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An independent New Vegas mod.


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Also keep in mind an encounter/arena can be both in the real world and a VR, it's just how we prep it in the story and a few tweaks in the actual arena. In fact you could have a battle simulated in the VR world several times to gain an edge (learn strategies and practical tactics that are most effective), then take your troops to the physical battleground of the arena with that knowledge, for a amazing victory.

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RTS means Real Time Strategy ... hence not turn based. So yes it is all ticking along doing it's own thing without player input. Except where need be to make it do something different.

Ya we can't get away from the engine mechanics of pipboy pausing and VATS.

Unless those player controls are disabled. Which I can see doing that for some places as it plays out. But might as well just keep them available until they reveal themself as to much of a cheat for some particular facet.


I like your idea of a VR , and basically that was the premise I based it on to simulate the 3 factions of StarCraft. But the game is a VR already , so that would be VR inside of VR , like Operation Anchorage from Fo3 . But it doesn't make it any easier to build or less intensive on the engine. So to start , just make it real world in the games VR :cool:


What did ya think about the story premise I mentioned for example ? Start right there east of the fort along the lake shore for first skirmish after vanilla story.

The premise being a group of legion forces are heading back to their territory via lake mead in boats. I think it could be a good bench test for engine limits , with water and the fort /legate camp near the action.


Found out awhile back those tents can't be removed ... they all have a LOD version that show up in game if you delete/move them. So they just have to be incorporated into what ever story goes on in the area.

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RTS means Real Time Strategy ... hence not turn based.

Yeah, I realized that before you posted, edited it out so it wouldn't confuse anyone


like Operation Anchorage

Yes, it can be like anchorage, or it can be quite different.


But it doesn't make it any easier to build or less intensive on the engine.

No, it's not for aspects like performance, it's for explaining extra functions you may want. An example would be the isometric view, or maybe you want a shader that highlights all enemies, or replacing legion troops with paladins, deathclaws or whatever the players little heart desires. It's strictly a story element, of explanatory value. When you talk about the jetpack or the isometric view, or the beam gun for controlling troops, none of those would be necessary in the VR world, they would simply be aspects of the simulation.

The sky's the limit and in what you can do in a VR world, and it's only bound by it's own internal consistency.

So no problem to do both, but the VR is where I think the real creativity will come through. I can already imagine some interesting wrinkles to these little pocket universes.



What did ya think about the story premise I mentioned for example ? Start right there east of the fort along the lake shore for first skirmish after vanilla story.

The premise being a group of legion forces are heading back to their territory via lake mead in boats. I think it could be a good bench test for engine limits , with water and the fort /legate camp near the action.

I think just about any legion location you want to hit, will fit into the story line. I haven't fired up geck or the in game map to look at it (yet), but I imagine it would be fine.


You don't necessarily have to bench testing via the geck. You might have a lot easier time just going crazy in teh console, adding and subtracting actors as needed until you find what you believe is the upper limit, or whatever questions in re: to performance you are seeking.


Found out awhile back those tents can't be removed ... they all have a LOD version that show up in game if you delete/move them. So they just have to be incorporated into what ever story goes on in the area.

re: lod, you can regenerate them, if for some reason you want to with the tens or another location. I have a powerful rig, it's an extra machine rarely in use, so I don't mind devoting it to chunking out new LODs. That's assuming you can regerate small(er) portions. MadMongo would probably be a good peep to ask about that since he's been tackling wolrd creation mechanics.

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Oh ya , I forgot to mention ... since Fallout gameplay is very much driven by finding and collecting loot. This side game of battle arena's would not have that feature.

Since it would just tax the engine making gameplay less possible.

Bodies would just vanish asap , also no containers to find loot in. Although at the end of the battle , could come up with an arbitrary amount of gear to award the player with if you think it's necessary. But the focus of advancement in my view ... would be unlocking new structures / units / upgrades. After some particular battle , making sense towards the story progression.


Hope that helps to clarify.

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since Fallout gameplay is very much driven by finding and collecting loot. This side game of battle arena's would not have that feature.

Bodies would just vanish asap , also no containers to find loot in.

I'd recommend against that for the real world encounters. Even if you just have recovered loot from bodies, it makes sense that if your in the gameworld you can grab some goodies. And bodies will probably get cleaned up in 3 days anyway. Or one can script some critters to come in and munch on them.

I'd save those features (no loot, disappearing bodies) for the VR arenas, which would make sense for a simulation.

Just a suggestion, but I think they more accurately reflect their world "types"


Since it would just tax the engine making gameplay less possible.

Hmmmm I'm not sure. I don't think standard loot slows things down much (I mean I could be wrong), I think it's mostly actor AI....unless you have containers that are full of insane stuff.


Although at the end of the battle , could come up with an arbitrary amount of gear to award the player with if you think it's necessary. But the focus of advancement in my view ... would be unlocking new structures / units / upgrades.


