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New Nexus Mods design launched


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Thank you!!!!!!!!!!

Getting used to the new layout but must send HUGE thanks for the large images in the image share!! You almost drove me away a long time ago when the size was reduced, but now I am overjoyed seeing my friends and my own images in full glory!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!!

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Please implement some kinda mouse over to see larger image for the eh 'trendy' files, the thumbnails can blur together easy and make it much harder to really make a mod stand out, as I am so used to loading the nexus up each morning and giving all the hot files a mouse over and seeing which catches my eye.
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I hope there's a choice to use a not so cluttered portal. One where the images don't overwhelm you with things you don't care to see.

A shorter format protocol with an appealing layout. A design where things flow smoothly, are easy to locate and navigate. one where you can read the text happily and have a warm feeling of companionship while looking for things. A layout sorta like it has been since my start here would be nice.

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Loving the new design. Paid for a supporter membership to show you guys some love. Great work. Some people just dont like change, but i rather welcome it. It seems easy enough to use. Clear and easy to view information. Good use of space. Would of liked to see some more support for Fluid layout (for us crazy 27inch+ screen people)
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In response to post #54677498. #54680143, #54686903, #54687293, #54688648, #54688928, #54689253, #54689373, #54689458, #54689713, #54689868, #54689943, #54690023, #54690088, #54690318, #54690618, #54690843, #54691443, #54691698, #54692043, #54692763, #54693868 are all replies on the same post.




menathradiel wrote: Have had a look at the new design and have to say: Why did you bork my description page? Why are you forcing every image to display on a new line even when in bbcode and wysiwyg editors they are not? It looks absolutely horrible, and makes me look like I put no thought or effort into my mod page. If I put two images on the same line, I do that for a reason. Yes, it's nice that the video is bigger, but you have every single one of my NPC pictures on a separate line, and they do not need it - this would be why I didn't do what you've essentially forced me to do.


Take a look at my nexus page for my mod on the old layout, and then the new layout, and then explain to me why you've made it look so excruciatingly bad on the new one, and why I can't fix it?

Battlestar1965 wrote: I did look at the two versions of your mod page. And i have to agree with you. It looks horrible now.Clearly, the designers had only mobile phone users in mind when doing this pointless redesign.
menathradiel wrote: ikr. Ugh. I'm probably going to have to spend time redoing the images to get it to display properly again.
fredlaus wrote: mena, I feel sorry for you and all others experiencing this travesty.

It is not only the images but the layout that is totally wrong - seems to have been made for the wrong site.

Decisions need to be taken I guess - it is extremely difficult to run two wagons at the same time - especially if you like to win the race.

Elianora wrote: Stop using images as text and write a text description. Image text description won't show up in Google searches so it impairs the way users may find your mod while searching the net, and people won't be able to Ctrl + F search through your description to find the information they need. People with reading and vision disabilities will have difficulty scaling or altering your description to their needs (colour / text size / etc.) because images don't scale or clear well.


Image descriptions are awful. Sure they may "look pretty" in some way, but they make it extremely hard to understand your mod's documentation.

menathradiel wrote: @Elianora: I have a text description. If you had bothered to even look at my mod page you would know this. I use images to supplement it - and btw, I do it for people like me, people on the autistic spectrum who need visual images because text is not enough. So I would kindly ask that you stop assuming things about me when you know absolutely nothing.
Dark0ne wrote: There are serious issues with image descriptions that Elianora has already brought up.


On top of that, if you refuse for whatever reason to do away with the image descriptions, it would be a lot better (for both you, and user experience in terms of loading times) to have it as one big image (or a few big images) organised however you like within the image itself, rather than a spliced up assortment of many, many smaller images that you then have to rely on the page formatting to organise.

Elianora wrote: I didn't say or assume ANYTHING about you. I said a thing about description images and mod pages and explained why they're terrible in the grand scheme of things. Stop overreacting and treating everything said as a personal insult and making this about you. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
pacfish wrote: To add to reasons: Google Translate doesn't work with images.
aufisch wrote: Menathradiel. I understand the need for more visual descriptions. I see that you included images of various locations including their names written on it. Couldn't you achieve the same by creating a largely text based description with much less images, and then just upload all these additional images to the image section, especially since you already have the images labelled with text overlays (so it is clear what they are)?


You can always refer to the image section in your description so the reader knows where to find more information.

