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How many of us are going to stay on...


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There's also the whole fact of smacking into a wall and having a bookshelf fall on your head. Plenty of youtube video with people "attempting" to use the body-motion controller function.


I can not find any of that kind of incident's you suggest when Googling for them. Please share links that you have.



Well here is one I found, there is also one where a girl passes out in VR chat with one of those motion controller things so her character just lays there and snores pretty funny. And as HadToRegister said the technology is not even close to be viable for gaming, I mean its cool but its been "cool" for like 30 years and still way too expensive.


Also its confusing that people keep referring to the Miami and California mods (yes they are mods) as DLCs, they are definitely DLC sized but they are mods being made for free they are not DLCs which you generally get from the official game company. Bethesda is not going to release anymore DLCs for fallout 4, we are stuck with the shitty DLCs and Far Harbor, sorry lol.



Watched it!


Most of the VR games I've seen don't disrupt the equilibrium that much!

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Meh, VR is STILL "Not ready for Primie-Time"


The current round of VR implementation isn't "The Future"

It's a gimmicky mess, and I've seen all of the stupid VR gimmicks along the way since the phrase "Virtual Reality" came about, and so far, they've all failed miserably.

VR still has a long way to go to where it's a viable platform, just like Video Tape back in the 80s, where Betamax (Superior) was fighting VHS (Inferior), but VHS won, because so many uninformed people bought the lower standard crap, which swayed the market to the inferior product.

So, yea, I'm watching crap like that happen YET AGAIN with all of these different VR systems, with no STANDARD in sight.

THIS is exactly why VHS beat BETAMAX.



Ha, as a kid in the 80s, I remember my Dad had a Beta player. I remember going with him to video rental places. I'd wander the place and I look at the cool movie covers while Dad picked out what he was going to rent. I remember many times there'd be a movie I'd ask him to rent (for the sake of laughter, I thought the cover to Megaforce was awesome and so it should be an awesome movie) but he always said no. The reason was simple. VHS had a monstrous library of movies and Beta had a lot less. All the cool movies were on VHS, not Beta. Eventually in a few years, Dad got a VHS player. VHS had a pretty good run.




Ooo! And LaserDisc Players too!

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Granted those are pretty extreme examples. I'm just waiting for the Lawnmower Man Rig or SimSense, then I'll know VR is on the right track.


When the viewing area of the VR's are enabled so that I can see the images from top or bottom and turn my eyes to the right or left and not detect screen edges blotting that space out, I might invest in VR. Otherwise the sudden black blot sharp box looking edges causes a distraction. I lose interest when I realize the fun is still a television set. My fantasizing gets messed up.


When the glasses that project the image into our eyes so we don't see anything but the game scene; I'll buy those Eye Tracking Tech. The story is 2 years old at the Tech Crunch link.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fallout 4, and for how long, instead of buying Fallout 76 right away?


I fell into the hype of Fallout 76, and thought, "Yeah, I might as well buy it as soon as it comes out", but then I reconsidered. My current plan is now to stay on Fallout 4 until Fallout 76 comes out, it's DLC's come out, and even after it's GOTY version comes out...you know, with all the DLCs added in. Until the price comes way down. Also, I am going to be busy running my Dry Ice Nation FB group....covering all the hockey teams in Arizona.



To be honest, there really will be no change to my current level in playing FO4 v. F76. I'm 99% certain I won't be bothering with F76. Unless BGS does something truly spectacular with the quest line for lone wolf/solo players and this ends up making the game compelling to play.


Tbh, my gut tells me this unprecedented gambit of BGS (lacking the traditional NPCs to provide immersive story quest lines for players) may end up causing F76 to fall flat for PvE gamers. Because seriously, if the MQ/RPG element isn't as compelling, then once players explore every nook & cranny of the game world, boredom will likely set in.


I suspect those PvP minded gamers who aren't put off by the anorexic CoD dynamic, will likely become bored with the game by early next year. Because the map is simply too damned big to sustain the necessary critical mass of players to sustain meaningful PvP. Being forced to walk everywhere makes the game world seem even bigger. And given the characteristic impatience of most PvP gamers I've met online, the slower pace of F76 may become less appealing to these gamers. Especially given the more crowded/action packed maps the likes of CoD. Or with a big map like GTAO which seems small because of all the high tech WMD toys that let you warp across the map in minutes.


My speculation is the most hardcore PvP/survivalist/competitive mind set players who get F76, are most likely to move on within several months of game release (vs. the PvE minded ones). With the changes? BGS has made to the game play to restirct griefing, I doubt if there is going to be enough action packed drama/griefing type of player generated content to keep these mercurial mindset gamers engaged.


I suspect PvE gamers like myself will probably switch back to old hunting grounds of FO4/Skyrim/NV/Witcher etc. Or what's going to be most likely for many people with upcoming release RDR2 in spring 2019. Regardless, it will be interesting to see how BGS intends to retain players and compete with other AAA devs the likes of Rockstar in terms of DLC once RDR2 comes out.


Personally, I'll be alternating between Skyrim/FO4 until RDR2 drops. Then some 95%+ of my time will be directed towards playing RDR2.


Looks like R* decided to return to their GTA SA roots of producing a solid, immersive RPG single player game. At least if the latest previews of the game play have any merit. Because seeing the level of detail and realism they put into RDR2 so far, it's almost as though they took note of exceptional Skyrim modders the likes of Arthmoor & Chesko in designing the player's survival/environment interaction dynamic with the game world.


So yeah, totally expect some of the fan base will end up putting FO4 on the back burner when F76 debuts. And will most likely abandon F76 for the more single player/RPG friendlier RDR2 when that title comes out next spring.


edit: doesn't appear BGS is getting the pre ordering sales volume they had expected if sites like VGCharts is to be believed.

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I agree with AlarictheVisgoth


personally I will wait for Fallout 4 Miami and California. Those two additions will put FO4 in another dimension and some more months to play and continue to do so, once mods are added to, so I do not really care about FO76 at all.


IMHO, nothing is more pleasing than to sit down to play a game at your own pace with the mods that you want in the way that you want and not one but me alone, playing my game.


No wonder why I enjoy playing FO4, SkyrimSE, Sniper 4, The Witcher 3, Darksouls, etc, etc …. FO76 is gone from my desire from the very moment I knew it was an online game !


I hope that Metro Exodus is not an online game because that game is my waiting list. It would be awesome that could be modded but I doubt it.

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