So are the battle arenas repeatable or a one and done. Can you go back to them, like you would "replay" a level?


could you give an example of ugrades, just so I have a sense of what your picturing? Are these physical upgrades for the securitrons (like armor or armaments) or AI upgrades learned from the trials and tribulations of battle (or programmed from a savy hacker)?

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Ya I'm not that familiar with LOD generation either ... just trying to think how to get it done myself.

Would be great if mongo wanted to get involved ... he pretty much seems to be the authority around here for world creation.


Ya the console is good for the bench tests ... but there is no navmesh there. As is the case with a lot of the NV map ... seems they were very minimalistic compared to Fo3 map creation.



I'll get working on something to flesh it out for that spot. Which I like the idea of boats to suggest , then set up they moved north of there across the water. And set up a new base.


Also beyond the battle arena's I was interested in rendering the trade routes ... which boats on lake mead would be good in my view. Then possibly some pirate activity from the legion.

But on the water stuff wouldn't be part of the battle arena.

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So are the battle arenas repeatable or a one and done. Can you go back to them, like you would "replay" a level?


could you give an example of ugrades, just so I have a sense of what your picturing? Are these physical upgrades for the securitrons (like armor or armaments) or AI upgrades learned from the trials and tribulations of battle (or programmed from a savy hacker)?


LOL we keep ninja posting each other.


For starters ... a one and done because it advances the story. But of course they can be set up to be replayable ... also if you fail it ... you have to start it over. But then of course incrementally saving is still possible. It's very much in flux for how it will meld with regular gameplay. And all these particulars probably best discussed after the fact of a demo put together.


Add edit : Also upgrades I think should be attainable through other story components. For example the player infiltrates a BOS base in normal game play ... and finds some tech , that then unlocks content for a battle arena. Just an example off the top of my head.

I picture siege warfare being a big part down the road through machinery and unit zerging. Which zerging is a term from starcraft ... the zerg faction excelled at creating units in massive numbers to attack with. Where as the protoss relied on high tech tougher units that were expensive ... ergo less of them and needed strategic planning to deploy with devastating effects.

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Oh, almost forgot, I'm going to start putting together some basic interaction options and behaviors with the securitrons, maybe as early as tonight. I was wondering what kind of "style" the dialogs should take.

1. There is ED-E's function/execute command style like "Follow Protocol::Wait".

2. Military or peace officer (depending on the upgrade status) venacular/jargon.

3. Something else?


These are specifically for the commands/orders and responses the securitrons have only with the player (or other root level user), so that's why I was thinking they may differ from the securitrons normal dialog and banter. I have a sound clip isabelle did (before we lost her from the modding scene) of my voice as a securitron and I think it's a very close match. If I can recreate her skillset in audio recording and processing we should be able to have voiced dialog. I'll try to find the clip to demo it.


Hmm ... I have to suggest the beam link for securitron interaction.

A hand held device (like detonator example) to shoot a beam at a unit creating a link to talk/command with them. It has in game story premise I'd say. Don't need to take to a virtual premise for emersion purposes.


And the isometric above view to explain in the battle arena... would be accomplished via sattelite ?


Not that a securitron creature shouldn't still have regular dialogue interaction. Just that the communication with beam would be something new.


I guess open up a screen for message buttons would be best. That way it wouldn't step on the toes of dialogue or terminal interaction ?


Start off with giving them a follow package , then branch from there.


Could have a "Intimidate my target" or even " Kill my Target"

Or one for the fluffy bunny players "Give target a Flower" hehe jokin


But you see what I mean ? and separate from the dialogue screen conversations you might have with them. which that does something or is just fluff ?/ whatever ... The beam ,something different , and more options .

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well, I got a first idea:


Main Quest: Form a leaders council


  1. Convince The King to join the council:

    This can be done either by being a member of the kings, being idolized by Freeside or pasing a spech check (Each option unlocks a dialogue choice). This may be the easier part of the quest.
  2. Convince Julie Farkas to join the council:

    This can be done either by helping the FoA attend some patients in very critical condition or convincing some settlers of the Mojave to join the FoA (This last option can remain open to help strenghten the FoA and gain fame with them, and unlock some quests later).
  3. Convince Marcus to join the council:

    He wants to open comercial relationships between Jacobstown and the rest of the Mojave. This can be done either by convincing some city merchants to buy from the supermutants or, if the quest to reopen Cassidy Caravans is already open, by convincing Cassidy to employ supermutants.
  4. Convince Papa Khan to join the council:

    Papa Khan asks you to kill some prominent NCR citizens who are still in NV (This will gain you NCR infamy and will make unable the later alliance with the NCR), but with a hard speech check, you can convince him to leave old hates behind and focus in the future of his people (This speech becomes easier if you are idolized by the Khans)
  5. Convince Pearl to join the council:

    She wants the boomers to be able to make and fly vetbirds, so she asks you to get the Vetbird schematics. You can get them either by convincing some NCR militars to give them to you or from the BoS in some ways: By hacking the Hidden Valley computers (This will make the BoS hostile if you are discovered), by blackmailing the elder, whoever he is, or by convincing the elder if is McNamarra by an almost impossible speech check (this later can be a easier speech check if you found out about the chain that binds). No matter how you obtained the schematics, when you give them to Pearl you will gain some BoS infamy (but will gain Boomers fame)
  6. (Optional) convince Marjorie to join the council:

    This is optional as there are many factors that can make them unable to join (whether if they returned to cannibalism, where whiped out, and whether you cannot stand their arrogant behavior), also their dominion is limited to the Strip, so you can ignore them, but to let them in can give you some features.

