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Download speed cap increase for Supporters and non-Adblockers


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In response to post #64183701. #64191081, #64204401, #64206866, #64229911, #64231896, #64309901, #64319131, #64415756, #64539201, #64644266 are all replies on the same post.

zgrillo2004 wrote:

Hey. you want to stop us from using adblockers on the site? then how about you remove the malware ridden ads from your site. If you cant, then Im keeping mine on. Deal with it.

megapolom wrote: Or... crazy thought right here... you could donate the 2$ and become a supporter and avoid ads altogether.
reptileye wrote: Point taken but that isn't enough.

It's pathetic. People who can pay get the benefit but people who put actual content into the site don't? what a joke.
Forzane wrote: @reptileye you as a mod author CAN get ads removed...use your DP from your wallet and get Premium for 1 month and then after that month is up you go to Supporter ...boom no ads
KZadBhat wrote: Megapolom, you mean reward the site owners for willingly using malicious ads and giving them money to stop wasting our bandwidth and attempting to infect our computers? I don't understand why it's our place to reward bad behavior, even if it is only $2.
VoidPriest wrote: That is indeed a crazy thought mega, to have to pay to not have malware infested ads. There is a reason ad blocker exists to begin with it. Zgrillo has the right of it, Sorry.
lyoko1 wrote: More than stop people using adblockers on the site they are kind of rewarding the people that do not use them or that have the supporter account, if you have adblock you can continue using the site as always, whitout changes, they are not lowering the cap for adblockers, they are increasing the cap for non adblockers and supporters, adblockers can get the same cap they aleardy had.

Technically you can sandbox the web browser that way malwares are contained and would not harm your computer.

Bad ads are not the mistake of site owners, they are the mistake of ad networks, in nexus you can report bad ads you see in the forum and the site owners ask the ad network to remove them.
So they are not willingly using malicious ads, but there is not much they can do about it other than what they do, today malicious ads are very hard to detect from their end, because those ads are very ofuscated and hard to detect, and nexus is not google or some big company to have their own ad network and a very powerful algorithm to detect malicious ads.
hendersonca wrote: > Or... crazy thought right here... you could donate the 2$ and become a supporter and avoid ads altogether.

Nice try. Not going to 'support' that attitude.
dungeons0 wrote: Its 2 dollars - what the hell is wrong with you? I wipe my behind with more than that.
Sohei2 wrote: The site can't figure out that I don't use an adblocker here so I don't have much confidence in their supporter system working properly either.
zgrillo2004 wrote: Forget it. Im saving my money for something that is more important. oh like, My Bills?!

Some of you guys act like this is such an unreasonable request, you get better returns if the ads aren't a bloated mess, more people will keep the blocker off out of courtesy, saying "Just become a premium member" just equates to "well then I guess I'm just going to keep my adblocker on" and shows an unwillingness to appeal to the people you're trying to get $$$ from. 2mb/s in exchange for bloated aggressive malware ridden ads isn't really a good deal.
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In response to post #64411191. #64436381, #64480566 are all replies on the same post.

Balx2 wrote: I get why you need to do this but f*#@ turning adblock off on this site. The three times I was dumb enough to do that I managed to get a virus. I know you guys claim you fight back against shitty ad providers but yeah. Instead I bought a supporter pack. If anyone ever asks me if they should disable adblock or just buy lifetime membership I'll respond "do you prefer aids or cotton candy?"
lyoko1 wrote: Isnt aids candy an option? or cotton aids?

just joking
Hallier wrote: I've never had ad-block enabled for this site and instead have a dns blocker that cancels and redirects me to a "dns blocked" page. Try this, if you can, it's extremely useful and saves tons of time. On top of never having ad-block enabled for this, I've never contracted a virus from this site; even before I got the dns blocker, so I've got no idea why you've gotten a virus three times.

I got a virus once from here too, adblocker stays on indefinitely since then.
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In response to post #64411191. #64436381, #64480566, #64981486 are all replies on the same post.

