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Should I be worried?


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The last three times I started Vortex, I got the same error. Nothing that I can see has changed from when I first started using it and now other than the fact that the error is showing up.

This is the error message in full:


Error: Git operation failed. Details: -3; object not found - no match for id (8f4de7e3e8be3906f496643ad86c72be025f87d1): libgit2 error
at l.handleResponse (C:\Program Files\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\Vortex\resources\app.asar.unpacked\bundledPlugins\gamebryo-plugin-management\webpack:\gamebryo-plugin-management\node_modules\loot\index.js:109:1)
at ChildProcess.handleResponse (C:\Program Files\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\Vortex\resources\app.asar.unpacked\bundledPlugins\gamebryo-plugin-management\webpack:\gamebryo-plugin-management\node_modules\loot\index.js:60:1)
at emitTwo (events.js:126:13)
at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:214:7)
at emit (internal/child_process.js:772:12)
at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:141:11)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:180:9)




So, should I be worried, or is this just one of those annoying things that won't seriously effect my gameplay?

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The moment i installed Vortex, the nightmare began. I had to uninstall FO4, ALL my saved games, ALL my mods, and reinstall just to get the game to launch. Now after 4 days of yelling at my computer, only about 1/3 of the mods i download using Vortex actually work in game. Weirder still is the fact that some mods only partially work...these worked without issue for almost a year before Vortex came along too. I use some pretty silly mods so reserve judgement for another time but for example...Real Catmeat mod made DMs label says "CAT", made him smaller but he is still a dog and, well, Fartmeat isn't working right either...LOL. Look, i know this is a free thing but shouldn't it work regardless of the cost? I've had to aggressively change Load order to get even a few mods to work. The tutorial video was only partially helpful (the important stuff ended up being in #2) I started using mods because i enjoyed the weirdness they provide but i am not a programmer, now i need one to help me fix these issues with making a cat/dog fart instead of bark. It has been almost as difficult to admit and explain these experiences as it is getting the mods to work now. The old NMM seemed to deal with most issues automatically, Vortex seems to create issues then laugh at you when you have no idea how to fix them. Is Nexus planning to address these issues with functionality and management? Nexus mods could become a real business, i would reconmend building your customer service reputation early on.

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The moment i installed Vortex, the nightmare began. I had to uninstall FO4, ALL my saved games, ALL my mods, and reinstall just to get the game to launch. Now after 4 days of yelling at my computer, only about 1/3 of the mods i download using Vortex actually work in game. Weirder still is the fact that some mods only partially work...these worked without issue for almost a year before Vortex came along too. I use some pretty silly mods so reserve judgement for another time but for example...Real Catmeat mod made DMs label says "CAT", made him smaller but he is still a dog and, well, Fartmeat isn't working right either...LOL. Look, i know this is a free thing but shouldn't it work regardless of the cost? I've had to aggressively change Load order to get even a few mods to work. The tutorial video was only partially helpful (the important stuff ended up being in #2) I started using mods because i enjoyed the weirdness they provide but i am not a programmer, now i need one to help me fix these issues with making a cat/dog fart instead of bark. It has been almost as difficult to admit and explain these experiences as it is getting the mods to work now. The old NMM seemed to deal with most issues automatically, Vortex seems to create issues then laugh at you when you have no idea how to fix them. Is Nexus planning to address these issues with functionality and management? Nexus mods could become a real business, i would reconmend building your customer service reputation early on.


While I can't offer solutions to the problems you've listed, because I've never experienced them with Vortex, I can say something about the "silly mods" you mentioned.


Out of curiosity and for grins, I downloaded and installed the two named "silly mods" in a testing profile for Fallout 4. (Fartmeat is a bit crude, but I have family members who love that kind of stuff.) There were no problems in installing, enabling, and deploying the mods. I loaded the game, and the mods performed as advertised.


None of this, I know, helps you to resolve the issues that you have with Vortex. However, it does show that Vortex can work as it's supposed to. In fact, I started using Vortex in an alpha build about eight months ago, and I have never had any major problems with it.


Every mod manager ever created has had teething problems. Do you remember the howls when NMM was first introduced? And do you remember the even louder howls when NMM transitioned to the 0.60.x versions?


So I encourage you not to give up on Vortex. As for customer service, that is largely handled by knowledgeable users in these forums. Please visit here often, and you may find exactly the help that you need.

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The moment i installed Vortex, the nightmare began. I had to uninstall FO4, ALL my saved games, ALL my mods, and reinstall just to get the game to launch.


Whenever someone claims this, It immediately lets me know that they don't know what they're doing.

Because they're only answer is to uninstall and reinstall everything, even for the smallest of problems.