ScrollTron1c wrote: Just a suggestion, merge your images exactly like you want them displayed - example



This only won't work if you additionally wanted each image linked to larger original images.

menathradiel wrote: @Elianora You are hilarious. When complaining about images you cite those with sight problems, but when it comes to people who need visuals... You might as well have said to shut up and stop complaining because this disability doesn't factor in your world view.


You are a hypocrite.

Elianora wrote: Oh so now it's about me, not about a mod description being accessible to as many users as possible. Alright. I see you're just looking for reasons to pick fights and be angry, so I'm walking away, I have mods to make, and stuff.
HomicidalGrouse wrote: Alright, I'm going to reiterate Eli's point using different words, because I don't think you understood it.


She wasn't telling you not to use images in your description. She was telling you that you shouldn't use text that is in the form of images in your description.


There's a huge difference, and the reasons for this difference are important. The first being the inability for search engines to parse text that is in the form of images. Another being the inability of translators to translate text in the form of images. Another is the inability of screen-readers to be able to read text that is in the form of images.


I'm having a really hard time understanding why text in the form of text and text in the form of images are somehow more or less readable for someone who has autism, as you claimed. The issue is not the layout or the use of actual images. The issue is the use of images as a way of displaying text.


Believe it or not, everyone here is actually trying to help you.

menathradiel wrote: @Dark0ne: "if you refuse for whatever reason to do away with the image descriptions"


Yes, I'll make all my mod description text only. Never mind those who need visual images, just so long as your new site works, eh?


You can explain to me all day what a thing is, I will not understand until I see it, and I include the seeing in my description. Never realised that this is a bad thing to do until you decided it was. My mod has been on this site for five years, with not a whisper, but now suddenly it's bad to have pictures. Not just bad, according to Elianora, I'm literally discriminating against people with sight problems by using pictures. A problem only now, not before. A problem, I'm willing to bet, only because I disagreed.

pacfish wrote: It's not autism .... oh god why. Autism does not prevent a person from reading though they might be angry with the points mentioned below but that's an entirely different story and I would hope someone would be there to calm them down and try to explain that it's like a "meme" and show them that it's okay.


It's blindness and screen resolution. When scaling the image up, it loses quality and thus can be harder to read. As it sits right now on my screen, the characters (letters) don't show all the normal pixels. The e's for example are missing the lower left hand corner of the curve and thus look weird and can produce unexpected results when trying to read them.

Yes blind people play games too. My friend plays on xbox on a 52 inch screen and sits about 20 inches from it, can't help but to say he'll burn his eyes out but I don't think he really cares since he literally can't see anything otherwise. He also plays for the story.

pacfish wrote: No, I hate the new site too... And I know I've used mods in the past that have a description setup just like yours, I was younger and the world was less offended by things back then.


Use images! They really do help. But don't include PLAIN text in them. Make the text bold and colorful so it stands out with a purpose. There is a REASON behind why this is the way it is. Give it some weight and meaning besides just explaining. A good example of okay text, maybe not the best color choice, would be the very first image in the description, another good example of text but may not the right font would be the Tilted Rigging (can't read the word Tilted and spell check was the word I chose to go with). The Old Windmill Inn is perfect aside from the text that is attached at the bottom.

menathradiel wrote: @pacfish


I would have preferred not to use images with text, but the only other format is tables, and they don't work here. I tried, a lot, to make the text not tied to the image by using tables but it always ended up totally borked. So I did the only thing I could.

menathradiel wrote: "Oh so now it's about me, not about a mod description being accessible to as many users as possible. Alright. I see you're just looking for reasons to pick fights and be angry, so I'm walking away, I have mods to make, and stuff."


I can't win the debate (because I have no argument that makes sense) so I'm going to flounce away and call you prejudiced in the hope it catches on. *skipping merrily*

pacfish wrote: Applaud you for hacking the problem, though find a better hack.

Maybe a google spreadsheet?

Tables in web design are terrible in general. Pain in the arse to use they are (at least back in 2008). Do tables work better with the dynamic design? Probably not... Since Dark is part of the discussion




edit: best not to insight a riot and not post anything at all. No reason to fight on the internet, in mud pit with bikinis is much better.

menathradiel wrote: @pacfish

Can I load a google spreadsheet here? Even if I can, will it load for anyone else but me?


It's unreasonable to expect people to install something just so something else will work as it should, especially if that thing is a few pictures on a desc page.

pacfish wrote: That's the whole point of hacking. Do I think you could load google docs here? I don't know.