    To do this, you can humple them by a very hard speech check, or convince them to extend their name to the mojave by an easier speech chech (each option has its perks)
  7. (Optional) Convince Canchino to join the council

    This is also optional, because persobnally i cannot stand that bastard (And I doubt any of the other members could stand him) and also because if Canchino was killed in the How little we know quest, one of the first topics the council will have is to determine the destiny of the Omertas casino. Either way, this is an easy part of the quest and should Canchino be alive and be denied a place in the council, he later will betray you, unlocking a side quest.
  8. (Optional) Convince Swank to join the council

    Swank may be resentful of you for betraying Mr House, so you must become in clear terms with him. This can be done either by passing a spech check or an intimidate check. Letting him in with the speech check will unlock some perks, leaving him out will make him betray you and begin a side quest, intimidate him will unlock half of the perks and make him betray you later.

I will keep stagin this quest in another post, as I must go (and it's becoming too long)

Edited by ElrazielMoon
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I had a 2nd play through of NV because I wanted to try requiem for the wasteland. I finished it a couple of weeks ago and sided with an independent new vegas. Ever since, the whole idea of an independant vegas has really piqued my interest.


It seems so rich with possibilities including; diplomacy, small scale military operations, surviving assassinations, caring for you citizens, defending &expanding/enhancing NV, etc etc. Doubly true if all the factions are intact....then you could have some serious political intrigue. Both yes man (friend/foe/other?), House/Victor, Caesar, president Kimball etc would be returning characters.


You could decide if you want to focus on improving and fortifying new vegas, or if you'd like to extend NV's grip further into the mojave. Are you a ruthless dictator or a benign champion of the people? Do you spend most of your time strengthening trade routs to benefit your citizens or most of your time strengthening your securitron army to benefit your military prowness. Do you ally with the NCR against Ceaser, vice versa, or pit each faction against the other.


There would be small changes initiall. For example adding the securitrons to the player faction and adding new dialog (the pc is the boss man now), as well as new behaviors from other NV citizens. But relatively quickly the maneuvering from other factions would throw the PC into political/military conflict.


Some small(ish) scale battles to be fought (via your miny army of securitrons), that would invovle hands on combat but also rely heavily on strategic choices.


I think the reason this story line really appeals to me is two fold. One being it has so many choices/possibilities and the lore is already in place to strengthen the storylines. But the 2nd is the idea of the main story line of NV just ending is so anti-climatic. In many ways it seems like what happens after hoover dam is even more important than what preceded it. To me that's where things really get interesting.


All of the above, is probably not a very well spoken pitch, partly because there are just so many unfinished story lines/ideas begging to be extended and completed, that it's hard to sum up even a fraction in one post. But I think the above thoughts, even if they are just the tip of the iceberg, communicate some idea of what I'm shooting for.


You wouldn't have much in the way of new models or resources of that type, but it would be very heavy with dialog and scripting. And it would need some strong story lines to really shine.


Because it's scope is so huge and most of the mod wouldn't involve any actual meshes/textures etc we could probably just use a continually updated esp. Any bsa or resources would be updated much less frequently. The advantage here is we could start putting stuff out right away. Audio files would be the exception, but we can still do a ton and worry about audio when peeps start volunteering their services (except for securitrons which I'd like to make some barks at the begining of this project).


So what I'm really asking for here are two things. Modders familiar with quest scripts/dialog trees etc and story ideas. The 2nd (story lines) we can all contribute and I'm sure there is a ton of great ideas out there.


To start the ball rolling (assuming there's interest in the mod), there is of course House and Yes man.


House (and Victor) is easy. He's a paragon genius with intricate knowledge of every detail of the securitrons. His motivations re: the player are obvious. His resources are unknown, but we can assume he has a trick or two up his sleeve. Maybe he's retreated to some sections of vault 21 that were sealed to others. Victor is also a threat since he can surf the network, take over any securitron and try to really rain on your parade.


Yesman is a little more enigmatic. What does the new code do? Will Yesman be a future ally, foe or both?

Good mod idea but would take a lot of effort. As for Yes Man, dev team has said before that Yes Man's new code literally is harmless and is just making him more assertive. Hes not betraying you, hes not going to turn on you, it's just him not being such a Yes Man anymore.

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