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In response to post #55275293.

gporgie wrote: I find that the search function in the new version isn't as good as in the old one. In the new version I can only search by Mod name or author. In the old one I could also search by description, which is handy as sometimes that is the only place where what you are looking for is mentioned.

You can still do this by using "Refine search" -> "Search parameters". That being said, I'm not a fan of these options being hidden away at first glance; much preferred it on the right side, seems less efficient also, i.e. requires more clicks. I guess I'll get used to it eventually. Edited by Dain145
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In response to post #55274993.

Jeir wrote:

Thankfully I haven't yet been forced to use the 'new site' (probably until I clear my cache). I don't like it, and given I don't browse this site on a tiny 5inch touchscreen, everything being huge (and easy to poke with fingers) does not and will never appeal to me.

For those who keep saying 'say what you don't like and how to fix it, don't just keep complaining', we have. There have been numerous threads. But, okay, I will.


Not UI related:

- Let us have an option to turn off adult mods for the front page, and the front page only.

- Let us block and favourite tags. If we favourite a certain tag, then a mod with that tag will appear, no matter what other tags the mod has that we've blocked.

- Add/remove/change some tags, such as how I suggested here, although that's a little outdated now. The follower/companion tags would be nice.



- Return the font back to 13px. The 15px font either hurts my eyes (no, really) or makes me feel like I need to stand up and move away from my screen/decrease the zoom on the page to around 80%. This is especially relevant on the 'Recent Activity'/Recent Uploads page for some reason.

- Give option for smaller images. All images are currently 2-3x bigger than needed.

- Decrease wasted space above/below text and links. The box around a link (such as in the tracking centre/recent activity/etc.) makes it 2-3x larger than needed, especially when not using touchscreen.


Tracking Centre:

- Give an option for no images in the tracking centre. Half the time images have nothing to do with the mod in question anyway.

- Remove the game name from the tracking centre if viewed on the site for that game.

- Remove unnecessary titles. I know I'm in the tracking centre. I don't need to be told three times that that is where I am. The small title at the top is fine.

Result: This turns into this. Now I can see 16 mods instead of 8. Sadly, because I used uBlock to remove the unwanted elements instead of a CSS plugin of some kind, it just gets restored when the page reloads.


Mod Page:

I 'cheated' and used an existing browser plugin.

Result: This turns into this. Everything is condensed, and people can actually see there's more below that 'about this mod' section. Only thing it needs is for the tags to go back into its own tab.



Would you mind sharing the browser plugin used? Because if Nexus insists on using these huge images and wasted space, the only way i'm ever going to browse the site is if I have a plugin like that.
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In response to post #55274993. #55279503 is also a reply to the same post.

Jeir wrote:

Thankfully I haven't yet been forced to use the 'new site' (probably until I clear my cache). I don't like it, and given I don't browse this site on a tiny 5inch touchscreen, everything being huge (and easy to poke with fingers) does not and will never appeal to me.

For those who keep saying 'say what you don't like and how to fix it, don't just keep complaining', we have. There have been numerous threads. But, okay, I will.


Not UI related:

- Let us have an option to turn off adult mods for the front page, and the front page only.

- Let us block and favourite tags. If we favourite a certain tag, then a mod with that tag will appear, no matter what other tags the mod has that we've blocked.

- Add/remove/change some tags, such as how I suggested here, although that's a little outdated now. The follower/companion tags would be nice.



- Return the font back to 13px. The 15px font either hurts my eyes (no, really) or makes me feel like I need to stand up and move away from my screen/decrease the zoom on the page to around 80%. This is especially relevant on the 'Recent Activity'/Recent Uploads page for some reason.

- Give option for smaller images. All images are currently 2-3x bigger than needed.

- Decrease wasted space above/below text and links. The box around a link (such as in the tracking centre/recent activity/etc.) makes it 2-3x larger than needed, especially when not using touchscreen.


Tracking Centre:

- Give an option for no images in the tracking centre. Half the time images have nothing to do with the mod in question anyway.

- Remove the game name from the tracking centre if viewed on the site for that game.

- Remove unnecessary titles. I know I'm in the tracking centre. I don't need to be told three times that that is where I am. The small title at the top is fine.

Result: This turns into this. Now I can see 16 mods instead of 8. Sadly, because I used uBlock to remove the unwanted elements instead of a CSS plugin of some kind, it just gets restored when the page reloads.


Mod Page:

I 'cheated' and used an existing browser plugin.

Result: This turns into this. Everything is condensed, and people can actually see there's more below that 'about this mod' section. Only thing it needs is for the tags to go back into its own tab.



Dark1Nova wrote: Would you mind sharing the browser plugin used? Because if Nexus insists on using these huge images and wasted space, the only way i'm ever going to browse the site is if I have a plugin like that.

