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The hell with mother nature ... why do you think she is in your pocket ?


I like this from the top of the thread ...


"rabbid crazy thrown at him is a big part of why his election was not only inevitable but, in a certain sick way, even necessary"


Meaning It is a good thing Hillary did not get elected.


Better an example of what not to be this cycle.


I say Nikki Haley for prez 2020

She can re Unite the Country

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The hell with mother nature ... why do you think she is in your pocket ?


I like this from the top of the thread ...


"rabbid crazy thrown at him is a big part of why his election was not only inevitable but, in a certain sick way, even necessary"


Meaning It is a good thing Hillary did not get elected.


Better an example of what not to be this cycle.


I say Nikki Haley for prez 2020

She can re Unite the Country

For those of us that value our rights, it IS a good think Hilary didn't get elected. For me personally, I didn't vote FOR trump, so much as voting AGAINST Hilary. The Dems could have ran darn near anyone else, and won handily. But no, Hilary had to have her shot, and browbeat/bought folks into giving it to her, and she lost. What's REALLY funny is, she STILL doesn't seem to understand WHY she lost.

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It would be nice if the country could unite, but, I don't see that happening any time soon. Starting with the Obama administration, it seems that government took it upon themselves to do their best to divide the country, and then drive the division as deep as they possibly could. So far, I don't think that has changed. Both parties are doing it..... Seems there is a profit to be had in doing so, so of course, that is exactly what they are going to do. I suspect that is going to remain the prevailing condition, until something comes along that forces us to unite, either another world war, or a visit from another intelligent species..... Not really in a hurry for either one. :D

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