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...I also don't see the dems, or votes for them, 'saving' democracy. I find it much more likely that the results will be an acceleration of the degradation of our society, and further division in this nation. The events at the captiol a few days ago are indicative of a much deeper divide that is apparent on the surface. I don't see that changing, I only see it getting worse, and even more evident. The dems are essentially going to have a free hand in determining policy for at least the next two years. Only time will tell if that is good/bad/indifferent....


the problem is that you can vote only for dems or reps. but this time it was dems (incl. some reps and non voters) vs trump. i think this is not so difficult to to understand and colourwheels is right with the highest turn out. and if you followed what happened on 6th of jan and all of trumps democracy and election hostile anouncements before the election i'm sure that many people realized at this point that trump fights for his ego and not for any political agenda.

in fact i'm sure these elections saved democracy at least for the next four years. apart from possible interference of racists or terrorists there is no doubt about that.

trump is clearly responsible for the storm of the capitol but he did also a thoroughly and unique job in preventing to give any support to his successor or to ease the takeover.


i'm happy about this awareness of the american majority right in time.



it sounds like arnie read my mind... so true! please watch this before you continue this debate! thank you!

he says what has to be said by all true american patriots and reps. and this is the spirit which must be an inseparable part of any true presidential candidate!





because this is a gaming site some weird stuff from facists claiming antifa members were part of the capitol rioters.

facists presented this dishonored game symbol as antifa related. just another qanon or whatever facist fairy tail...

dishonored 2 is a beautiful game and it is pure bulls**t to put it in relation to antifa.



i'm sure this rioter below received no suprenatural skills like emily





There was a Libertarian on the ballot where I vote running for president. I had three choices.




And did he get ANY electoral college votes? My guess would be "No".... Which is the problem with voting for some third party candidate. They simply don't stand a chance, so, you are essentially throwing away your vote.

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In today's news they went over all the collected social media videos the rioters themselves took while inside the building to date.

One I found most ironic, and in a very bad sense, was following.


I still remember very clearly having seen some of the Thin Blue Line flags waved around when outside the Capitol, a flag I by now learned is meant to show your support for the police.

But in the hobby video they showed there was another one of them standing with an American flag in his hands and crushing down with the pole of it onto a by-then unconscious police man lying on ground for about 10 minutes straight, cheered and supported by those around. The report later told the police officer is now on intensive care in hospital and hasn't regained consciousness, yet.


I can't help but the more details they show of it in daily news, the more unbelievable it gets by day. Peaceful protests, uh hu.

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For the longest time I been quiet on on any topic dealing with Trump online. Over the past 4 years a lot has changed and misinformation has been weaponized to a degree beyond anything I could possibly imagine. Social media and the internet has now become a place where a majority of people seem to get their daily fix of political news exaggeratedly slanted to their own personal perspective sometimes to the point of being complete non-sense and out right just false information. Regardless of what one might think of Trump or his presidential legacy. Trump will go down in history with infamy, failed insurrection, sedition, A president who not only has betrayed the country and the constitution it stands for but Trump has damaged the GOP beyond any recognition of what the party use to be and look like. In the words of Senator Lindsey graham "If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed... and we will deserve it."

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trump seems still not to aware what he is responsible for.

he really thinks he did nothing and all others are responsible but not him. this is more then disturbing. even hitler was probably aware of his power abuse...

thanks god this sad drama will hopefully last only eight more days.

Oh. Gee. Trump is staying consistent in his behavior. And you are surprised when??


And: Don't hold your breath on that. This one promises to keep us entertained for some time yet.....