Here. It's a 'Stylish' plugin, and there are a few others available.
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In response to post #55275203.

twowolves80 wrote:

^ That is the post you should be studying--very useful, and not just a single sentence expressing rage.

You know, I swore I was done with this thread, and I would have been.

Had it not been for the sheer idiocy of people posting in it.

Let me qualify that, because clearly, there are some people here who don't know how to post, which amazes me since some of those people have post counts over 1,000, and usually, by that time, you've pretty much mastered how to give useful critiques. Don't worry, staff. I got this one. In fact, this is what I live for.

So, let me get out the big red crayon for you.

Example 1: "Ohmygod, you wrecked my whole life! The new site sucks! Please go back!"

First, Oh, my God is a series of three words, not one, and requires proper punctuation. Second, your whole life? Really? Because your life was going so swimmingly before, and this is the one thing that will completely destroy it, right? Third, to use a phrase often heard in court, you have failed to state a claim upon which relief can be granted.

To whit, and feel free to copy and paste this to your desktop, your profile page, and your forehead:

Feedback requires two things: Stating the problem in its entirety, and stating specifically what you think needs to change.


Example 2: "Damn it, Robin! Your new site sucks! I hate the way the tiles look, and everything is so messy!"

Swing and a miss. Close, and getting better. Why don't you try it one more time, son?


Example 3: "Oh, my God, I hate the new site, and here are a list of ten things I find annoying that maybe if you change around a bit, it will make things a lot better." (Proceeds to list all ten items)

ding-ding-ding-ding! We have a winner! Let's see...opinion stated, check. Suggestions for how to fix it, check.

Both elements of a successful, if a bit confrontational, bit of feedback.


"I hate the new site, and here's why" > "I hate the new site"

I was originally going to put each and everyone of you on blast in a spoiler box, but that would be a bit much; you know who you are, and you know what you did wrong. Now, why don't you go back, and use that Edit button to fix it so you give them something they can use to make the site better for everyone instead of simply using it as a feces-throwing contest in which you get to vent your rage over not only the site, but everything that has gone wrong in your life.

Point is, if you want these people, who owe you nothing, are letting you use their site for free, and put up with your whining on a daily basis (It's a damned good thing I'm not Robin, or there'd be a lot more bans) to make you the site you want, you have to work with them, and that means putting up something other than incoherent rage from loud mouth malcontents. Next time, try actually finishing the post with a suggestion on how you would improve the site.


I think you guys are doing a great job on the website, and while there's room for improvement, I think color-coding some of the buttons and updating the background artwork (which is probably lower-priority than getting the site to function right) will help improve the look and use-ability.

^ See? Feedback that's useful. And it's encouraging to read, not a crank piece that will make the designers throw their hands up and go, "Jesus, these people are never satisfied with anything!" and want to quit.

And that's all I have to say.

Excuse me, while I roll my eyes at this white-knight.
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In response to post #55274993. #55279503, #55279608 are all replies on the same post.

Jeir wrote:

Thankfully I haven't yet been forced to use the 'new site' (probably until I clear my cache). I don't like it, and given I don't browse this site on a tiny 5inch touchscreen, everything being huge (and easy to poke with fingers) does not and will never appeal to me.

For those who keep saying 'say what you don't like and how to fix it, don't just keep complaining', we have. There have been numerous threads. But, okay, I will.


Not UI related:

- Let us have an option to turn off adult mods for the front page, and the front page only.

- Let us block and favourite tags. If we favourite a certain tag, then a mod with that tag will appear, no matter what other tags the mod has that we've blocked.

- Add/remove/change some tags, such as how I suggested here, although that's a little outdated now. The follower/companion tags would be nice.



- Return the font back to 13px. The 15px font either hurts my eyes (no, really) or makes me feel like I need to stand up and move away from my screen/decrease the zoom on the page to around 80%. This is especially relevant on the 'Recent Activity'/Recent Uploads page for some reason.

- Give option for smaller images. All images are currently 2-3x bigger than needed.

- Decrease wasted space above/below text and links. The box around a link (such as in the tracking centre/recent activity/etc.) makes it 2-3x larger than needed, especially when not using touchscreen.


Tracking Centre:

- Give an option for no images in the tracking centre. Half the time images have nothing to do with the mod in question anyway.

- Remove the game name from the tracking centre if viewed on the site for that game.

- Remove unnecessary titles. I know I'm in the tracking centre. I don't need to be told three times that that is where I am. The small title at the top is fine.

Result: This turns into this. Now I can see 16 mods instead of 8. Sadly, because I used uBlock to remove the unwanted elements instead of a CSS plugin of some kind, it just gets restored when the page reloads.


