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This thread aged like milk. Enjoying that civil war of yours?

We haven't gotten to that point yet. We are merely at the 'civil unrest' stage. Currently, it is open to question whether it will be a political war, or a race war........



It does seem to have some of the earmarks of a "shooting war" though Hey ... keep your head down, powder dry and flints at hand.


I live out in the sticks, so, not really in a target area. But, I DO have several weapons, including a couple so-called "assault rifles", and around a 1000 rounds of ammo for them. :smile: I am more worried about the waves of refugees I will likely see coming from detroit. :D



I hear ya ... won't be zombies behind them either, eh?


Ya just never know. :D



LOL ... at least if they're zombies you won't find yourself with any moral/ethical/should I go left or should I go right issues clouding your aim ... start a bit low and to the right of center, squeeze and release once off target (assuming full auto and right handed shooter of course). Rinse and repeat as necessary.

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This thread aged like milk. Enjoying that civil war of yours?

We haven't gotten to that point yet. We are merely at the 'civil unrest' stage. Currently, it is open to question whether it will be a political war, or a race war........



It does seem to have some of the earmarks of a "shooting war" though Hey ... keep your head down, powder dry and flints at hand.


I live out in the sticks, so, not really in a target area. But, I DO have several weapons, including a couple so-called "assault rifles", and around a 1000 rounds of ammo for them. :smile: I am more worried about the waves of refugees I will likely see coming from detroit. :D



I hear ya ... won't be zombies behind them either, eh?


Ya just never know. :D



LOL ... at least if they're zombies you won't find yourself with any moral/ethical/should I go left or should I go right issues clouding your aim ... start a bit low and to the right of center, squeeze and release once off target (assuming full auto and right handed shooter of course). Rinse and repeat as necessary.


Still rather difficult to acquire fully automatic weapons here in the US. :) Much as the left leaning press would like you to think that every gun nut has two or three of 'em. :D


I DO have large capacity magazines though. Oh the HORROR! :D

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This thread aged like milk. Enjoying that civil war of yours?

We haven't gotten to that point yet. We are merely at the 'civil unrest' stage. Currently, it is open to question whether it will be a political war, or a race war........



It does seem to have some of the earmarks of a "shooting war" though Hey ... keep your head down, powder dry and flints at hand.


I live out in the sticks, so, not really in a target area. But, I DO have several weapons, including a couple so-called "assault rifles", and around a 1000 rounds of ammo for them. :smile: I am more worried about the waves of refugees I will likely see coming from detroit. :D



I hear ya ... won't be zombies behind them either, eh?


Ya just never know. :D



LOL ... at least if they're zombies you won't find yourself with any moral/ethical/should I go left or should I go right issues clouding your aim ... start a bit low and to the right of center, squeeze and release once off target (assuming full auto and right handed shooter of course). Rinse and repeat as necessary.


Still rather difficult to acquire fully automatic weapons here in the US. :smile: Much as the left leaning press would like you to think that every gun nut has two or three of 'em. :D


I DO have large capacity magazines though. Oh the HORROR! :D



Well ... you do have that look about you ... LOL :laugh:


I am 110% onboard with you in the other debate topic. Change always comes from within. Don't like what's happening? Remember where the other fingers are pointing while your index is busy ... they do indicate the starting point.

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Little kids scream and run when they see me too.


Of course, they are screaming "ICE CREAM GRANDPA!!!!".... and running AT me..... :D


LOL ... I scream, you scream, we all scream for icecream!!


- Edit - Spelling is such a tasking task some days.

Edited by Striker879
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See, I had this incredible post, fully-formed, annotated, it gloriously told of my fact-based view.


Then I saw HeyYou gramps up there was giving away ice cream and I got distracted by that yummy object. :laugh:

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See, I had this incredible post, fully-formed, annotated, it gloriously told of my fact-based view.


Then I saw HeyYou gramps up there was giving away ice cream and I got distracted by that yummy object. :laugh:

To look at him you'd never in a million years guess that he had such a mean streak, would you?

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See, I had this incredible post, fully-formed, annotated, it gloriously told of my fact-based view.


Then I saw HeyYou gramps up there was giving away ice cream and I got distracted by that yummy object. :laugh:


Thank You. That one just cracked me up in a major way. Time to get the paper towels, and glass cleaner, to clear the coffee from my monitor. :D


See, I had this incredible post, fully-formed, annotated, it gloriously told of my fact-based view.


