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Captcha on Login


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PC Windows 10: IE login possible after doing two captchas, Opera login possible after doing three captchas, Microsoft Edge login after doing one captcha. Microsoft Edge is working best (only one captcha has to be solved in several tests). No deleting of cookies/ browsing history by me. Logout, closing browser, starting browser again will result in captcha procedure needed again for login for all three browsers.


Mozilla Firefox login possible without any captchas. I have no explanation for these results on two different PCs with different browsers. In the future I will use for Nexusmods Mozilla Firefox and Two-factor Authentication.



Activated two-factor authentication. Working fine with Mozilla firefox. Tried login on the same PC with Opera. That resulted first in doing a captcha followed by asking for authentication code. Login was a success but with Opera a logout results in needing a captcha and an authentication code again for a new login. Firefox in my case does not need captcha or new authentification code.

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The google captcha is the only one that let me in so it is okay even though well it is google and I don't use/like google for privacy reasons, but the other captcha the one with words this one is just impossible (I encounter the google one on the homepage and the word one on any other page) even when I think I got the right letters, even when I play the recording for the word's letters and still think I got it right, I don't got it right, I never managed to succeed this one, so please remove it or fix it the words I see might not be the one the system wait for because of a bug, that is the only reasonable explanation I have got because even if it is hard to tell what letters there are I am not that dumb and there is still the audio recording to validate what I think is right.

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That Nexus cookie is not the problem. but we have facebook linked and google-analytics and google.com and gravatar.com (this email forum avatar site) ajax.googleapis.com :smile:

you don't need that sites for this forum and the nexus site *g*

Trust me, Facebook already has you covered no matter how hard you try to block them.


Analytics data is utterly useless to identify people with.


Gravatar is harmless.


Ajax is what makes the entire site scripting system work, so if you're blocking that, why bother coming here at all?


Again, this is a problem of your own making, not something the captcha did or didn't do to you.



Actually it's only people with ridiculously aggressive privacy settings that are having trouble.

Or people like me using opera as browser have trouble, too. The last update of opera and java made my login on nexus a "captcha torture" again. I saved my opera installation, deinstalled opera complety and made a fresh new install with default settings. That did not improve the login proecedure on nexus in any way. There is no deletion of cookies. But I have to do the captcha procedure at each login. Now in a new way- I have to fill in username, password, use the login button. Get as result a captcha failure, followed by one or two new captchas. Verify, sign in (again). That works. I never changed the privacy settings of the freshly installed opera.


I should think Opera still using Java at all should be far more concerning to you than the Nexus login cookie. The other major browsers have all actively blocked the Java plugin from being installed. If Opera is not, maybe you should be using something more secure.

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It seems I did not express it clearly enough (Sry, english is not my mother language). I was successful in configuring my Opera browser for a login with only one captcha task. Clicking on login button resulted in 1. captcha presented , and if success 2. username 3. password with login at last. That worked fine until July 18th. Thre was a change on this day: Got no captcha after clicking button "sign in". Typed username, followed by password. Return. Got a popup in orange "captcha failure" (I had not been presented a captcha), followed by a new captcha task and a new captcha and a new captcha.


I looked for a potential explanation on my side. The only changes were updates of the opera browser und java. I am not concerned in any way about the nexus login cookie. I was more concerned for an explanation why the nexus login cookie saved by my opera browser seems not to be recognized by the Nexus Login system. (Javascript in Opera can be deactivated in browser settings).


New system (Two factor Authentification), using opera: same problem. Needed for login now is 1. username 2. password 3. do the captcha 4. authentification code. Works as intended (logged in with opera in the moment). But if I log out, close the browser (there is no deletion of data like history and cookies I checked that), start the browser again and try a new login, I have to do all 4 steps again (authentification, too).


Login with Firefox does not need a captcha. Authentification was needed once. I need for login only username and password- no new captcha, no new authentification code (for 30 days as announced in the news).


