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Words Of Wisdom!


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  • 2 months later...

A man bent down and told his dog what he thought of a man that was standing on the corner out of ear shot. The dog began barking at the man his master spoke about. The dog repeated what his master said. The man heard the dog and heard his master telling the dog to shut up to make it clear he was unhappy with the dog barking incessantly. The dog finished telling the man what his master told him and stopped barking. The man on the corner turned, walked over to the man with the dog.


Did you know I understand dog and speak dog?


The man with the dog laughed fearfully; because sincerely thought the man to be odd.


The other man repeated what the dog said in it's mother tongue, and then repeated the words the dog's master said to the dog in his master's mother tongue too. Then pulled out a pair of handcuffs, arrested the man for personal endangerment, took him to jail, and locked him up to be judged on the following Monday. He went mad while in jail and they took him to a sanitarium.


The man who arrested the man. Took the dog home and gave him a bed of his own.


The man talked with the dog asking him. Why is it that people don't learn to speak their betters language before they take them in.


The dog answered, If they thought that dogs could speak intelligently they would never take them in as a pet and give them shelter.


The man laughed. Funny how they call out to a god and never listen to a dog. It's a good thing then that many people don't learn dog. Or we wouldn't be able to separate man from beast. He looked at the dog. Wouldn't you say so, Man!


The dog smiled, "Yes, my pet. I would."

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  • 4 weeks later...

The game begins when you answer the questions you have gotten. To reason with them and answer them will charge up your inner creative child's battery to get your thinking light on.


If you aren't realizing any possible answer right of the top of your head; then, it takes a little exploring to find the answers. Do a bit of exploring to find the answers to one question at a time.


If you don't explore to find the unknown, you may be the only one that doesn't know the answer at the moment; how do you expect to get through more troubling quests? Life's quests! Expect they who are rich in knowledge to expect some sort of compensation for answering your questions. Or you could go to a public or private library and search through the Dewy Decimal System.


Maybe wisdom is even closer at hand then yo think? Bing Search, Duckduckgo Search, Google Search are all like a Dewy Decimal System and you're reading this. I wonder if there is a library with the Dewy Decimal System to aid our search for books, films, pictures, and magazines to newspapers literature?


So what are you waiting for?

Have you been thwarted by a question? Stuck on a quest in a game without a clue or a spoiler?

Don't just sneak in and grab the spoiler, and walk through. That is, um, unless your character is a sneak, and the jewels of wisdom are the prize you seek. If that is what you are then the work you do is just as hard, you just like sneaking and pinch a bit off the table whenever the cook or the vendor doesn't see a sneak as good as thee. Even a sneak must have questions, and answers to them so they can sneak around.


Ask questions of your own and the Quest will not take so long to get the answers you seek.


NOW! I am off to seek the answer to the last question posed to me.


Oh, my! I better start using my thinking cap charging it up by reasoning with the problem! The problem I was given. It's a simple task. I am sure. If I can get it done. I get a question I think. My thinking cap gets fuel. It's fueling it's battery.


I don't want to, but I may fall into that place where some elders go and never rise to be in a place where friendship may be awaiting me again. Now what do I need to ask the great Search machine?

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