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ℹ️ Intermittent Download History issues ×

Limited Vortex alpha release today, full release soon


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*Some* quick feedback as this will require more time to use





- while the straight lines and panels are nice, the use of orange on top of dark backgrounds is rather jarring. I'd suggest another colour, perhaps green like most of the other buttons and functions.

- the "GO PREMIUM" banner looks just ugly as it is cramped in that corner. If the user profile panel is also enabled, that's 2 useless visual bits that contrast in an ugly way with the rest of the design.; there's another whole width banner in downloads, yet another redundancy without much result. One suggestion I'd have is to move the top corner game launch/choice lower, and then to fill in the space with the premium banner, gradually fading it towards the right side end while possibly allowing some other functional room.

- in Downloads, the download speed graph doesn't need all that space. The "Drop URL or File" doesn't need to be that large either - the graph can occupy the bottom and the file drop can become a square button somewhere else, perhaps near the notifications. Previously mentioned banner would be better removed, specially in a section of the manager where a lot of records will be piling up and every bit of space is needed.

Visibility of white text on orange background is problematic. I suggest a different text or background colour for buttons with said combination, and a thicker font. I do appreciate the large buttons however, as my hands are rather clumsy.



- my biggest gripe is the plugin ordering which offered a neat view, both functional and visual while in NMM, view now lost within Vortex. I read the answer regarding this, doesn't make it feel better, but w/ever, I'll get used to it. It feels like we lost a very intuitive and easy to use method in favour of a more tedious one.

- Adding new tools should be in Settings as another tab.

- Tools are large rectangular buttons with a really tiny play. Please allow us to click anywhere on the button to launch the tool, and make the editable menus a right click function. A way to rearrange these buttons could be nice too, but not that important.

- The "Let's get you setup" panel could go into Settings as well.

- Recently managed seems pointless. I know it's optional, but it seems pointless to have even as an option.

- If possible, I think it would be greatly appreciated if our Tracking center/Download history could be accessed directly within the dashboard space - possibly with a vie to the mod's files and the ability to download them.

- Notifiations can have a +1 whenever new stuff happens. Lets not make a conga line of notifications please. Don't want to feel like I'm driving the Mako again.

- Not sure if this is mentioned anywhere - why do installed mods go in as Disabled and not Enabled?

- Sometimes the scroll feels sluggish within lists.

- Dependency management window could use some growth to display more information. A particularly good solution would've been something similar to the MAX material slate or the the unity one. Hopefully someone does this as it would offer a great visual representation of our dependencies.





- Cannot get F4SE to launch despite manually selecting it via the search folder. No arguments of any sort, this is the error log



spawn C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\f4se_loader.exe ENOENT

Error: spawn C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\f4se_loader.exe ENOENT

at exports._errnoException (util.js:1050:11)

at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:193:32)

at onErrorNT (internal/child_process.js:367:16)

at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:80:11)

at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:104:9)



- Manager is unable to see my saves. Don't have any way to point it at them.


- Selecting multiple mods to install generates an unknown error "downloadId: ryKDWfgUM,rkpc7leUG,rJpQklgUz,By0txxlUf"

- Selecting reinstall generates this http://prntscr.com/i8i24b

- Installed a mod, removed its plugin and replaced it with another one I've been working on. Both present in load order, no direct way to remove the older plugin. Not sure if bug or intended



There's probably more stuff, but it's already late. Hopefully I made enough sense.

Edited by Ethreon
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In response to post #57201061. #57202966 is also a reply to the same post.

archerarcher wrote: I really hope that it is possible to overwrite selected files...
Thallassa wrote: The overwrite system in Vortex is fantastic. You will be happy with it.

I hope so and I hope that loose files will be loaded prior to BSA files. If this two things are not possible my mod collection will end up in a mess.
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In response to post #57217826. #57218966 is also a reply to the same post.

RetroDaddy wrote:

How do I enable F4SE launcher using Vortex?

Ethreon wrote: Go to Settings, enable Starter.

Thank you so much...
So I went and enabled "Starter" but could see no option to actually do it. I have not found these "Dashlets" did I possibly forget to do something else? There are no widgets showing any of these options.

Maybe I figured out a solution, I added "Tool" along with FO4Edit and Loot. Edited by RetroDaddy
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In response to post #57216766. #57219311 is also a reply to the same post.

kanisiba wrote: If possible, I would like to help Japanese translation. Is there translation plan?
JRantanen wrote: If there is a translation plan, I can sign up for the Finnish translation.

The Vortex's source supports custom translations, you'll just have to wait for it to go open source I guess.
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In response to post #57201061. #57202966, #57220321 are all replies on the same post.

archerarcher wrote: I really hope that it is possible to overwrite selected files...
Thallassa wrote: The overwrite system in Vortex is fantastic. You will be happy with it.
archerarcher wrote: I hope so and I hope that loose files will be loaded prior to BSA files. If this two things are not possible my mod collection will end up in a mess.

> The overwrite system in Vortex is fantastic

I'm pretty sure it does not exist. Or I just can't find it.
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In response to post #57201061. #57202966, #57220321, #57221581 are all replies on the same post.

archerarcher wrote: I really hope that it is possible to overwrite selected files...
Thallassa wrote: The overwrite system in Vortex is fantastic. You will be happy with it.
archerarcher wrote: I hope so and I hope that loose files will be loaded prior to BSA files. If this two things are not possible my mod collection will end up in a mess.
Oblitus wrote: > The overwrite system in Vortex is fantastic

I'm pretty sure it does not exist. Or I just can't find it.

On Mods page, look at dependencies column. You can drag the icons on each other and specify what loads after what. It is really simple but not too obvious. Edited by lxndr
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