Mod Page:

I 'cheated' and used an existing browser plugin.

Result: This turns into this. Everything is condensed, and people can actually see there's more below that 'about this mod' section. Only thing it needs is for the tags to go back into its own tab.



Dark1Nova wrote: Would you mind sharing the browser plugin used? Because if Nexus insists on using these huge images and wasted space, the only way i'm ever going to browse the site is if I have a plugin like that.
Jeir wrote: Here. It's a 'Stylish' plugin, and there are a few others available.

Oh thank you, that makes it look so very much better!
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In response to post #55275203. #55281988 is also a reply to the same post.

twowolves80 wrote:

^ That is the post you should be studying--very useful, and not just a single sentence expressing rage.

You know, I swore I was done with this thread, and I would have been.

Had it not been for the sheer idiocy of people posting in it.

Let me qualify that, because clearly, there are some people here who don't know how to post, which amazes me since some of those people have post counts over 1,000, and usually, by that time, you've pretty much mastered how to give useful critiques. Don't worry, staff. I got this one. In fact, this is what I live for.

So, let me get out the big red crayon for you.

Example 1: "Ohmygod, you wrecked my whole life! The new site sucks! Please go back!"

First, Oh, my God is a series of three words, not one, and requires proper punctuation. Second, your whole life? Really? Because your life was going so swimmingly before, and this is the one thing that will completely destroy it, right? Third, to use a phrase often heard in court, you have failed to state a claim upon which relief can be granted.

To whit, and feel free to copy and paste this to your desktop, your profile page, and your forehead:

Feedback requires two things: Stating the problem in its entirety, and stating specifically what you think needs to change.


Example 2: "Damn it, Robin! Your new site sucks! I hate the way the tiles look, and everything is so messy!"

Swing and a miss. Close, and getting better. Why don't you try it one more time, son?


Example 3: "Oh, my God, I hate the new site, and here are a list of ten things I find annoying that maybe if you change around a bit, it will make things a lot better." (Proceeds to list all ten items)

ding-ding-ding-ding! We have a winner! Let's see...opinion stated, check. Suggestions for how to fix it, check.

Both elements of a successful, if a bit confrontational, bit of feedback.


"I hate the new site, and here's why" > "I hate the new site"

I was originally going to put each and everyone of you on blast in a spoiler box, but that would be a bit much; you know who you are, and you know what you did wrong. Now, why don't you go back, and use that Edit button to fix it so you give them something they can use to make the site better for everyone instead of simply using it as a feces-throwing contest in which you get to vent your rage over not only the site, but everything that has gone wrong in your life.

Point is, if you want these people, who owe you nothing, are letting you use their site for free, and put up with your whining on a daily basis (It's a damned good thing I'm not Robin, or there'd be a lot more bans) to make you the site you want, you have to work with them, and that means putting up something other than incoherent rage from loud mouth malcontents. Next time, try actually finishing the post with a suggestion on how you would improve the site.


I think you guys are doing a great job on the website, and while there's room for improvement, I think color-coding some of the buttons and updating the background artwork (which is probably lower-priority than getting the site to function right) will help improve the look and use-ability.

^ See? Feedback that's useful. And it's encouraging to read, not a crank piece that will make the designers throw their hands up and go, "Jesus, these people are never satisfied with anything!" and want to quit.

And that's all I have to say.

captainoftheobvious wrote: Excuse me, while I roll my eyes at this white-knight.

Roll your eyes how much you want, he s right.
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In response to post #55274993. #55279503, #55279608, #55282488 are all replies on the same post.

Jeir wrote:

Thankfully I haven't yet been forced to use the 'new site' (probably until I clear my cache). I don't like it, and given I don't browse this site on a tiny 5inch touchscreen, everything being huge (and easy to poke with fingers) does not and will never appeal to me.

For those who keep saying 'say what you don't like and how to fix it, don't just keep complaining', we have. There have been numerous threads. But, okay, I will.


Not UI related:

- Let us have an option to turn off adult mods for the front page, and the front page only.

- Let us block and favourite tags. If we favourite a certain tag, then a mod with that tag will appear, no matter what other tags the mod has that we've blocked.

- Add/remove/change some tags, such as how I suggested here, although that's a little outdated now. The follower/companion tags would be nice.



- Return the font back to 13px. The 15px font either hurts my eyes (no, really) or makes me feel like I need to stand up and move away from my screen/decrease the zoom on the page to around 80%. This is especially relevant on the 'Recent Activity'/Recent Uploads page for some reason.

- Give option for smaller images. All images are currently 2-3x bigger than needed.

- Decrease wasted space above/below text and links. The box around a link (such as in the tracking centre/recent activity/etc.) makes it 2-3x larger than needed, especially when not using touchscreen.


