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"I Only Came To Download Stuff" Squad?


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So... who else signed up for Nexus only to download mods? I mean commenting here doesn't count as "using the forum." Though tbh I might give this forum a shot in the future. Would it be worth it, or is being able to download mods the only feature worth my time?


Also, feel free to share any stories about you coming here solely for the downloads, then either coming to the forums for the heck of it or if you are just giving the forums one quick browse before you start downloading mods.

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TESnexus was the name of this website when I first started downloading mods. I downloaded mods from several websites with mods for the same game. Then I began reading posts on the forums, from all the different modders websites with different mods and discovered A LOT OF PEOPLE were modders!


Super tech types too. Then I discovered they shared info about computers that taught me how to tweak the computer hardware I already had. And later to build a Great Gaming Computer.


There's lots more to this forum, and others like it, to discover.


Maybe you'll make new friends.

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