Balx2 wrote: I get why you need to do this but f*#@ turning adblock off on this site. The three times I was dumb enough to do that I managed to get a virus. I know you guys claim you fight back against shitty ad providers but yeah. Instead I bought a supporter pack. If anyone ever asks me if they should disable adblock or just buy lifetime membership I'll respond "do you prefer aids or cotton candy?"
lyoko1 wrote: Isnt aids candy an option? or cotton aids?

just joking
Hallier wrote: I've never had ad-block enabled for this site and instead have a dns blocker that cancels and redirects me to a "dns blocked" page. Try this, if you can, it's extremely useful and saves tons of time. On top of never having ad-block enabled for this, I've never contracted a virus from this site; even before I got the dns blocker, so I've got no idea why you've gotten a virus three times.
SamSh0 wrote: I got a virus once from here too, adblocker stays on indefinitely since then.

nom nom
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In response to post #64411191. #64436381, #64480566, #64981486, #64996146 are all replies on the same post.

Balx2 wrote: I get why you need to do this but f*#@ turning adblock off on this site. The three times I was dumb enough to do that I managed to get a virus. I know you guys claim you fight back against shitty ad providers but yeah. Instead I bought a supporter pack. If anyone ever asks me if they should disable adblock or just buy lifetime membership I'll respond "do you prefer aids or cotton candy?"
lyoko1 wrote: Isnt aids candy an option? or cotton aids?

just joking
Hallier wrote: I've never had ad-block enabled for this site and instead have a dns blocker that cancels and redirects me to a "dns blocked" page. Try this, if you can, it's extremely useful and saves tons of time. On top of never having ad-block enabled for this, I've never contracted a virus from this site; even before I got the dns blocker, so I've got no idea why you've gotten a virus three times.
SamSh0 wrote: I got a virus once from here too, adblocker stays on indefinitely since then.
Balx2 wrote: nom nom

Where did you come from, where did you go? Where did you come from, cotton aids joe?
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In response to post #64411191. #64436381, #64480566, #64981486, #64996146, #64998056 are all replies on the same post.

Balx2 wrote: I get why you need to do this but f*#@ turning adblock off on this site. The three times I was dumb enough to do that I managed to get a virus. I know you guys claim you fight back against shitty ad providers but yeah. Instead I bought a supporter pack. If anyone ever asks me if they should disable adblock or just buy lifetime membership I'll respond "do you prefer aids or cotton candy?"
lyoko1 wrote: Isnt aids candy an option? or cotton aids?

just joking
Hallier wrote: I've never had ad-block enabled for this site and instead have a dns blocker that cancels and redirects me to a "dns blocked" page. Try this, if you can, it's extremely useful and saves tons of time. On top of never having ad-block enabled for this, I've never contracted a virus from this site; even before I got the dns blocker, so I've got no idea why you've gotten a virus three times.
SamSh0 wrote: I got a virus once from here too, adblocker stays on indefinitely since then.
Balx2 wrote: nom nom
schnoerpl wrote: lyoko1
Where did you come from, where did you go? Where did you come from, cotton aids joe?

Nexus's hands are tied when trying not to bite the hand that feeds them. Nobody wants to put honest ads on this mod website because Nexus hosts adult files. The ad revenue Nexus DOES receive is from crooked companies trying to make their own dime off of their maliciously coded ads. Losing operating system integrity/functionality due to infectious mods or accidental ad clicks used to be a common occurrence even for users of this site. Not so much anymore since the integration of virus checks, but the point still stands as the quality of ads has barely improved. Edited by Superbros15
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In response to post #64775336.

Wufaris wrote: So if I turn off my ad blockers i'll immediately get 2MB/Sec download speeds when installing mods? I've had ad blockers running for a long time but if it helps the nexus I can turn them off as I use this website quite frequently.

There'd be a short cooldown but yes, you should see the benefits soon after turning it off :)
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In response to post #65074801. #65075156 is also a reply to the same post.

lued123 wrote: What if I have lifetime premium, but I still keep adblock active just in case I have to sign in?
Pickysaurus wrote: With Premium you will see no ads unless you log out. You can have it on if you want, it just won't do anything.

Well, I was more asking about the download speed stuff, but thanks for getting back to me so quickly. Interestingly, even when signed in, the AdBlock button still claims to be blocking 1 thing, but I've never been able to figure out what that blocked element is. The page seems identical if I pause AdBlock and refresh.
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