But I do know that they are visible if you choose to share them.

It was merely a suggestion as to how to attack the problem of poor formatting of tables. Beauty in hacking is that you come up with your own solution.


Not at all. I install windows because most of bethsda's games don't run well in a Linux environment. And I paid for windows... just for something as simple to play a game.

I install a different browser because Edge's cross site scripting is a "feature" just to do something as simple as view a webpage

I install an archive program to do something as simple as unzip archives because people upload their files in different formats and windows only natively supports .zip

I install steam because some of the games I play have DRM and that's just silly. (Probably will get in trouble for this but ... the pirates never had an issue with the Creation Club update and never will, their games also still works and was uninterrupted by the update, and any mods out there that don't rely on CC work just fine. Stating a fact of history shouldn't condone any actions from moderators/admins since punishing the person who stated the fact is saying you want to live in ignorance and forget the past).

I install SKSE to do something as simple as provide functionality to a game that Bethsda can't do right for the 5th time now.

I install MO Beta and live with the problems it has because it's original creator deserted us in favor of a real job that pays bills and puts food on the table.

I just suggested to Dark that he use JS to mine crypto currency instead of having ads on the website... and that's as simple as maintaining site availability and turning a profit (it's a .com)

So you see, asking someone to install something just to do something as simple as an image is more complicated than you think... There's a really bad meme from the 2000's about audio problems on linux where Google would suggest audio problems on windows. But you would have to install something just to get something as simple as an image to display (including a display of some kind)

We could compare notes on why your OS is difficult, but actually what this comes down to is you telling me that I should expect people to install something to make the internet work. If I want more than one image per line then I should not expect this site to work like any other, instead I should ask people to install an additional prog to make bbcode code here work as it does elsewhere.


I'm not going to do that. If it comes to it I will take my money, and my mod, elsewhere.


I'm confused. I thought the OP on this issue had to do with complaining about mis-alignment of images on mod description pages in the redesigned webpage. Reading through this a few times, it seem the issue got narrowed to posting text images and the ills of doing this for whatever reason. However, regardless of text images and their ills, is the overall issue of images on description pages being mis-aligned on the new webpage not going to be addressed, or did I misread and misunderstood everything utterly?


If images are still ok, I'd like to know how to do it because the working preview in the BBcode editor does not at all look like the end result (unfortunately).

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I don't like how Search and mod browsing works in new design.


If I didn't type something in search field:

Old design takes me to advanced search results page with all mods and all tools for sorting and searching (like "categories", search in description, etc.) It was convinient - I could do more specific search without "simple" searching first.

New design just spews error message "You need to type minimum of 3 characters." But after using "simple" search you CAN clear search field (which took form of tag/label) and it will work as in old design. So why did you need that error message at all then?


Additional searching tools:

Old design had all these "CATEGORIES", "TAGS", additional searching fields, etc. on the right panel of the page - it was easy to find, and it was compact enough to find the right tools.

New design hided it in somewhat 'invisible' "Refine results" - drop down panel about size (!) of the screen.


In browse all mods:

Old design had "BLOCK" and "FLAT" displays ("views") - and they were really different. I love one column list: it's easier for me to navigate though mods which have more space filled with information like description, endorsments, author, etc.

New design have "Tiles", "List" and "Big Tiles" - and they all almost the same, with little to no info about mod. And there's no one column list at all :(


Oh, and that "YOUR FAVOURITES" list in Games menu. Why show big eight empty blocks?

If I have one favourite game, show me only this one game, "add current game" button and link "View all N games", without seven empty blocks.

If I don't have any game then show only "add current game" button and link.


Overall, it feels like this new design made for mobile/tab. Big empty spaces with big buttons for easier taping and too little actual information. In case of Nexus it's not OK, because Nexus about mods. That means Nexus will be mostly used on desktops with big screens, with people searching for mods and information about them - and they don't need all those big empty spaces.

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In response to post #54710728.

Xerxes Murcielago wrote: I don't like how Search and mod browsing works in new design.

If I didn't type something in search field:
Old design takes me to advanced search results page with all mods and all tools for sorting and searching (like "categories", search in description, etc.) It was convinient - I could do more specific search without "simple" searching first.
New design just spews error message "You need to type minimum of 3 characters." But after using "simple" search you CAN clear search field (which took form of tag/label) and it will work as in old design. So why did you need that error message at all then?

