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Video Games are for Children!


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People who believe that video games are for children are the same people who believe that animated shows and movies are for children. While in reality, they are simply different media through which to tell a story. Next time someone tells you that video games are for children have them watch a play-through of The Last of Us. If they say animated movies are for kids, have them watch Grave of the Fireflies.

Excellent movie. And I haven't been a kid for decades. :D


Also, if you watch animation, be it simply cartoons, or movies..... there are several levels of humor there, some of which, the children will get, the rest.... well, adults will understand it, the children (hopefully) will not.

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The one thing that gets me is some peoples idea that maturity and discipline is two things that can only be personified by pursuits other than gaming. How you relax and how you unwind is a personal choice that doesn't reflect anything other than your personality,


I think that this idea that you need to be more quote/unquote, productive in your off times is a product of a work ethic that has been taken too far by people who take themselves too seriously and is indicative of a constipated mind that is both full of themselves as well as other bodily excretions.


I have a brother who pretty much thinks this way. He is buying a home and has two pickup trucks, a car for his wife, a motorcycle for himself and an rv, which he can only use one at a time and spends just about every dollar he makes to keep up with the payments on these items. He spends much of his recreational time taking care of these toys and swilling beer.


I am single and am also buying a home. I have one car that I am also paying for and live a life that is far less grinding since I am making a life with what I have rather than making a living paying for those things that are far more acceptable to those who believe materialism equates to prosperity.

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The one thing that gets me is some peoples idea that maturity and discipline is two things that can only be personified by pursuits other than gaming. How you relax and how you unwind is a personal choice that doesn't reflect anything other than your personality,


I think that this idea that you need to be more quote/unquote, productive in your off times is a product of a work ethic that has been taken too far by people who take themselves too seriously and is indicative of a constipated mind that is both full of themselves as well as other bodily excretions.


I have a brother who pretty much thinks this way. He is buying a home and has two pickup trucks, a car for his wife, a motorcycle for himself and an rv, which he can only use one at a time and spends just about every dollar he makes to keep up with the payments on these items. He spends much of his recreational time taking care of these toys and swilling beer.


I am single and am also buying a home. I have one car that I am also paying for and live a life that is far less grinding since I am making a life with what I have rather than making a living paying for those things that are far more acceptable to those who believe materialism equates to prosperity.


Thanks for the stuff you shared. I remember stuff similar.
My older and younger siblings, both kinds; males and females, might have these words in the back of their subliminally spaced out minds, "When is He going to Grow Up and Act his AGE?!"
Instead, someone's older siblings, or friends, could not bring themselves to say that to their face and said, "Video Games are for Children!"
In this 21st Century, today, I will add the thought I just had, because I am a thinker, and a stinker too, "When are they going to make you a video game that you can play, and the future (non-Alpha children) the 2nd born, 3rd born, 4th born, etc., children can play the game that will actually give them the ideas, feelings, and actions of their real Mothers as if they have all the same stuff, the CORRECT STUFF, that Mothers would have shared with the following numbers of children, as if the child had been the Alpha child, 1st born?!
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I work hard mon-fri, big weeks installing floors, architrays and levelling ground. I also have to work with Carpel Tunnel that puts me in pain every day of my life while working. When I'm suffering in pain i find videogames to be easy on my hands, and a great pass-time, when you don't have priorities that need to be done. Video games can also really instill imagine.
I love Fallout for example. And there's no movie, no TV that comes anywhere close to Fallout's setting. (Not even the 100)
So where else am I suppose to get my post-apocalyptic fill of adventure????

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I work hard mon-fri, big weeks installing floors, architrays and levelling ground. I also have to work with Carpel Tunnel that puts me in pain every day of my life while working. When I'm suffering in pain i find videogames to be easy on my hands, and a great pass-time, when you don't have priorities that need to be done. Video games can also really instill imagine.

I love Fallout for example. And there's no movie, no TV that comes anywhere close to Fallout's setting. (Not even the 100)

So where else am I suppose to get my post-apocalyptic fill of adventure????

Should check out Jericho. It ran for two seasons. (I think it was two....) Available on Netflix. :)

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Video Games are for Children!

Yep. That's what some ladies told me the other day when I asked a girl if she ever played any. My family thinks the same thing.

The more I think about it the more I think this whole thing is just a misunderstanding. What they probably said was

Video Games are for Chillin
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Video Games are for Children!

Yep. That's what some ladies told me the other day when I asked a girl if she ever played any. My family thinks the same thing.

The more I think about it the more I think this whole thing is just a misunderstanding. What they probably said was

Video Games are for Chillin


Kudos for that comment. :D

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I've been gaming for about 35 years now - I'll be 44 on my next birthday and am only making this post because FO4 just ctd and I wanted a break for 5 minutes to have something to eat and make a cup of coffee.


"Time you enjoy wasting, isn't wasted time".


Quick quips and cliches aside - I believe we get one chance at life - I don't think I'm coming back as a turtle, moving on to a higher place of existence, spending an eternity in hell for sinning etc etc etc.


I'm of above average intelligence, but in no way exceptional - I am not capable of achieving anything that is going to change the world - I'm never going to be remembered like Einstein or Hawking or Galileo or Socrates or Curie or Emmeline Pankhurst or even people like Genghis Khan or Donald Trump - I suppose I could become infamous if I really desired but I've no interest in hurting people so in 100 years time NO ONE is going to remember me or a damn thing I've done. My memory will not live on and whilst some people may hate this idea - I find it both liberating and comforting.


If I was capable of genuine greatness and was wasting my life by playing games and essentially denying the future of our race and planet something "game changing" (pun intended) , then I think I would be deserving of criticism.


Modern day life on this planet for 99% of the population is hard and largely tedious and repetitive - I know things are relative and that there are people far worse of than me - but I've tried life as current society programmed me to believe is right and found it to be a bad joke - my prime directive currently consists of....


1) Have a much fun as possible between now and death (This involves a variety of activities among which playing video games is a significant percentage)

2) Do my best not to hurt others

3) Be as open and as honest as circumstances allow

4) Completely disregard ridiculous, hypocritical and unproductive rules and laws that are there for the sole purpose of halting human and societal evolution in it's tracks.


I respect anyone who thinks for themselves and shapes their lives to their own needs - as long as it doesn't negatively impact on others. I'm not talking about other people perceiving your actions as affecting them negatively - I mean actually affecting them negatively - there is a huge spectrum of variance between the two!


Honestly folkes - have fun before it's too late.




EDIT - Oh yeah - it's not easy - but really work at not giving a damn about what others think of you - you spend your life worrying about how others perceive you - if you change because of these anxieties and your gonna be miserable you whole life - well F*** that - they're just people too, like me, what the hell do they know?

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Who cares what you do in your free time. It doesn't matter if you spend even waking minute playing video games or working your fingers to the bone with no free time. There is no right or wrong way to live your life. We are all going to end up dead then it won't matter how we spent our time or the wealth we accumulated all that will be left, for the personality you are now anyways is eternal darkness. So it's best to just live in the moment spending your time doing whatever you enjoy or believe in and not worrying how others spend theirs or what others think of how you spend yours.

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