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Managing the Load Order...


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can't see those groups you mentioned

ps: Read again not 1 is NO HANDS AT ALL!!!!!! and again the problem is that the order i get from loot is not working i need to "manually" move it to the bottom of the load order!.

of course i'm hostile you guys are not reading that i HAVE NO HANDS, you taking it for granted like if it was just a little thing for me.!!!!! just a few clicks and done , is not that simple for me!!! i have a system of pedals to play and use the pc is not as easy as for you guys even if you at least had 1 hand it would be kinda of easy but NO HANDS means NO HANDS to use o mouse and click!!! you get it now???

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can't see those groups you mentioned



That's because I said click on the PLUGINS TAB, not the MOD TAB.


Ok I admit did not read correctly because i'm mad as hell still, but now in the correct page how do i know which of those groups if i want the mod to be last on the list, late loaders? i see categories but nothing so i can tell it be last on the whole list.

Edited by elpuertorro
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can't see those groups you mentioned





That's because I said click on the PLUGINS TAB, not the MOD TAB.


Ok I admit did not read correctly because i'm mad as hell still, but now in the correct page how do i know which of those groups if i want the mod to be last on the list, late loaders? i see categories but nothing so i can tell it be last on the whole list.



Click on the MANAGE GROUPS button and you can see how the groups are laid out.


If the mod is in the "default" group, then picking ANY group for the Mod you want to load AFTER the mod in the Default Group, then put that mod in any group that comes after DEFAULT.

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For instance, this is part of the group layout for Fallout 4, when I click on the MANAGE GROUPS button

So I can assign a mod to any one of those groups (Preferably the one right after DEFAULT) and Vortex will put that mod into that group, and that mod will load after that other mod now.


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Almost same as above had the crave for skyrim and the new mods, did all now that i NEED to manage my load order i can't before i just moved it and done, now you want a handicapped person with one hand to star learning to code stuff to move them around, you guys ever hear the term LESS is MORE?


You had a great MM in NMM Nexus then hires you to make it "better" yet it seems like a technical project for you and people like you, what happen to THINKING about the REAL and mayority of users of this, the average joe who only needed to click and drag? what ever happen to User friendly?


Thank you for ruining it for me and for many other i'm sure! as i can't play because of somemods i need to move around and can't and NO i'm not willing to type stuff to sort it has i don't have the FINGERS to do it!!!



I'm only one guy but i'm sure there are other with disabilities like me who just won't take the time to try and sort this out or even write and sadly won't be considered and will quit playing games they loved because if this.


So MR.Tanning i ask you, making this user friendly for handicapped people like NMM was is not a good enough reason?


I ask and really expect a answer from YOU not a staff member or someone whining trying to defend this or that. that's not what my post is for this is for YOU Mr. Tanning!!


As i recall back when i read the goal of Vortex was to combine the best of NMM and MO then change and improve things to make something great, new and user friendlier.

You asked for a good reason so again i ask you


MR.Tanning coding the feature to move around the sort list as it was in NMM(just click the mod then click arrow until it's where you wanted it) to make it user friendly for people with disabilities is that a GOOD ENOUGH REASON?


ps: it took me about 45mins to write this and notice that's the only thing i'm talking about the load order, Vortex itself I find it awesome having said that I do expect a reply from you Mr.Tanning. Hopefully you can do good for the disabled community.


Read the highlighted part.

This is your post, quoted.


I AM reading your posts, that's why I pointed it out.

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Ok HONESTLY thanks for your time and help i'll try and figure it out, having said that.
Really you concentrated on that one line even if i mentioned about 3 or 4 times in the different post i made it is NO hands?
Even more as you can see my machine if i'm talking to fast will get some stuff wrong as if you noticed it typed after the part you highlighted "to STAR" instead of START but hey they say computer don't make mistakes right!! maybe the line further down that said NO FINGERS that means NONE not 5, 3 or even 1 it clearly said NO FINGERS which = NO HANDS could have cleared it for you.

I'm still baffled how you guys try to make me see your point when you have to great hands to type all this stuff and i have to struggle to answer and not only that get it 100% right so i don't get corrected, granted i did make that mistake but also mentioned enough times the correct one yet we concentrate on the 1 to justify the click away comment, funny is that i can admit i was wrong which i don't really have to because of my condition yet we try to justify our mistakes pointing out others.
yeah society keeps moving forward i see.

And again thank you but as i stated on my first post!!


Still Mr.Tanning or Mr.Tanning42 a.k.a The developer of Vortex making sure there is no confusion who the post is for!!!

is adding that functionality that will make life easier for the handicapped and disabled good enough? or are we not worthy under your and the Nexus perception/view of for who and why you're making Vortex?

You did make the request for a reason to code it in so let me know and just so you know i will not drop it until i get a yes or no from you directly and depending on your answer we will proceed.

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Ok HONESTLY thanks for your time and help i'll try and figure it out, having said that.

Really you concentrated on that one line even if i mentioned about 3 or 4 times in the different post i made it is NO hands?

Even more as you can see my machine if i'm talking to fast will get some stuff wrong as if you noticed it typed after the part you highlighted "to STAR" instead of START but hey they say computer don't make mistakes right!! maybe the line further down that said NO FINGERS that means NONE not 5, 3 or even 1 it clearly said NO FINGERS which = NO HANDS could have clrared it for you. i'm still baffled how you guys try to make me see your point when you have to great hands to type all this stuff and i have to struggle to answer and not only that get it 100% right so i don't get corrected, yeah society is really moving forward.





Well, I'm not trying to MAKE you see my point.

You've been nothing but hostile no matter how much I've tried to help, and so I will just bow out at this point.

I can tell you that Manual Load ordering isn't going to be implemented, and the reason I can tell you that, is because I used to be the one starting threads demanding that Manual Load ordering be brought to Vortex.


Then I took the time and learned how vortex works, and soon realized that manual load ordering of PLUGINS was no longer necessary.


That's all I'm going to say about that, because you obviously don't care what anybody but Tannin42 says at this point, because you keep taking ANY and ALL help as "hostile", so, have fun, and goodbye.

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