Firefox is the only browser witout problems on my side on two different pcs for a login after the implementation of the new security methods against bots trying a login. Opera, Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge (only on the W10 PC) seem to be treated by Nexus Login as trying a login for the first time in spite of saved nexus login cookie/ saved browsing history (IE/ Edge have the default MS settings I never touched the settings)





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Nexusmods does not like the disabling of Javascript ;-)

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"Trust me, Facebook already has you covered no matter how hard you try to block them.

Analytics data is utterly useless to identify people with...." blablabla yadda yadda yadda :)


Trust me, you have no clue :) really, you have no clue about how data can be merged and then interpreted. you never thought about it. so please stop licking nexus butt. you're also not helpful.

I hate sites who have hidden links to sites with canvas pics, facebook-logos etc etc etc. i can block this activity by myself. and yes i block ajax. google. googlestatic. right now and here i am, it's blocked i can write, post, download, blabla :)


i know what i have to do to get a login here but i won't do this all the time. and as you can read there are some other users who have a fresh browser installed and could'nt get a login. so that's all not about my system. i have no real problem but nexus made a problem to all users because of some (10 or less) dumb users. i never would care about these accounts. nexus made an elefant from a fly.

Edited by Graslama
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I am done with "testing" (and hopefully posting in this thread). The best result for opera is: authentifaction code is saved/ stored (?) because I needed only authentification code for the first login. New logins did not ask for a new code. But I had to do the captcha for each login as before. My knowledge is far from sufficient to have an explanation and find a solution. Disadvantage of this login "success" for opera: Using Firefox for a nexus login now needs doing a captcha, too. A new authentication code is not asked for. Now I could use two browsers but had to do captchas in both (and not only once).


Changed back to my "solution" I had before (PC with Windows 10): Using Opera as main browser (with enabled Java Script- many websites need this enabled for i.e. login) but never for login on Nexus. Using Firefox for Nexus Login- had to be set as default browser or I must do the captcha game. Firefox as default browser needs only username/ password after the first authentication game.


One browser for the web (opera), one browser solely for Nexusmods (Firefox) seems crazy but better a crazy (working) "system" on my side than getting crazy in the head by doing captchas again and again and again as never ending story.

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Trust me, you have no clue :smile: really, you have no clue about how data can be merged and then interpreted. you never thought about it. so please stop licking nexus butt. you're also not helpful.

It's not me who has no clue here. I know what to set to keep the long arm of Google et al at bay without simultaneously inflicting a painful login process on myself every time I want to go to a site. This isn't about licking Nexus's butt. It's about knowing how to control your privacy online in a sensible way where your information won't be of any value because you aren't letting every single website in to set cookies and trackers. This idea you and folks like you have that it has to be either all wide open or all completely shut down is why you're having so many problems. There's middle ground to be had. You should be using it.

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The last time I logged into the Nexus was when we had to change our passwords because of a security breach.

I think that was two or three years ago, I've been logged in since then.
Before that I'm fairly sure I've been logged into the Nexus since 2008 when I joined (Might have to ask the Nexus team about that one), but I've only logged into the Nexus 3 times since 2008, and once because I HAD TO.

(You'd think the people who actually PAY for a membership would be the most angry about the captcha...)

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Due to privacy/security concerns, I flush cookies and cache every time my browser closes. This means every time I try to log in here I get a captcha challenge. The photo ones are slightly annoying, but passable, but the text ones here are impossible. I have cleared text captcha challenges on other sites with little problem, but here, I have not passed once. If the audio played is supposed to be the same as the displayed text, then the database indices are all screwed up, as they are not even close, which would help explain zero passes on 30+ attempts of both text and audio.


I used to check daily for updates, but now once a week will seem too often.

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I just went through a few dozen captcha fails myself...


I tried using the audio version too, and it would say letters that had no connection to the words shown (often there were for letters shown a few dozen attempts earlier)...


I was pretty sure I had several of them right, but failed anyway.


Finally only got in by going back in my browser history and then clicking links again...


I've posted why I support captchas, but only when they actually work...

Edited by Jyotai
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