Additional searching tools:
Old design had all these "CATEGORIES", "TAGS", additional searching fields, etc. on the right panel of the page - it was easy to find, and it was compact enough to find the right tools.
New design hided it in somewhat 'invisible' "Refine results" - drop down panel about size (!) of the screen.

In browse all mods:
Old design had "BLOCK" and "FLAT" displays ("views") - and they were really different. I love one column list: it's easier for me to navigate though mods which have more space filled with information like description, endorsments, author, etc.
New design have "Tiles", "List" and "Big Tiles" - and they all almost the same, with little to no info about mod. And there's no one column list at all :(

Oh, and that "YOUR FAVOURITES" list in Games menu. Why show big eight empty blocks?
If I have one favourite game, show me only this one game, "add current game" button and link "View all N games", without seven empty blocks.
If I don't have any game then show only "add current game" button and link.

Overall, it feels like this new design made for mobile/tab. Big empty spaces with big buttons for easier taping and too little actual information. In case of Nexus it's not OK, because Nexus about mods. That means Nexus will be mostly used on desktops with big screens, with people searching for mods and information about them - and they don't need all those big empty spaces.

Heartily agreed.

Also not liking the change from dark grey background to medium grey. Makes it much harder to read the descriptions.
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In response to post #54705413. #54706873 is also a reply to the same post.

sullyivan wrote: Scroll scroll scroll scroll....

Just not cool and rather old fashioned in the sense of web design to present easy access of layouts. I'd call it a step backwards. Getting to a specific game page, and setting favorites is a nice touch, in fact the whole menu is quite nice and I would say much needed.

Still after the menu, it goes down hill quick.

-The new design page loads slower, consistently,compared to the old layout, unless it's just a temporary thing.
-News must not be important since you gotta scroll down, from 'home' page, and to the bottom for specific game pages. Yes you can click the header for 'Home' "forum' 'Chat' & 'News' but other than it's scroll scroll scroll. News has big friendly images, with hardly any news to it, unless you specifically click the news title and not just the image. 20 news articles that go back over 6 months is a little more than ridiculous. I guess if you don't come to the site very often, it would make sense.
-Page width is obnoxious. While a wider layout does provide more text on the page, text size should be considered, as well as increasing page magnification and how much that spreads out the page. Consider how much the eye has to move to read the text on a page, typical monitor size, also if the reader has to move their head to keep their eyes in an optimum position to avoid unnecessary eye strain. (Love the greyed background on the news) Text magnification options without increasing page layout width would be one way to assist with this. Still a lot of wasted page space that could easily take advantage of columns, including a page dropping side menu.
-How big does an image need to be to get attention for it? Getting away from the standard and popular shifting banner, such as Top Files for old layout, that major companies build into their websites is a sad loss. In the Trending Mods image layout bloat with ZERO mod information (unless you count the category & author), even if you hover over the image is missing. So unless a captivating image is used, it will likely be ignored and passed over, including some truly wonderful mods.
-Square and blocky sections and buttons adds to a harsher, less refined web page layout. It's something you are more likely to see from a lower budget website that uses a cheaper premade web designer program, where you just fill in the blanks and copy and paste links with simplified drag and drop sections and modules. Isn't a mod something where you would tailor a look or feel to something that is being used? The page layouts do not show this, and is a step back from the more progressive design of the old layout.

Yes, those are actual problems. Those are pain in the butt problems to try to correct, for the most part with the new layout. Are they even problems? Moving backwards in a web layout and it's design is a problem. Stability and effort is something that a donation based site needs to show. Being trendy isn't the same and moves away from stability and effort that can be used elsewhere to attend to the desires of the supporters of a donation based website. That is my observation and opinion.

I do like the 'opportunity' that the new layout has. However, the new layout would be something that I would currently avoid. Yes, as in use the website less. Checking in maybe weekly, or monthly, instead of daily or multiple times a day, as I do with the 'old' layout now.

I hope the option will remain to use the old layout for a long time to come.
Ethreon wrote: "-News must not be important since you gotta scroll down, from 'home' page, and to the bottom for specific game pages. Yes you can click the header for 'Home' "forum' 'Chat' & 'News' but other than it's scroll scroll scroll."

News are far more rare than new mods/images, and people come here to see mod content and what's new, rather than the same 20 news posts over and over again.

In addition to what Ethreon said, news articles are 'announced' via the "Updates" button in the site menu. So even if you don't wish to scroll down to check for news, chances are it'll inform you that there's something new right at the top of the page anyway.
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