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New design constructive feedback


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No, sir. I don't like it.

I know that's probably not constructive, but I do not have a single positive thing to say about the new layout. Better to keep it short and sweet than complain.

Edited by Nymphonomicon
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I hate it.



No, sir. I don't like it.


I know that's probably not constructive, but I do not have a single positive thing to say about the new layout. Better to keep it short and sweet than complain.

Can either of you two members think of one or two things that, if you changed them on the site, might make it a better experience for you? There's been some pretty good suggestions I've seen in these threads that even I, who likes the new site, find myself agreeing with and making me notice things that might make it better, too.

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If possible, let the "update" menu show all new updates when there's more than the set standard amount. Preferably let the menu automatically roll-out to right underneath the last unread/unclicked update. If there's the added possibility to have some sort of repository for the clicked updates so that those vanish from the update menu, but with the added option to still view them separately from this repository. If none of these are feasable, then please allow the roll-out menu to show at least twelve to fifteen updates instead if the meager five or six we now see.


Then there's the fact that, when having opened the updates menu, the menu no longer shows/highlights the amount of updates as if you've clicked them all, regardles of having clicked one, two or none at all. It was like that on the old site and was recently changed on the new one to keep on showing the remaining updates, but a few days ago it was somrhow reset to the old behaviour.

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I hate it.



No, sir. I don't like it.


I know that's probably not constructive, but I do not have a single positive thing to say about the new layout. Better to keep it short and sweet than complain.

Can either of you two members think of one or two things that, if you changed them on the site, might make it a better experience for you? There's been some pretty good suggestions I've seen in these threads that even I, who likes the new site, find myself agreeing with and making me notice things that might make it better, too.



Well that's the thing. For many (most?) of us, there isn't just one or two things that can me changed to make this mess palatable.


It's kind of like replacing my grilled bacon and cheese sirloin burger with Squid Tartar then, when I start gagging on the smell, asking what can you do with the recipe to make it work for me?


The answer is NOTHING!.


I don't like seafood.


The idea of taking a bite out of a squid tentacle makes me sick.


And eating raw meat of any kind is not something I even want to think about... much less participate in.


Does that mean it can't be improved? No, of course not. It can be and I'm sure it will be. But it's still raw squid... and I'm still not going to prefer it over my burger.

Edited by rbolitho
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So I just took the time to read through all the posts in this thread, and it seems very clear to me that many of the people here do not bother to read any of the previous posts. They simply come here, say they would like the old design back, and leave. That is probably the single biggest problem on the internet - people do not bother to read stuff that they really should. It's the exact same problem with people who don't read mod descriptions, and then go to the page and whine about the mod not working, when it would have worked just fine if they had spent a couple of minutes beforehand to read through the description. It would be really nice if people would pay attention to the fact that the old design is not coming back, wouldn't it? If only...


Personally, I like the look of the new design. I believe it looks cleaner and showcases mods better than the old one did. However, I realise this is entirely subjective. I mostly use the site to find new mods, so the "New Today" and "More Trending" tabs are a godsend for me. As far as I'm aware, the functionality to see more trending mods on the front page was not present on the old design, so I find myself taking a look at more mods than I did before. Also, I find that the larger images tend to draw my attention more. Again, this is entirely subjective though, and I can see that a lot of people would probably disagree, in the same way that I disagree with the person who said that the posts tab on mod pages seems "cold" and "barren", whereas it used to be "warm" and "homely" in the old design (D'oh, should have taken note of the page that post was on!). Please define "cold", "barren", "warm" and "homely". These are completely subjective terms based entirely on the likes and dislikes of that person, so they should be left out of a thread meant to provide objective constructive feedback.


In my opinion, one of the biggest issues in the new design (that is present in the old one as well) is the unused space at the sides of the screen. It would really reduce the amount of scrolling needed if it was stretched out to match my monitor's resolution, or if certain elements (such as site news) were moved to the side, as others have suggested already. Other than that, I don't really have any big problems with the new design. Obviously, there's still a couple of bugs here and there, but taking the time to read the posts in this thread has reminded me of the fact that the current focus of the staff is on Vortex, so they will all be addressed in due time.


TL; DR: Good work on the redesign, I would like to see it continue to evolve. Also, I'm incredibly excited about Vortex! :dance:

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Is there a way to check notifications and new comments on your files from the small Earth icon next to your name? Or do they just all pop up in the mail icon now?

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The site is experiencing problems. The side panel was missing, which allowed switching the categories of mods. Somebody kill the designers of the site please.


Kill the designers of the site? Really?
We will do just fine without your "contributions".



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