigned site.


With the old site design all information is there to see without obstruction but when viewed on the redesigned site there's a large banner advert present which partially obscures the information and we consequently have to scroll down to view things properly.

Edited by DcRip
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In response to post #54694978. #54695053, #54696068, #54697353, #54697718, #54697833, #54697973 are all replies on the same post.

bchick1 wrote: Everyone on this forum complaining needs to get a copy of "Who Moved My Cheese" and read it thoroughly. For goodness sake, you are acting like 12 year olds! or like our Government, which is worse.
You would think the Nexus site(s) were somehow crucial to your existence ..... snowflakes!
Ethreon wrote: Riiight.. people shouldn't raise concerns or criticism, they should shut up and take it. Way to go there mate.
Mr. Dave wrote: Weabos are everywhere. :D Sad, sad little 50 cent brigade.
abc123guy wrote: @bchick1
Take a break from the internet bud lol.
seba1337 wrote: That's beacuse they probably have 12. Altough I support the government (don't make this a political thing please) I agree with you that nobody can take change. I, for myself, love it already.
abc123guy wrote: Well the first thing some people will go to is "people can't take change". It's typical.
But maybe it's better to have an actual rebuttal to people rather than trying to broadbrush and shut down.

News flash. People will disagree with you about the new design. Get over it.
AGreatWeight wrote: It's almost as if this poster and others of their ilk believe constructive criticism of flaws in something is somehow a bad thing?

AGreatWeight, yeah, that's straight out of the communist handbook. We need senator McCarthy back. :)
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Loving the new sleek design, already changed over fully to accommodate the new site. However...ONE THING

change the word "Trending" back to "Hot Files" this isn't youtube, it's the Nexus.


"Trending mods" is so bland and cheesy. It has to be HOT FILES ;)


(bows to audience)

Edited by Rigmor
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In response to post #54698418.

DcRip wrote: I tried the site redesign but have since reverted to using the old design for one simple reason. Namely that of how my Nexus 'homepage' of a games' Tracking Centre appears at the redesigned site.

With the old site design all information is there to see without obstruction but when viewed on the redesigned site there's a large banner advert present which partially obscures the information and we consequently have to scroll down to view things properly.

If you're seeing adverts obscuring content please provide screenshots and raise a bug report on the bug tracker so we can bring it up with our ad network - https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/web-issues/issues/new
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In response to post #54694848. #54695693, #54697518 are all replies on the same post.

piotrmil wrote: I do hope you will leave the old design as an option. The old one is way better and less cluttered. Don't force things down our throats. The " Don't fix what's not broken" is exactly the argument I'd use if I had to describe the new look. Utterly horrible.
Exalerion wrote: Totally agreed +1
seba1337 wrote: I love it. REALLY HARD. And i've only used it 30 minutes. Bye bye old desing, this one is way better (and what exactly is your definition of "clutter"? It's actually really clean, polished and structured)

I was really liking the new look..... until I went down the page and saw the positions and sizes of my images and videos....... This is TERRIBLE, indeed..... =/ Edited by phoenixfabricio
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I'm really enjoying the new design, especially the changes to the comment section, and the useful data and requirements right below the mod images. Really really good decisions for vets, giving us exactly what we need to see right away!


My only issue so far is that there's not a lot of feedback when you've gone ahead and actually -downloaded- a mod. With the old layout, your download popup would fade once the download commenced, but with the new one, the popup just sits there, and there's no button animation or fade away to indicate that the website accepted your download request. I have to look at NMM to see if the file I downloaded is actually downloading.


I'd love just like, a button depression or a flash or fade or something to give me some feedback, so I know that the site knows that I clicked "CDN" or "Download via NMM" or something.


Otherwise, fantastic work! The wait has been worth it!

Edited by Guest
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In response to post #54698418. #54699243 is also a reply to the same post.

DcRip wrote: I tried the site redesign but have since reverted to using the old design for one simple reason. Namely that of how my Nexus 'homepage' of a games' Tracking Centre appears at the redesigned site.

With the old site design all information is there to see without obstruction but when viewed on the redesigned site there's a large banner advert present which partially obscures the information and we consequently have to scroll down to view things properly.
MrMason wrote: If you're seeing adverts obscuring content please provide screenshots and raise a bug report on the bug tracker so we can bring it up with our ad network - https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/web-issues/issues/new

Just trying to figure out what's exactly wanted.

Dark redirected me to https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/4100-report-bad-ads/ with the content that is wanted when reporting ads like this. The last admin post was on 08 September 2017 - 04:52 AM

You are asking him to report it on the github page.

