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New Nexus Mods design launched


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I vote for back to Hot Files or go with Hot Mods. Trending is only trendy for as long as that phrase remains over used ....it's definitely not classic and won't hold the test of time as far as catchy phrases go. "Hot" is really coined by Nexus and is well known in the modding community.

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In response to post #54704588.

NexBeth wrote:

I vote for back to Hot Files or go with Hot Mods. Trending is only trendy for as long as that phrase remains over used ....it's definitely not classic and won't hold the test of time as far as catchy phrases go. "Hot" is really coined by Nexus and is well known in the modding community.

+1 to this.

I felt like I was on a twitter page or any number of web pages that overly use the 'trending' term.

Anyone want a trending file or a hot file? Edited by mattwoodmansee
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I quite like the new design. I do hope the "Hot Files" section returns to something similar to the old design, and clickable content tabs are made a bit more visible.


The "More Mods" section is pretty useful though. I appreciate that "Use emoticons" checkbox is left off by default.

Edited by Percephere
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In response to post #54704588. #54705398 is also a reply to the same post.

NexBeth wrote:

I vote for back to Hot Files or go with Hot Mods. Trending is only trendy for as long as that phrase remains over used ....it's definitely not classic and won't hold the test of time as far as catchy phrases go. "Hot" is really coined by Nexus and is well known in the modding community.

mattwoodmansee wrote: +1 to this.

I felt like I was on a twitter page or any number of web pages that overly use the 'trending' term.

Anyone want a trending file or a hot file?

I prefer Tasty Files, Delicious Files, or... Send Money Now Please God I'm Hungry Files. Edited by fireundubh
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In response to post #54705898.

robot_rampage wrote: So now I have to be a premium member just to look at more than 20 items on one page? That is super dumb.

See an older reply on this very thread - that was a premium feature before as well.
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In response to post #54705413.

sullyivan wrote: Scroll scroll scroll scroll....

Just not cool and rather old fashioned in the sense of web design to present easy access of layouts. I'd call it a step backwards. Getting to a specific game page, and setting favorites is a nice touch, in fact the whole menu is quite nice and I would say much needed.

Still after the menu, it goes down hill quick.

-The new design page loads slower, consistently,compared to the old layout, unless it's just a temporary thing.
-News must not be important since you gotta scroll down, from 'home' page, and to the bottom for specific game pages. Yes you can click the header for 'Home' "forum' 'Chat' & 'News' but other than it's scroll scroll scroll. News has big friendly images, with hardly any news to it, unless you specifically click the news title and not just the image. 20 news articles that go back over 6 months is a little more than ridiculous. I guess if you don't come to the site very often, it would make sense.
-Page width is obnoxious. While a wider layout does provide more text on the page, text size should be considered, as well as increasing page magnification and how much that spreads out the page. Consider how much the eye has to move to read the text on a page, typical monitor size, also if the reader has to move their head to keep their eyes in an optimum position to avoid unnecessary eye strain. (Love the greyed background on the news) Text magnification options without increasing page layout width would be one way to assist with this. Still a lot of wasted page space that could easily take advantage of columns, including a page dropping side menu.
-How big does an image need to be to get attention for it? Getting away from the standard and popular shifting banner, such as Top Files for old layout, that major companies build into their websites is a sad loss. In the Trending Mods image layout bloat with ZERO mod information (unless you count the category & author), even if you hover over the image is missing. So unless a captivating image is used, it will likely be ignored and passed over, including some truly wonderful mods.
-Square and blocky sections and buttons adds to a harsher, less refined web page layout. It's something you are more likely to see from a lower budget website that uses a cheaper premade web designer program, where you just fill in the blanks and copy and paste links with simplified drag and drop sections and modules. Isn't a mod something where you would tailor a look or feel to something that is being used? The page layouts do not show this, and is a step back from the more progressive design of the old layout.

Yes, those are actual problems. Those are pain in the butt problems to try to correct, for the most part with the new layout. Are they even problems? Moving backwards in a web layout and it's design is a problem. Stability and effort is something that a donation based site needs to show. Being trendy isn't the same and moves away from stability and effort that can be used elsewhere to attend to the desires of the supporters of a donation based website. That is my observation and opinion.

I do like the 'opportunity' that the new layout has. However, the new layout would be something that I would currently avoid. Yes, as in use the website less. Checking in maybe weekly, or monthly, instead of daily or multiple times a day, as I do with the 'old' layout now.

I hope the option will remain to use the old layout for a long time to come.

"-News must not be important since you gotta scroll down, from 'home' page, and to the bottom for specific game pages. Yes you can click the header for 'Home' "forum' 'Chat' & 'News' but other than it's scroll scroll scroll."

News are far more rare than new mods/images, and people come here to see mod content and what's new, rather than the same 20 news posts over and over again.
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Far too much wasted space for my liking. One of the things that I enjoyed about Nexus was that it was rather dense, so you didn't have to waste so much time scrolling around. In particular, I find the large ad space and spaced-out header at the top of the main pages particularly annoying, as I basically have a to scroll down a full screen height before I get to a mod's description (the content that I actually want to view). This is a trend that I see in newer webpages, like the latest YouTube redesign, and I don't really care for it. It's fine to have a little space around the text on your navigation buttons, but is it really necessary to have them be that big?
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