Then I saw HeyYou gramps up there was giving away ice cream and I got distracted by that yummy object. :laugh:

To look at him you'd never in a million years guess that he had such a mean streak, would you?


I am awful. :D

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See, I had this incredible post, fully-formed, annotated, it gloriously told of my fact-based view.


Then I saw HeyYou gramps up there was giving away ice cream and I got distracted by that yummy object. :laugh:


Thank You. That one just cracked me up in a major way. Time to get the paper towels, and glass cleaner, to clear the coffee from my monitor. :D


See, I had this incredible post, fully-formed, annotated, it gloriously told of my fact-based view.


Then I saw HeyYou gramps up there was giving away ice cream and I got distracted by that yummy object. :laugh:

To look at him you'd never in a million years guess that he had such a mean streak, would you?


I am awful. :D



This point in the discussion reminded me of a very, very old comic book I read. It was about some children in a modern town, dressed like little future business grownups. There was a gazebo in the middle of their town where the house's circled around. One day the sound of a Ice cream cart was heard outside (their suit and tie and dresses with fluff so they were like upside down umbrellas) businesslike homes. The children thought it was the Ice Cream Man of course.


When they got the petty cash from their Mothers and ran out to greet the ice cream man they got a surprise. The man wasn't selling ice cream. He was selling something else. The children having been raised so they were like little robots and didn't have to think much (yet) stood there dumbfounded as the nice vendor convinced the children to try his wares.


Without so much as a cry out to their parents they did. They ate the vendors food.


As the children stood there with their taste buds experiencing the new food, their bodies began to change. The first boy to have eaten grew bicep muscles that bulged out of and tore the shirt sleeves open at the seams, his blond close cut hair grew long and wavy as he got taller swiftly turning his little boy slacks into knee high cut offs, and became a fine example of a fitness trainer, like Charles Atlas. (Who by chance had a tiny picture of himself in a little advertisement on the back of the comic book for anyone to buy his training program.)


The entire town was given the food then and the place turned into a backward lot with granny, granpa, the blond haired Lil Abner, and a brown haired Daisy Mae. Sady Hawkins Day used to be something people at the High School had once a year here where I live. The vendors wares turned everyone into a different kind of person and even their town changed into Dog Patch USA..


The children who were eying my property around 2 AM MDT last night weren't much more intelligent. And their numbers are filling jobs they aren't educated well enough to handle.


Covid - 19 has giving me many more surprises to keep a journal in Anthopology as well. For example. I got to view a few people I know only at their jobs. They are all the gals in the dentist office. They were in a room and clearly didn't understand social distancing, a young woman was giving them the Covid - 19 que tip test and she didn't understand how to properly tie a surgeons smock in the back, while the young gals giggled, and let the one gal stick a long cotton swab in their noses to test them for the virus.


All seven of them were wondered in and out of the room, and at one time all of them were packed in the room that is the head dentistry department room. I could see them all clearly through the glass sliding window between me and the clerk, who at the time was with her back to me giggling along with other dental assistants, and even the hygiene gal who cleans all of our teeth was there. With no masks on. All crowded in taking turns sitting in the chair and having the long swab stick shoved in their nose, while the head of the dentist department was off caring for a patient.


The young 18 to 30 year old women were all packed in a room less than 8 x 10 feet. One by one, while the one doing the the nurse covid - 19 test kept fumbling with the green gown trying to keep it from sliding too far off her shoulders, between the times she was shoving the stick in each of the giggling young women's noses.


I would have filmed it with my camera, for you all to see, but it's a very secure place and I would have gotten my phone taken away if the camera watching us in each room had seen me doing it. Too bad!


Dogpatch is all around us. With a few slavering human's looking for a home in any house that doesn't look like anyone is living there.


Want to buy some Hop for your beer? I have a yard full of Hop plants that will be mature in a few more weeks and budding. Ah the fresh buds make supreme beer.


Want to buy some Bamboo Trees? I have a quarter of the lot all the way East to West along the house's south fence. The chinese that (edit) lived here during the 1890's building the railroad to the Smelter, brought them with them when they were working to build the railroad. They brought the Bamboo to use as trellesse for the Hop plant.

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this is no comedy this is real life with the current u.s president on fox news! watch! i have nothing to add :wink:



and if corona numbers are out of control trump will heal that just by delivering his own numbers :wink:



and here the real comedy - the only problem (for trump and his fans): not based on fake but on his own real interview!


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