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yes i'm somehow surprised because trump was silent for a few days and there was a small chance that he realized what he did as someone said. at least i hoped that. that trump finally still ignores his responsibility - while the world is witness of his crude actions and the impact - is honestly more than disturbing and the reaction of many reps - not of the terrorists - too. he just confirmed his incapability to be president of the u.s. even to people who were still unsure.

it seems many reps chose to destroy themselves and their party just for a bad try to continue mislead of american people. these reps and their followers are no patriots they are simply betrayer of the constitution and supporters of irrational personality cult, of racists, of terrorists and of conspirators.

it is also sad that these details happened and that they are a topic of a debate here because things are clear. there is not much to debate about facts which could be treated as publicly known. trump held this speech including his permanent lies and repeated unproven claims, tumpists followed his incitement as a leader and ended up as criminals, illegally entering the capitol and fightingt against police officers. a simple chain of facts and responsibilities - just not for trump.


@gnartly1 regarding the image. the confederate flag instead of the american would fit better,,,

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yes i'm somehow surprised because trump was silent for a few days and there was a small chance that he realized what he did as someone said. at least i hoped that. that trump finally still ignores his responsibility - while the world is witness of his crude actions and the impact - is honestly more than disturbing and the reaction of many reps - not of the terrorists - too. he just confirmed his incapability to be president of the u.s. even to people who were still unsure.

it seems many reps chose to destroy themselves and their party just for a bad try to continue mislead of american people. these reps and their followers are no patriots they are simply betrayer of the constitution and supporters of irrational personality cult, of racists, of terrorists and of conspirators.

it is also sad that these details happened and that they are a topic of a debate here because things are clear. there is not much to debate about facts which could be treated as publicly known. trump held this speech including his permanent lies and repeated unproven claims, tumpists followed his incitement as a leader and ended up as criminals, illegally entering the capitol and fightingt against police officers. a simple chain of facts and responsibilities - just not for trump.


@gnartly1 regarding the image. the confederate flag instead of the american would fit better,,,

Trump was quiet because he was banned from Twitter. :D (and likely other places as well.) I think expecting him to EVER 'see the error of his ways' is extremely unlikely. He is in his 70's, and this is how he has been all his life. (I blame his parents. :) ) He isn't Ebenezer Scrooge, he isn't going to be visited by any ghosts, and he most certainly isn't going to change how he is. I think you were being overly optimistic. :D

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Trump was quiet because he was banned from Twitter. :D (and likely other places as well.) I think expecting him to EVER 'see the error of his ways' is extremely unlikely. He is in his 70's, and this is how he has been all his life. (I blame his parents. :smile: ) He isn't Ebenezer Scrooge, he isn't going to be visited by any ghosts, and he most certainly isn't going to change how he is. I think you were being overly optimistic. :D


I noticed recently in right-wing forums and media outlets there is an ongoing debate about Trump's Twitter account being permanently suspended. There seems to be a complete misunderstanding about what constitutes protected speech and the laws that we have lived under on the internet for almost the past 3 decades. Regardless of Twitter being owned by a private corporation which in turn gives such an entity the prerogative to suspend and ban users without any repercussions for discriminately doing so. Also regardless of the fact that even free speech has it's limitations, as the classic example where one can't get away claiming yelling "Fire!" in a crowded theater as protected speech when there is no actual fire.


The recent debate seems to focus on Section 230 of Title 47 of the United States Code. Vigorous Trump supporters have been claiming that because Twitter permanently suspended Trump's account that Twitter no longer should be protected by Section 230 protections. To my understanding, even if this was the case it would most likely put a burden on twitter to police it's user activity even more on their platform if everything that is posted could make them be held liable (leading to Trump's account being permanently suspended anyways). Sometimes I don't even understand how illogical these people can be when it comes to trying to defend Trump for any of his actions. Trump has recently floated around the idea of creating his own social media platform since every other known platform with high user traffic seems to intervene or outright remove the misinformation and dangerous rhetoric that Trump has posted within his presidency.


There basically is no longer a GOP. The republican party and those who blindly follow Trump are willing to give up anything and everything to follow him as their dictator. Even if over half the republicans who support Trump will indiscriminately listen to anything and believe everything Trump says, there is no more hope in trying to save the republican party. Just like Trump being in his 70's, the GOP has gotten to the old age where it's likely not going to change now either, even if Trump will no longer be President soon.

Edited by colourwheel
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