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Managing the Load Order...


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Actually there ARE Two Camps.

1. The people who spend the time learning how to use Vortex, and end up liking it.

2. The people who spend a couple of minutes with it, refuse to learn it, then complain about it, then post a long list of WHY they hate it, and include a list of all the "missing features" of Vortex that are already IN Vortex.

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  • 1 month later...

Haven't played Skyrim since last year I don't think. One of the main reasons being that I now have to start learning how to use a new mod manager and that'd been putting me off a bit. I was gonna use MO2 but after seeing repeatedly that Vortex isn't as bad as many are making it out to be I'll just try that instead.


Have got the Skyrim craving again so it has to be done, need to get into some Dwemer Ruins with my buddy Serana and start looting stuff.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Almost same as above had the crave for skyrim and the new mods, did all now that i NEED to manage my load order i can't before i just moved it and done, now you want a handicapped person with NO hands to start learning to code stuff to move them around, you guys ever hear the term LESS is MORE?
(edit: i was already corrected on the coding stuff i mentioned there, was talking about the metadata stuff but i'll leave it to keep the post as i wrote it)

You had a great MM in NMM Nexus then hires you to make it "better" yet it seems like a technical project for you and people like you, what happen to THINKING about the REAL and majority of users of this, the average joe who only needed to click and drag? what ever happen to User friendly?

Thank you for ruining it for me and for many other i'm sure! as i can't play because of some mods i need to move around and can't and NO i'm not willing to type stuff to sort it has i don't have the FINGERS to do it!!!

I'm only one guy but i'm sure there are other with disabilities like me who just won't take the time to try and sort this out or even write and sadly won't be considered and will quit playing games they loved because if this.

So MR.Tanning i ask you, making this user friendly for handicapped people like NMM was is not a good enough reason?

I ask and really expect a answer from YOU not a staff member or someone whining trying to defend this or that. that's not what my post is for this is for YOU Mr. Tanning!!

As i recall back when i read the goal of Vortex was to combine the best of NMM and MO then change and improve things to make something great, new and user friendlier.
You asked for a good reason so again i ask you

MR.Tanning coding the feature to move around the sort list as it was in NMM (just click the mod then click arrow until it's where you wanted it) to make it user friendly for people with disabilities is that a GOOD ENOUGH REASON?

ps: it took me about 45mins to write this and notice that's the only thing i'm talking about is the load order, Vortex itself I find it awesome, having said that I do expect a reply from you Mr.Tanning42. Hopefully you can do good for the disabled community.

Edited by elpuertorro
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If you prefer NMM and it serves your needs - use it. It is still available.

I keep reading your post to try and find a valid complaint. So far it escapes me.

One of the main points of Vortex is you DON'T move mods around. Trust Vortex to get the order right.

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Almost same as above had the crave for skyrim and the new mods, did all now that i NEED to manage my load order i can't before i just moved it and done, now you want a handicapped person with one hand to star learning to code stuff to move them around, you guys ever hear the term LESS is MORE?



What is this "Coding Stuff" you speak of?


Vortex tells you there's a MOD conflict, you click on SHOW, then MORE, then you either choose LOAD BEFORE or LOAD AFTER.

(That's for dealing with MODS, IE, Textures, Meshes, BSA, BA2, so there's no more "Install Mod B first, then install Mod A to make sure Mod A overwrites the textures in Mod B" and if you get the order wrong, you have to uninstall both mods and reinstall them both again in the correct order.

Instead, with Vortex, you click on "MANAGE RULES" and tell Vortex to Load Mod B before Mod A, or load Mod A AFTER mod B.

Much easier.



Now, in order to put PLUGINS in the correct order in NMM, you read the Description page and it tells you to "Load this plugin BEFORE plugin A" so you drag the plugin after "Plugin A".

With Vortex you can either, Double Click on the Plugin, and put the Plugin into a group that will LOAD AFTER the other plugin.

Or you can just drag the icons and then pick ADD, and you're done.

Then just hit Sort, and you're good to go.


You can do all that with just mouse-clicks, and there's no "Coding" involved.


Anyway, as rmm200 said, you're free to continue to use NMM, since nobody has "Taken it away" or is "Forcing you to use Vortex", all it involves is clicking on INSTALL VORTEX and scrolling down the page a little bit, something people seem to not be doing.


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Any of you TANNING?
Did you guys READ the part where i say i have NO HANDS to do the meta data stuff!! oh and by the way took me 4 months to get this working with my condition, quick to defend or make others see YOUR view but NOT READ and understand the other views or necessities!!

@rmm200 I HAVE NO f***ing HANDS!!!!!! DID YOU READ THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or in your desperate attempt to come as a crusader you missed it? did you not notice how i actually PRAISED Vortex at the end of my post!!

