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Here is the thing, Publicly Trump won't be completely going away for any foreseeable future. He is a complete narcissist and a person like Trump needs the attention. Regardless of what anyone thinks, Trump is far from being a humble man. Just his petty nature of needing to strike revenge on anyone he can think of who he felt was ever a fraction of a bit disloyal to him should say it all.


For the next few election cycles, if it means you have to be a Trump loyalist to be considered a Republican then the Republican Party is doomed to fail on a national stage for quite some time. There just are not enough people who will follow Trump blindly, even if they make up over a majority of all Republicans in America. In order for this to change, the Republican Party has to stop being blindly loyal to just one person and make room for those who feel differently about Trump. If the party starts to excommunicate anyone who isn't for Trump then the Republican Party should just throw in the towel on every national stage. Currently if this is the new doctrine for the Republican party going forward, they are better off looking into strategies on how to better shrink the Party.


edit: The sad irony about the modern Republican Party is it will probably be the year 2024 and people at Trump rallies will still be chanting "Lock her up!" as if Trump was still running against Hillary Clinton.

Maybe we should just give him another television series, so he will stay out of politics........

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Here is the thing, Publicly Trump won't be completely going away for any foreseeable future. He is a complete narcissist and a person like Trump needs the attention. Regardless of what anyone thinks, Trump is far from being a humble man. Just his petty nature of needing to strike revenge on anyone he can think of who he felt was ever a fraction of a bit disloyal to him should say it all.


For the next few election cycles, if it means you have to be a Trump loyalist to be considered a Republican then the Republican Party is doomed to fail on a national stage for quite some time. There just are not enough people who will follow Trump blindly, even if they make up over a majority of all Republicans in America. In order for this to change, the Republican Party has to stop being blindly loyal to just one person and make room for those who feel differently about Trump. If the party starts to excommunicate anyone who isn't for Trump then the Republican Party should just throw in the towel on every national stage. Currently if this is the new doctrine for the Republican party going forward, they are better off looking into strategies on how to better shrink the Party.


edit: The sad irony about the modern Republican Party is it will probably be the year 2024 and people at Trump rallies will still be chanting "Lock her up!" as if Trump was still running against Hillary Clinton.

Maybe we should just give him another television series, so he will stay out of politics........



I have a Theory. Trump wouldn't be satisfied simply by someone giving him his own television series. Besides wealth, this is man who has always strived for as much power as he can possibly get. By America electing him even once, it has embolden him and has given this man a taste of real power. He won't admit to being a loser and is willing to make up any excuse to stay politically relevant by holding his thumb over the entire Republican Party if it means he has a chance at getting that kind of power back. Since there happens to be over a majority of Republican voters who seem to follow this man blindly without question, he basically is the Republican Party now. At this point, the only way this man is really going to go away is if one day he believes he will never become President again. But we all know this probably won't happen so Republican Party is stuck with him and they kind of deserve it for emboldening him in the 1st place. The Republican Party was hi-jacked by Trump the moment America elected him in 2016.

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as long as at least one american supports him (his wife does not count :wink:) he will not give up and will try to take revenge to feed his ego. the 6 of jan was just a test and a warning what may follow. with the knowledge that even such an incident has no consequences i'm sure he will try more next time and people will not laugh or be happy if they give him the opportunity to serve as us president (or first rioter?) a second time but they will surely be confronted with his full egoism and nacisissm. many americans still not knowing what's going on in their country and they should use more of their brain under their "america first" cap instead of believing or promoting conspiracy tales. the world is more than commercial social and trump media.
so americans - be prepared! he will govern like he did already just even more focused on his ego and to take revenge instead of doing his job serving the country - that's for sure.

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@Colourwheel: I suspect you are quite correct. Trump will only be satisfied by regaining his position of power....


@xrayy: Trump is too much of a narcissist to admit when he is beaten.


That said, support for trump is waning. According to polls, the number of folks that support trump over the republican party has declined fairly significantly over that last months. Also, the number of folks that would like to see him leading the republican party has also declined. Folks like his agenda, but, they don't like him. (america first) I doubt that any of this has a significant impact on his designs to regain the presidency though..... He is likely still 'convinced' that the public wants HIM back in charge.......


