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this is what matters! we need more men who have balls and say what has to be said! you will not see this in trump media but this is the truth! to all people who don't check it - get lost! nobody can heal your lost souls!


we absolutely need dems and reps as parties or even more parties! they are basic elements in a democracy. if you don`t have them you live in an autocracy. and for me it is absolutely ok that they fight for their agenda and for the best for the country. but downplaying major issues of a president in favor of an agenda or a party supporting someone with major issues is dangerous and brings us back to the german problem in 1933. if you ignore such major issues or fail to understand the result of that as a voter it makes you a part of the whole problem and you will probably send out the wrong signal - pro agenda, but in this case more important - against democracy!

study it or read what i posted already and you will understand the problem with trump and all the reps supporting him, his administration and his aggressive media apparatus.

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this is what matters! we need more men who have balls and say what has to be said! you will not see this in trump media but this is the truth! to all people who don't check it - get lost! nobody can heal your lost souls!

There is a lot of fear in you friend. Probably pain as well. What you grasp at are but half-truths. The reality is much simpler. Had the two halves of the same whole came together for a common purpose, perhaps all those people wouldn't have lost their lives. Maybe they still would have.


Doesn't matter. What really matters doesn't matter much anymore.

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trump twitter news (especially for people who do not see it or just watch trump media)


@saxhleel - i do not fear, the germans in 1933 feared and they feared with reason as you should know! trump currently acts and twitters out of order and hinders the elected president to do his work and to save somehow the u.s. from trumps destructive actions and the severest corona impacts until it is too late.

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trump twitter news (especially for people who do not see it or just watch trump media)


@saxhleel - i do not fear, the germans in 1933 feared and they feared with reason as you should know! trump currently acts and twitters out of order and hinders the elected president to do his work and to save somehow the u.s. from trumps destructive actions and the severest corona impacts until it is too late.

Holding up corona virus as a 'trump failure' is a non-starter. We have zero evidence that things would have been any difference had he taken a different course. Quite the contrary, we already know that none of the measures that were proposed would have really made all that much difference. Just look at history. The more severe the measures got, the longer the virus would be the driving force behind the failing economy, and our social collapse. The death toll still would be quite similar, it just would have taken longer, and had a much bigger impact on our economy. Watch what happens when Biden starts getting more and more severe with his measures, and nothing much changes.


But, you hate trump. Irrationally I might add. So, it really doesn't matter what I say, you will still vilify him. Quite frankly, YOU are the one living in a bubble, defined by your 'liberal/progressive' ideals. Please stay in Germany.

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1. who says or claims that corona is a trump failure apart from you ? corona is defintely not trumps fault but his reaction and how he handled it as a president since he knows about it is his responsibility and we already know - he failed. just renaming covid to china virus does not help anyone as you can see.

2. we have zero evidendence ? what are you waiting for ? - that all americans are dead or infected without any serious contermeasures apart from the ones the democratic states insisted on? and please do not spread fake information and better watch what happens outside the u.s. - you still think this is all fake if you compare ? only isolated trump media consumers believe what you say.

3. nobody says that i hate trump - me included. why do you claim that ? i already said that trump is just a medicore business man and entertainer. just not hyping or defending him like you continuously do does not mean that i hate him. and if he permanently acts ignorant, childish and as a clown what is your problem if people think he is and try to tell you ?

4. yes, be sure i absolutely stay at home not at least because of corona.

5. for your information: I'm not liberal and to be conservative does not imply to own a weapon, to act without brain, to support racists or to be ignorant or even trump friendly and it absolutely does not mean to ignore trumps major personal issues making him a proven miscast for his job - even if trump media tries to make you believe the opposite.

6. i only post here because of trump and some people here excusing his proven shortcomings or ignore them permanently without any consequences. every single day trump ignores his deselection he just proves these major personal issues completely diqualifying him for the job and it seems more severe i thought a few month ago.

7. I'm still surprised how some of you just ignore or excuse trumps shortcomings, how facts and arguments are turned just to fit in your posts. and it is not only you but many americans do so. do they all just consume trump controlled media and its parallel universe ? it just seems so.


It would be nice if you fully read and understand what i write before you think about to answer. ask if you do not understand or my english is too bad and just refer to the numbers i used.

thank you.

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Hey! Now! This is Nexusmods, not the U. S. A.. Freedom of Speech and all among the rich is paid for by the public on National Public Radio. Hey! Now! Veteran's Day is passed, and Thanksgiving Day is on our Calendar.


Time to gather for the big family get together.


I read some interesting articles when I was surfing the Internet about how other countries were before they became conscious of their happyland becoming overpopulated. Before they went off to go take other lands where people lived and claim it for their own. Just like the good old days people in Germany were happy, the clime of their city was modern, and even the children played out in the yards safe and happy. They could count on the bus service to take their children to school, to appointments with the family dentist, the eye doctor, the ENT doctor. Schools were safer and everyone seemed to live in a blissful state of confidence and comfort.


China's population still grows, India's population too, and Nepal, and yet, some people can't seem to keep their shorts from getting all knotted up suffering from the sensation of becoming overcrowded. Packed like sardines in a can! So what do they do?!


They howl at the people who are at ease like they used to be. Warning them of things to come easy to upset, trying to rock them into a new way, build discomfort than get well cards, after their secret agents infiltrate and destroy key players in the game of politics.


Repeating their propaganda over and over so as to appear more intelligent among the people they wish to subdue and present with a better way, clearing a path for them to march in and take over where the public roams freely unhindered, shopping, dining, and searching for the perfect present for someone's birthday, wedding, or religious gift giving times.


Keep singing xrayy, hey now! You're a Rockstar!

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nice trash song but i am a bad singer :wink: i like more to play games and to enter weird debates.

mabe you can help me to bring this song into context with trump. maybe because he always acts like a clown while being hyped like a rockstar just being the one in the song ?

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Sheets of paper found in the 3 candidates pockets when their suits were collected by the shops that rented them the suits. The script writers wrote the thing to say if not elected for President to Nelson, Biden, and Trump to say when the election votes were all counted and no one was the president.


Trump with his New York City accent, "A! It was fixed I tell ya! It was Fixed! I won! Don't pay attention to all the people sayin' different."

Biden with his imitation English accent, "I tell ya it was fixed. It was supposed to be me. Don't give a hoot what any of the people say!" What?! I wasn't supposed to read that aloud! Why not?! I won! Oh!

The Libertarian Preston Nelson on the ballot, "Someone should educate people. Start by learning them what a libertarian is. You know. Tell them something like; Libertarians favor both personal and economic freedom and oppose most (or all) government intervention in both areas. Like conservatives, libertarians believe in free markets. ... Centrists favor a balance or mix of both freedom and government involvement in both personal and economic matters."


HEY! :ohmy: WHOAH! :sad: Who wrote this?! :blush: I only wanted to educate people about Libertarians!!! >:(


Copyrights owned by anonymous.

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