I invested 4 months of my life in this i use pedals and i need to move only 1 mod all the way to the bottom to be able to enjoy my hard work i did do the conflict things maybe you guys take it for granted because YOU HAVE HANDS!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not about to spend 4 more months to now setup on NMM which we now won't get "official" support. why would i? and also why not just add it in Vortex it is possible as Tanning himself said he just needed a good reason.

My reason is not GOO ENOUGH, no problem i'm sure there is plenty of people on the disabled gamers groups i belong to that would like to hear my experience and how i was helped here in the Nexus Forums and start bringing attention to the handicapped supportive/friendly Nexus forums and i don't think that is the attention you guys want

And again my post was DIRECTED to TANNING he asked for a reason so i'm giving him one i just hope he is decent enough to actually answer me!!!! I don't need the crusaders my problem/situation is legit and has merit!!! i'm an old faret how about kids teens who want to play games and can't and if they can is thanks to MODS and they also need a mod manager that is easy friendly and you can trouble shoot EASILY. not have to sewrch for the holy grail wich i still have not found to find how to move this mods to the bottom of my list.

No this is for @HadToRegister. if i read correctly i have to input/edit metadata (what i called code) which by the way have the slightest idea of what or how and then not only that how it relates to the rest of the mods i have.

We are not all moders or super techie like most of you we HAVE to learn because of our necessity, as we all now you can mess 4 mods trying to fix 1, and you also did not READ I installed i did conflict resolution is the CAN NOT MOVE mods load order as we could before. at least you tried to help even if you passively also came as a crusader for VORTEX or perhaps for Mr.Tanning not sure.

Again Mr.Tanning I await your answer if my reason is GOOD enough or not to merit you coding the function in to Vortex! you did ask for a reason so now you have to give me an answer.

Edited by elpuertorro
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Any of you TANNING?

Did you guys READ the part where i say i have NO HANDS to do the meta data stuff!! oh and by the way took me 4 months to get this working with my condition, quick to defend or make others see YOUR view but NOT READ and understand the other views or necessities!!



@rmm200 I HAVE NO f***ing HANDS!!!!!! DID YOU READ THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or in your desperate attempt to come as a crusader you missed it? did you not notice how i actually PRAISED Vortex at the end of my post!!


I invested 4 months of my life in this i use pedals and i need to move only 1 mod all the way to the bottom to be able to enjoy my hard work i did do the conflict things maybe you guys take it for granted because YOU HAVE HANDS!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm not about to spend 4 more months to now setup on NMM which we now won't get "official" support. why would i? and also why not just add it in Vortex it is possible as Tanning himself said he just needed a good reason.


My reason is not GOO ENOUGH, no problem i'm sure there is plenty of people on the disabled gamers groups i belong to that would like to hear my experience and how i was helped here in the Nexus Forums and start bringing attention to the handicapped supportive/friendly Nexus forums and i don't think that is the attention you guys want


And again my post was DIRECTED to TANNING he asked for a reason so i'm giving him one i just hope he is decent enough to actually answer me!!!! I don't need the crusaders my problem/situation is legit and has merit!!! i'm an old faret how about kids teens who want to play games and can't and if they can is thanks to MODS and they also need a mod manager that is easy friendly and you can trouble shoot EASILY. not have to sewrch for the holy grail wich i still have not found to find how to move this mods to the bottom of my list.


No this is for @HadToRegister. if i read correctly i have to input/edit metadata (what i called code) which by the way have the slightest idea of what or how and then not only that how it relates to the rest of the mods i have.


We are not all moders or super techie like most of you we HAVE to learn because of our necessity, as we all now you can mess 4 mods trying to fix 1, and you also did not READ I installed i did conflict resolution is the CAN NOT MOVE mods load order as we could before. at least you tried to help even if you passively also came as a crusader for VORTEX or perhaps for Mr.Tanning not sure.


Again Mr.Tanning I await your answer if my reason is GOOD enough or not to merit you coding the function in to Vortex! you did ask for a reason so now you have to give me an answer.


Nope, not even TANNIN42 is TANNING.


I read the part where you said you have ONE HAND, which is why I went into detail about the things you mentioned, as they only require Mouse-Clicks.

It's even quoted in my previous post.


NMM hasn't had "Official Support" for TWO YEARS now, however, it is STILL being updated on GitHub, and rmm200 was just telling you that if you prefer NMM then you can stay with it, BECAUSE it's still being updated and supported by a different community.

He also mentioned that using Vortex is easier because you don't have to move plugins around, because the built in LOOT does it for you.


We are obviously have a problem communicating here, because every response to you, you are taking as HOSTILE, instead of HELPFUL.


Nope, you didn't read correctly, you don't have to put in ANY MetaData, you're thinking of LOOT, which is a completely different program.

Everything you do in Vortex can be done with Mouse-Clicks, which is why I went into detail about it, because you mentioned having to do everything with ONE HAND.

I thought I was being helpful.



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