What I find amusing is, his blog lasted about a month, and was then taken down, as not many folks were reading it. :D There's a dose of reality for him. But, he won't see it that way. He will likely spin some conspiracy theory as to why folks are essentially ignoring his 'wisdom'. :D

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@Colourwheel: I suspect you are quite correct. Trump will only be satisfied by regaining his position of power....


@xrayy: Trump is too much of a narcissist to admit when he is beaten.


That said, support for trump is waning. According to polls, the number of folks that support trump over the republican party has declined fairly significantly over that last months. Also, the number of folks that would like to see him leading the republican party has also declined. Folks like his agenda, but, they don't like him. (america first) I doubt that any of this has a significant impact on his designs to regain the presidency though..... He is likely still 'convinced' that the public wants HIM back in charge.......


What I find amusing is, his blog lasted about a month, and was then taken down, as not many folks were reading it. :D There's a dose of reality for him. But, he won't see it that way. He will likely spin some conspiracy theory as to why folks are essentially ignoring his 'wisdom'. :D


Until the day you actually see a sizable amount of Republican officials in congress completely break away from pandering to Trump and his base, Trump will have and keep the entire Republican Party completely under his control. Nothing will change until over half of Republican representatives currently in office finally decide Trump isn't worth trying to publicly defend anymore. In private, almost every Republican in Washington really wishes Trump would just go away. It's just astonishing how so many Republicans in office fear a man who basically has absolute no real power anymore and are willing to throw away their dignity and potentially get thrown away like many others who have served under him just to help get him back into power.

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Politicians have dignity? Wow. That's news to me. :D


So far as I am concerned, they are ALL crooks, whose only interest is in themselves, and what is good for THEM, not America.

While I'll admit that I agree with one side more than the other, yeah what you said. I'd like to think some want to do good the very nature of our political system makes corruption almost an inevitability. Without term limits for all branches of government including the judiciary, I am not sure it can change. Also political donations should absolutely be 100% transparent for everyone, PACs, corporations, shell companies should not be able to donate. A set amount should be enacted but at the least 100% known. I also have always thought the electoral college was crap. It really makes little sense and was even at the time, an attempt by the Founding Fathers to control voting. It has no place now and makes the possibility of more than our current two-party system something that can never feasibly happen. Rank voting should be a thing as it works well when run by competent and nonpartisan people.


Though many in the US find this anathema, giving each candidate X amount of federal or state dollars and X amount of time on tv, papers, and now social media would more level the playing field and take political donations out of the mix. Yeah it seems crappy for someone who has views you abhor to get tax dollars but the benefits would outweigh that in my opinion.


And I am from West Virginia so I have a govenor who ran and was elected democrat then changed his political affiliation from Democrat to Republican after being inaugurated, one senator who is the proud daughter of our once govenor who was a convicted felon, a state Republican who quit after his live broadcasting from the Capitol Riots got him in legal trouble, and a senator ( thank you Joe Manchin the democrat who really is more moderate republican than moderate democrat) who still thinks the filibuster is a workable tool of compromise when it never was and really is not now. Why should a majority vote not pass something? It is dumb and a huge time waster (we actually once in the state legislature had someone drive an RC car around for hours preventing debate and voting.)


I've never hidden my distaste for Trump and his ilk. My political views are usually more liberal but at least in the past members of a party would tamp down a president's more poor impulses ( see Richard Nixon.) That no longer happens and republicans at this point, are complicit in the passing of things that are not just difference in political opinion, or spin, or even lies by omission. They are engaging in pedalling complete factual untruths about the which is breaking our democracy and they did the same with the virus which has cause 500,000 people in the US to be dead. Had Trump done no more than tell people masks work so wear them, literally nothing else, we would not be here now. I have serious respiratory issues that have caused me about to be 69 operations in my airway. My doctors, very good and well-trained and educated otolaryngologist, surgeons and yeah even an epidemiologist told me at the start of the virus in no uncertain terms to not set my nose outside my house, not because they had a mild worry, but because they said my chances of dying if infected were so, so high. As my airway is the size of a large drinking straw, there is no room for error. I have already had a tracheotomy tube twice in my life and I dont want another. To say I would have a poor covid outcome is an extreme understatement. So except for one time to get a flu shot (I sat in the car) I did not for a year until I got my first vaccine, leave my small home. We were surprisingly fortunate that I don't work (well, not if you consider the reason-my heath, though I do not get disability) and my husband who is a worker's compensation adjuster has been able to work at home. It has caused me not to be able to see my 78 year old Father in that time, to see my daughter since January (she did stay with me when they first sent them home from college but she wasn't able too see her dad so she finally went there to stay. Until we all got our shots she could not come back and forth like she usually does. She graduate in the midst of this, I didnt get to see that either. Now she has a job thank gods but I still worry. Her dad and his long-time girlfriend got the virus right before she was to visit them for a day on Christmas Eve. I'm glad they found out when they did or I would have gotten it also.)


