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it is not wrong what you say but you miss the main point as some others here. we are not talking about some people who ever they are or a desoriented grandfather we talk about the leader of a nation who ignores basic responsibilities. and that is what all of the trumpists in this debate ignore and try to play down or to excuse.

it is just rediculous and superficial to act this way and it shows a severe lack of empathy and responsibility to argue that way. in best case you are just heavily misguided by fake news trumpist media. to heal that just watch all kind of media and compare what's trustworthy and what is fake! if you and many trumpists would do i assure you that this will change things for many trumpists.



What you are advocating is that people be dependent on the government for their basic needs and survival. Can't you see how this may not be appealing to some, dare I say most people? I choose to be free.

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Well, it seems that Trump is talking about another run in 2024. In all reality, I hope he does NOT..... and the Republicans run a candidate that has a better chance of winning......

From what I can see, no Republican will ever sit in he White House again. Not if Biden gets confirmed and sworn in, and not while the MSM and big tech are allowed free reign to peddle their lies and propaganda with zero accountability.


The "Ministry of Truth" is pretty much a thing now in all but name, so what do you think the next steps for the new world order will be? Well, we've seen the "Ministry of Love" in action, although they don't seem to be as tightly controlled as the Ministry of Truth. Hmmm, I do see though that AOC and several others have already suggested the building of "Room 101".


The "Ministry of Peace" ? They might have trouble with that one, although starting and maintaining wars is a Democrat Party speciality, they might not have quite the same level of control over the military as they'd like, because most of the soldiers I've worked along side are good people, who might baulk at some of the more extreme requests (read - orders) from "Big Brother".


The "Ministry of Plenty"? Well, Biden has already thrown his hat into the ring with the other folks at the WEF and has already endorsed many socialist and communist ideologies and concepts, so that one probably isn't far away.

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and not while the MSM and big tech are allowed free reign to peddle their lies and propaganda with zero accountability.

What's it called when you promote dodgy content by Tony Heller, who has been conclusively exposed as a charlatan, but you accuse the MSM of peddling lies and propaganda....?


It's called: hypocrisy.


Perhaps you should apply some of your accountability to yourself.

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All I have seen is people posting that Trump is going insane.


All of you would be too if the well laid plans you prepared became scrambled instead of over easy. All he's doing is setting the game board up. Like any good player of games would. And he made it clear when he was running for office. He's a gamer. People that don't play the game of life like he has, and still does, wouldn't understand what that means.


What character are you going to be playing next in one of your games RPG or Multi-player game January 01, 2021? Will you be playing the same one in a year?


When the day arrives the two will face and one will stand down and whoever holds the Presidential chair will say to all the U. S. of A.s people, "Game On!"

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qanon followers, cultists and reality ignorers just do me the favor and omit my post! thanks! you do me and yourself a big favor!


this is what happenend on thanksgiving.

and we all know the result! nothing more to add from my side. "thank you" president trump for your clear visions!


trump does day by day what a 10 year old boy with mediocre or low iq does if parents forgot to educate him to develop respect, empathy and social intelligence.

nobody needs such a man as a president - even with a valid rep agenda - apart from people who are somehow blinded, cultists, just stupid fan boys or fans of daily low iq entertainment spreaded as news.

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qanon followers, cultists and reality ignorers just do me the favor and omit my post! thanks! you do me and yourself a big favor!


this is what happenend on thanksgiving.

and we all know the result! nothing more to add from my side. "thank you" president trump for your clear visions!


trump does day by day what a 10 year old boy with mediocre or low iq does if parents forgot to educate him to develop respect, empathy and social intelligence.

nobody needs such a man as a president - even with a valid rep agenda - apart from people who are somehow blinded, cultists, just stupid fan boys or fans of daily low iq entertainment spreaded as news.

Or maybe folks that don't like the democrat agenda.


We get it, you don't like trump. However, basing your decision on who to vote for on the candidates moral character is simply idiotic. Reminds of when folks didn't want to vote for Kennedy, because he was catholic.


Not that anything you say matters in the least. You don't decide whom anyone votes for, and you personally don't get a vote either. You can spout all the opinionated nonsense you want, and you aren't going to change a single mind.


But then, nothing I say is going to sway you from your position either. I am basically barking into the wind here. Doesn't seem to matter to you that your position is flat out wrong, on so many levels. But hey, we are all entitled to our opinions, right?

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