Ads shouldn't tied to the new or old website, just a matter of which ads load and which ones are the bad ones.
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In response to post #54687313. #54687368, #54688448, #54689503, #54689623, #54689648, #54689763, #54691158, #54691163, #54691703, #54692533, #54693803, #54694143, #54695073 are all replies on the same post.

Mr. Dave wrote: What the bloody hell is with the relentless spam pop up ad on the new layout? I cannot even log into the new layout due to it having one single overlay covering the entire page that is a link to spam ads.
Does this need to be reported as a bug too? Or should I just add y'all to ABP's list?

EDIT: RE: the new layout. I know Win10 is nothing more than a huge phone app commercial, but did you guys really have to make the new layout look just like every other lame, shitty phone app out there? Seriously. Have some innovative thought.
Dark0ne wrote: Can you provide a screenshot? We don't use pop-up ads at all.
Mr. Dave wrote: It isn't working as a visible thing to print screen of I'm afraid. The mouse pointer is a hand icon, meaning it is hovering over a selectable object no matter where it is on the page, meaning an invisible PNG is being used as a button.
This is the link it takes me to.
I'm gonna pop open a new window and take a shot of it though in case it shows something you know shouldn't be there. :D One sec...
HERE is a screenshot, but it doesn't show the pointer as a hand when in a non button location. When I try to click Log In, or anywhere for that matter, that Coke gaming convention page pops up.
uninventive wrote: This is happening to me as well. The entire site is a link to an ad. I couldn't even click on the banner element that provides a link to the old design.

Completely unusable.

Using Google Chrome v61
uninventive wrote: And this is the link I get when I try to click on the VIEW NEW LAYOUT button above this page.

Dark0ne wrote: It's an issue with an ad provider we thought we had sorted. They'll need to be the ones to fix it, but they're West Coast US so probably not even awake yet.

Yes, this really pisses me off too considering the commission they take for their services.

Sorry about that. Hopefully it'll be resolved soon.
HomicidalGrouse wrote: Doesn't supporter status remove ads anyway?

I'm sure I'll be forgiven for using adblock regardless, but given my assumption that being a supporter means that you no longer see ads, I find it surprising you would be encountering this issue at all, considering you are quite clearly a supporter...
shawntheguitarist wrote: I can duplicate this. No matter which Nexus sub-site I visit, no matter which link I attempt to click, even trying to click on the Nexus logo in the header, it will always launch the League of Legends Coke ad. It's impossible to navigate the new layout at all currently. What a disaster rollout this has become.
Mr. Dave wrote: Well, at least they are just using unscrupulous tactics to get clicks, as opposed to the folks over at Deviant Art, who allowed full on virii through the ads on their site. I have images of it happening as they were claiming it was fixed uploaded there lol.

Dark0ne, I'm in Phoenix. I could hop a buss and go kick 'em in the feet to wake them up if you'd like. :) Of course, I may not stop kicking once they do wake up...

Dark0ne wrote:
Dark0ne, I'm in Phoenix. I could hop a buss and go kick 'em in the feet to wake them up if you'd like. :) Of course, I may not stop kicking once they do wake up...

I wish I could punch the entire ad industry in the gut, to be fair. Think you can do it?
pacfish wrote: If you're so anti ads, why have them? Pay for the site? sure... But why not mine crypto with the the non premium users' cpus?
Mr. Dave wrote: Yup, sure thing! Lemme go wake up my attorney, Mr. Mossberg. :P

EDIT: Looks like pacfish totally missed the point lol. Reading comprehension. A li'l dab'll do ya. ;)
pacfish wrote: Not sure what I missed but if you wanted to kick someone, tell me who it is, I'm already here.
I have my own complaints about the ad situation right now and I've voiced my opinion and that I'll be removing this site from my exceptions in my ad blocker. I don't have the $2 to give for a lifetime without ads, I wish I did but I need at least something of mine to make money (everything's for sale, even my time).
Mr. Dave wrote: Oh, the original point of this particular thread was that the ad had completely taken over the entire page. I had to use an old bookmark that got me to the old layout and then log in. I couldn't click anything on the new layout due to a single, huge png image covering it to be one great big button leading to that advertiser's link. It did it again after I had closed out all browsers and opened them again.
It isn't that we are against ads, it's that we are against an advertiser making the entire site a link to their ads. That's worth a pound of flesh Ala Se7en. ;)
... Come to think of it, it's been 16 long years since I've sent anyone to the hospital. Putting an advertiser in a sleeping bag so I can beat other advertisers with him like a flail would be fun. :)

My comment was directly related to "I wish I could punch the entire ad industry in the gut, to be fair"
"entire ad industry" <- that looks like anti-ad.
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