Even if I ignored every, single thing that happened with Trump and Republicans up to and including his first impeachment (heck even if I'd liked their policy), the handling of the coronavirus and the election aftermath/riots would leave me with no choice but to oppose them all.


My husband has to go back to the office soon. About 1/2 of his very large office have not and refuse to be vaccinated. They are not doing testing but masks are required (though I hear there is push back since the govenor has dropped the mask mandate.) So, even though I am 100% vaccinated I still am a bit uneasy. He went through great lengths to keep me safe this entire time, even going along with my hypervigilant almost paranoid request when he and only he went shopping or to the pharmacy.


Add to that we are moving to Pittsburgh soon and need to sell our house and get a new one, well it has been a hell of a year.


Since I seem to be giving out my late Mother's wisdom today, I will say she told me there were rich republicans and rich democrats and they did things for the people that looked like them. And we did not and still don't. I have found that to be mostly true. Until this system is broken it will be the same.

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Our political system has been broken for quite some time. The Citizens United decision was just one of the final coffin nails. Today, we have the 'best' government money can buy. And it is bought and sold on the open market every two years. We might just as well call ourselves what we really, in fact, are, an Oligarchy. The rich run the country. Maybe not directly, but darn close to it. Things NEED to change, but, the trouble with that is, the only folks that CAN change it, are the very same folks that benefit the most, from NOT changing it..... No one in congress is going to vote for term limits for their cushy job, they are not going to pass any kind of campaign finance reform, as that would take money OUT of THEIR pockets.... They aren't going to do anything about Citizens United, as that makes them rich..... etc. We have the system we are going to have until/unless we the people rise up, and FORCE change. It has gotten to the point that we are done to our last option, the cartridge box. Trouble is, americans in general, are too fat, dumb, and lazy, to stand up for themselves against their government.


Now, at some point, some of the red states might push back hard enough, that the federal government will have to act. Last time that happened, was in the early 1860's.......

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Our political system has been broken for quite some time. The Citizens United decision was just one of the final coffin nails. Today, we have the 'best' government money can buy. And it is bought and sold on the open market every two years. We might just as well call ourselves what we really, in fact, are, an Oligarchy. The rich run the country. Maybe not directly, but darn close to it. Things NEED to change, but, the trouble with that is, the only folks that CAN change it, are the very same folks that benefit the most, from NOT changing it..... No one in congress is going to vote for term limits for their cushy job, they are not going to pass any kind of campaign finance reform, as that would take money OUT of THEIR pockets.... They aren't going to do anything about Citizens United, as that makes them rich..... etc. We have the system we are going to have until/unless we the people rise up, and FORCE change. It has gotten to the point that we are done to our last option, the cartridge box. Trouble is, americans in general, are too fat, dumb, and lazy, to stand up for themselves against their government.


Now, at some point, some of the red states might push back hard enough, that the federal government will have to act. Last time that happened, was in the early 1860's.......

For once I agree, we have the same problems in France by the way, France is also an oligarchy/smi-dictatorship.


If the politicians had a minimum honor and dignity they would offer everything so none can trample people's rights.


They would offer to give the same financing to all the parties so the corrupt politicians who serve the rich bosses are not advantaged.

They would offer to prevent the cumulation of powers, notably of the economical and political power.

They would offer to automatically suspend any politician, boss, cop etc whose honesty is in jeopardy so the only is only exercised by those who deserve it.

They would defend the freedom of the medias and offer to prevent the cumulation of a company and of a media and to prevent the state from controlling any media through "subsidies" so the press remains independent from the other powers.

They would offer an independent justice that would automatize the penalties depending on the facts and apply equitable penalties.



Since the separation of powers is THE fundament of democracy and also THE subject the politicians systematically keep under silence would I be wrong to say all the politicians dream to be dictators?

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