I bet you could've started up Fallout 4 just fine if you had deleted your Fallout 4 ini files on drive C and let the game re-create them.


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Same thing here as Augusta Calidia said ... not a problem with Vortex and I am one the pioneers, using Vortex since it was out, from the very first day.


The transition has been a very productive journey because I grew up with it and I have seen a lot of stuff, learned a lot, trying to help others, especially with my simple procedures to download, prepare and play via Vortex .... BUT .... I have read every single thread, I have READ A LOT, I have asked questions, I have seen videos and I have been writting down my personal notes in my spreadsheet with tips from other users, even from Tannin directly so in case I forget, I can consult and do not ask the same question again.


I do not understand why people are complaining too much about Vortex and the only answer to all this non-sense questions, is that you OP, as everybody else complaining, ARE NOT doing your homework. You are not reading enough, investigating enough, watching videos or asking questions before you touch something.


Do yourself a favor : read, read and read and you will know in advance what to expect. I used NMM before and I never had any problem. Started to use Vortex since it was out and in the beggining, everything was new and some misktakes happened on my end and from Vortex but we were in Alpha and still today, we are in Beta and bugs are expected. I do continue reading and I am not touching what I do not need.


Last but not the least, I never imported anyting from NMM even though I did not want to loose my saved games from Fallout 4, but I decided not to import BUT to donwload my mods one by one. Why ? Because that way I would learn better, me doing every single download, install, enable and deploying every single mod and following by the letter, what others suggested to me, especially Tannin.


As soon as I started doing what he told me, I encountered no problem at all and I have been applying since then, all of his suggestions + others in the forum that have helped me a lot. For you information, I have restarted Fallout 4 and Skyrim ( from scratch ) perhaps 3 times each one of them and not because Vortex is breaking my games but because I have been testing mods over an over and I have been monkey around with my game to the point that it was better for me to restart from the very beginning and I did not care, so my point is this : anytime I have started a new game, I have downloaded every single mod, do what I have to do and play my game and no problem at all till I have introduced in my load order some mods that have screwed up with my game, something that probably I was able to fix via Xedit but I decided not to and in my case, the only way I know if this or that mod is going to stay in my load order, is to try it in full.


Bottom line, Vortex is working for me as it should. No hiccups, no breaking, nothing bad at all. I can tell you that the only things I do are :


- Start my game in vanilla and save it. Prepare my .ini file for modding.

- Clean all my DLC's via XEdit

- Download mods, install them and via auto-deploy, my mods are being deployed. Have also auto-sort enabled.

- Resolve conflict rules as my mods are being deployed and are conflicting with another one or others. I do not wait till all of them have been installed. I use a simple rule : last mod installed that is in conflict with another? I LOAD AFTER the new mod after the other(s).If the last mod installed is conflicting with several mods already installed, I always choose LOAD AFTER every single one of them. When you try to LOAD BEFORE this one, and AFTER THAT ONE, cycling issues can occur. You have to be careful and because I like it simple, that is what I do. If I want those two mods to work together in my game, I know how to create a patch or merge for them via Xedit.

- Once I finish deploying and resolving conflicts via rules :

- In the Plugins screen, I place all my patches in the Dynamic Patching Group. Every OTHER SINGLE MOD is left where Vortex placed it. PERIOD. I do not change anything else. I do not use LOOT. You have to either use AUTO-SORT in Vortex or LOOT, not both. I use AUTO-SORT in Vortex. LOOT and NMM are no longer sitting in my PC desktop. LOOT is integrated into Vortex auto-sort so there is no need to run both. So far so good with only auto-sort enabled in Vortex.

- Play my game.


So far I am playing Skyrim with 105 mods and no issues whatsoever. I am also playing Fallout 4 with 75 mods and no issues as well. Yes, I am for quality not quantity but that is me. I have not had the need to even create a merge patch or use Wrye Bash Patch at all and my two games are running like a charm. Last but not the least : after too many testing since I started to play in PC ( more than 2 years ago ), I have a very known load order with the same mods I use all of the time. If I introduce another new mod, I read, read, read, read all the description, posts, etc and if I have the sense is going to work, I put it to a test. If it does not work as intended or I do not like, see ya forever and probably I restart a new game. Yes, it is a pain but it is my own way to know / learn what is good and what is not for my very onw game. Good luck !

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Looks like Vortex is may be having problems contacting LOOT. This might mean auto-sort won't work for you.


Not sure why you'd be seeing it though, I can't replicate the issue.


Like I said, I don't seem to be suffering any ill-effects regarding game play, so its not affecting the game itself. And I've got a handle on manually loading mods, so if that's the problem, its fine. I guess we'll see what the future brings. Guess its just one of those random problems that pops up. Thanks for the response.

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