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Managing the Load Order...


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First, I haven't used Vortex yet, planning on giving it a try after I get through FO4 at least once.


That being said, the only issue I have with the whole LOOT controlled load order is simply this. LOOT can completely bork a load order quick, fast, and in a hurry. Take Oblivion for example. When LOOT was first released, I was working on a new LO for Oblivion. Now, with Oblivion, I have a core set of mods I always use. So much so I know exactly where they go. I know what they overwrite, what they need to overwrite, and what needs to overwrite them. After completing the installation of all my mods I went ahead and gave LOOT a try in sorting my LO. The result was bad. Train wreck bad.


Since then I've used LOOT with FO3, with the same result. Mods in places they should not be. That's not because I say they shouldn't be there, it's because the authors of said mods, xEdit, modding common sense, and the community as a whole, says they shouldn't be there.


For newer games (New Vegas, Skyrim, etc) LOOT is good at putting mods in the correct area (i.e. this mod needs to overwrite this one, etc), mostly, but still makes some pretty questionable choices. However, when playing the older Bethesda games, LOOT can be absolutely clueless to what it's doing.


Now, I'm well aware that the BOSS crew are the makers of LOOT. I'm also well aware that they're the one's updating the masterlist. However this new algorithm their using or whatever witchcraft it is, can and does make mistakes.


Now the point of this ramble is simply this. LOOT isn't all knowing, and solely depending on it to sort a LO is a terrible idea.

But, this is just my opinion and my personal experience.



You should NOT, under any circumstance, be using LOOT to sort Oblivion and Fallout 3 mods.

You should be using BOSS, NOT LOOT for those two games


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Doesn't spit out a correct load order. Plus BOSS is deprecated (or was the last time I still used it for F3) with LOOT being the replacer, and still not spitting out entirely correct LOs. All in all, you could use it, but not without double checking the result.

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Took a look at newest version of Vortex. Same issue persists, I am fine with learning new things but there's a some issues that make the UI of Vortex a bit confusing..Okay, my two-cents. Biggest issue of the new system - the handling of the rules UI. Autosort is fine, but the way rules set up is definitely clunky, It would be nice if you could add rightclick menu to "Set rule for file" or, better yet, being able to drag mods onto one another and make the system pop the rule menu with the two open already so you just have to set "incompatible with/load after/etc". That, in my opinion at least, would make this a lot more user friendly if you want to delve beyond autosort(which, lets be honest, might occur). I will not go into visual design of UI itself, I personally don't like it but that is purely down to reference.

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On the currently uploaded version (I grabbed the update from nexus page), on Plugins page - I can't rightclick on plugins or drag them around, they're just 'there'. Nor can I try to drag-n-drop, so unless there's a more up to date versino elsewhere - yeah I can't do anything. If I want to change rules I 'have' to click 'change rules', can't do it any other way unless i'm missing something.

:EDIT: Okay, scratch that. It's 'really' unclear then, was able to figure out you can drag and drop 'only' from the dependancies icon. Point still stands, it's easier to just drag-n-drop classic style the actual plugin onto another plugin, or having a right-click options menu to have a "Set rule for". Otherwise its 'really' unclear, I thought it was an icon merely to hide "Hey, this depends on X Y Z" and nothing else.

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