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How many of us are going to stay on...


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A bunch of friends and I are going to make a private server for FO76 when it comes out.


yay, Xmas comes like... 4, 5 times this year?

that is awesome news


I am cautiously optimistic about FO:76,

especially if some of the FO4 mods are pivotable and

that there'll be FORPG stuff too.



I envisage and intend on playing FO4 (especially VR) indefinitely,



for as long as awesome modders continue making awesome mods and folks are still enjoying it.

there's thousands of hours of content thanks to New Lands, new enemies and npcs,

and procedural iterative dungeoneering thanks to Bounty Boards, Better Aquatic Spelunking, and the Underboston etc...


can't forget Toddsville - Mayor Todd Howard as a companion in a borat-esque mankini-tutu?

you bet... set-non-essential + bloody mess perk? ah, the awesome of saving for that "but, that never happened" what-ifs...

Toddsville - the best protest mod in any game, to date, period!


I cannot thank Modders enough for their saving FO4;

unmodified FO4 was a steamer headed the way of Shelter, EquestriaBronyFallout, 8bitfallout etc...

but, modders made FO4 one of the better fallouts to date.

Modded FO4 is up there with FO3 & FONV IMHO



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I'm kinda optimistic about FO76 but Idunno if I'm going to treat a lot of it as anything more then Fallout Shelter


though I will say I don't hate the idea that the entire world map is devoid of human life beside other players cause let's be real, not every place in the immediate post-apoc would be settled or lived in.


even at the time of NV and 4 there would be uninhabited places.

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I have zero interest in Fallout Online.


Besides the fact that multiplayer games just aren't my thing, being forced to log into someone else's computer to play a game I've paid for is a big "No", even if it does come wrapped in a thin Fallout veneer. The lack of concise messaging and presentation of this thing thus far doesn't exactly inspire confidence.


I plan on still playing FO4, replaying FO3 and FNV (want to give the JSaywer mod a go), and playing the hell out of New California when it's released. Want try FO1 and 2 as well.


My gaming dollars that would have normally gone to Bethesda will be saved for Cyberpunk 2077. Or new socks. Anything but Fallout Online.

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After reading all these posts, I am getting the idea, maybe I won't ever waste money on fo76...who needs to support them making those type of games. I only like single player. But I bet all the muitiplayer loving gamers out there will fill our spots and buy the game, so Bethesda will probably still consider it a success. I hope not...I do hope we teach them a lesson...and they feel like we took them behind the financial barn and kicked the $h!+ out of them.

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Just want to remind everybody here, not to forget that FO76 is also the first Bethesda Net only release.
And I also want to remind everybody how well (sarcasm) the release of Bethnet went, and how the new forum switch went, and how well they policed, (And currently police) the mod section, allowing blatant mod theft, and their total inaction to do anything about it.
Even the Nexus offered to help Bethesda set up the Bethnet Forums and Mod interface, and Bethesda ignored them.
Remember the release of Simcity by EA, (A mega Corporation) and how badly that went?
Even they couldn't keep up with the demand on the servers.

Now, remember this is Bethesda, they're not well known for "being prepared" for things like this, so I predict that everybody who bought, and pre-ordered FO76, aren't going to be playing FO76 on release day, or will be playing it for a couple of minutes until things crash and burn.
I hope I'm wrong, but I kind of expect these kind of low standards from Bethesda after being burned by their older buggy and often unfinishable games like Skynet (towards the end, you could run into a bug that doesn't allow you to enter the final building, ruining the entire game), to the hilarious "X-car experimental racing" that put the "MENTAL" in "Experimental", because driving the X-car was like trying to steer a hockey puck on ice.

I'm getting really disheartened with the direction Bethesda is going in that they seem to be emulating EA, UBI etc, in trying to jump on the Always Online/UPLAY/ORIGIN/DRM Client crap.

Oh well, we'll see soon enough.

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Just want to remind everybody here, not to forget that FO76 is also the first Bethesda Net only release.

And I also want to remind everybody how well (sarcasm) the release of Bethnet went, and how the new forum switch went, and how well they policed, (And currently police) the mod section, allowing blatant mod theft, and their total inaction to do anything about it.

Even the Nexus offered to help Bethesda set up the Bethnet Forums and Mod interface, and Bethesda ignored them.

Remember the release of Simcity by EA, (A mega Corporation) and how badly that went?

Even they couldn't keep up with the demand on the servers.


Now, remember this is Bethesda, they're not well known for "being prepared" for things like this, so I predict that everybody who bought, and pre-ordered FO76, aren't going to be playing FO76 on release day, or will be playing it for a couple of minutes until things crash and burn.

I hope I'm wrong, but I kind of expect these kind of low standards from Bethesda after being burned by their older buggy and often unfinishable games like Skynet (towards the end, you could run into a bug that doesn't allow you to enter the final building, ruining the entire game), to the hilarious "X-car experimental racing" that put the "MENTAL" in "Experimental", because driving the X-car was like trying to steer a hockey puck on ice.


I'm getting really disheartened with the direction Bethesda is going in that they seem to be emulating EA, UBI etc, in trying to jump on the Always Online/UPLAY/ORIGIN/DRM Client crap.


Oh well, we'll see soon enough.

"Yup" to all of the above. Going to be interesting/entertaining to see what happens on "Wrecklamation Day." Popcorn supply is fully stocked. But who knows...maybe it will all go swimmingly and problem free...maybe.

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I'm left out of the FO76 bandwagon anyway as I don't have a continuous network connection, just limited use through a phone hot-spot. I don't care for multiplayer games and am dedicated to single-player games. Bethesda seems to forget that many gamers have more interests than just their flavor of enticement this year. As some examples, I have in various platforms:


Fallout series (came late to this with 3 and beyond)

Far Cry Series (all of them)

Elite Sniper Series (all of them)

Assassin's Creed (most of them)

Dishonored (all of them)

Tomb Raider (some of them)

Wolfenstein (some of them)

CoD (most of them)

Battlefront (most of them)

Assorted tactical and strategic wargames (many of these)


I'm sure I can find something to do while Bethesda wastes the time that gamers have given them.


Here is a shout out to RRTV posting above. His/her latest mods for homes in FO 4 are great additions to the game. I'm glad that the intersest in FO4 is so strong there!

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