Tracking Centre:

- Give an option for no images in the tracking centre. Half the time images have nothing to do with the mod in question anyway.

- Remove the game name from the tracking centre if viewed on the site for that game.

- Remove unnecessary titles. I know I'm in the tracking centre. I don't need to be told three times that that is where I am. The small title at the top is fine.

Result: This turns into this. Now I can see 16 mods instead of 8. Sadly, because I used uBlock to remove the unwanted elements instead of a CSS plugin of some kind, it just gets restored when the page reloads.


Mod Page:

I 'cheated' and used an existing browser plugin.

Result: This turns into this. Everything is condensed, and people can actually see there's more below that 'about this mod' section. Only thing it needs is for the tags to go back into its own tab.



Dark1Nova wrote: Would you mind sharing the browser plugin used? Because if Nexus insists on using these huge images and wasted space, the only way i'm ever going to browse the site is if I have a plugin like that.
Jeir wrote: Here. It's a 'Stylish' plugin, and there are a few others available.
Dark1Nova wrote: Oh thank you, that makes it look so very much better!

Thank you!
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In response to post #55275203. #55281988, #55283213 are all replies on the same post.

twowolves80 wrote:

^ That is the post you should be studying--very useful, and not just a single sentence expressing rage.

You know, I swore I was done with this thread, and I would have been.

Had it not been for the sheer idiocy of people posting in it.

Let me qualify that, because clearly, there are some people here who don't know how to post, which amazes me since some of those people have post counts over 1,000, and usually, by that time, you've pretty much mastered how to give useful critiques. Don't worry, staff. I got this one. In fact, this is what I live for.

So, let me get out the big red crayon for you.

Example 1: "Ohmygod, you wrecked my whole life! The new site sucks! Please go back!"

First, Oh, my God is a series of three words, not one, and requires proper punctuation. Second, your whole life? Really? Because your life was going so swimmingly before, and this is the one thing that will completely destroy it, right? Third, to use a phrase often heard in court, you have failed to state a claim upon which relief can be granted.

To whit, and feel free to copy and paste this to your desktop, your profile page, and your forehead:

Feedback requires two things: Stating the problem in its entirety, and stating specifically what you think needs to change.


Example 2: "Damn it, Robin! Your new site sucks! I hate the way the tiles look, and everything is so messy!"

Swing and a miss. Close, and getting better. Why don't you try it one more time, son?


Example 3: "Oh, my God, I hate the new site, and here are a list of ten things I find annoying that maybe if you change around a bit, it will make things a lot better." (Proceeds to list all ten items)

ding-ding-ding-ding! We have a winner! Let's see...opinion stated, check. Suggestions for how to fix it, check.

Both elements of a successful, if a bit confrontational, bit of feedback.


"I hate the new site, and here's why" > "I hate the new site"

I was originally going to put each and everyone of you on blast in a spoiler box, but that would be a bit much; you know who you are, and you know what you did wrong. Now, why don't you go back, and use that Edit button to fix it so you give them something they can use to make the site better for everyone instead of simply using it as a feces-throwing contest in which you get to vent your rage over not only the site, but everything that has gone wrong in your life.

Point is, if you want these people, who owe you nothing, are letting you use their site for free, and put up with your whining on a daily basis (It's a damned good thing I'm not Robin, or there'd be a lot more bans) to make you the site you want, you have to work with them, and that means putting up something other than incoherent rage from loud mouth malcontents. Next time, try actually finishing the post with a suggestion on how you would improve the site.


I think you guys are doing a great job on the website, and while there's room for improvement, I think color-coding some of the buttons and updating the background artwork (which is probably lower-priority than getting the site to function right) will help improve the look and use-ability.

^ See? Feedback that's useful. And it's encouraging to read, not a crank piece that will make the designers throw their hands up and go, "Jesus, these people are never satisfied with anything!" and want to quit.

And that's all I have to say.

captainoftheobvious wrote: Excuse me, while I roll my eyes at this white-knight.
RobRoger wrote: Roll your eyes how much you want, he s right.

After avidly waiting months for signs of life from the news section, I went from joy to dismay at all the wince-worthy posts about the redesign. It has been clearly stated that it is a work in progress, that the underlying code will be tweaked, and after Vortex is finally in a good place, then attention will be lavished on the site again.

Thank you for expressing what should be obvious to those of us who love and support this free site that helps enhance and expand our relationships with so many of the games we love. I personally see this site - and our talented/motivated modders - providing a sanctuary from the microtransaction filled future that so many developers are foisting upon us. You all provide ways to ever more personalize our experience to precisely our own tastes, and enable my gaming lifestyle!

Thanks to the team for all your hard work, and kudos to you, twowolves80, for your dose of civility!

- E
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