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I have absolutely zero confidence in TES 6.


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WOW, a Whiteknight in its purest form! It was getting boring here with everyone agreeing together.

Only sadly... no discussion is possible with you :(


But I agree - I can imagine how much Zenimax think that someone's compulsions or problems with their games is not their problem ...

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I have every confidence it will rock and I'll love it but it'll be very buggy and be poorly optimized for good hardware. Have confidence the community will fix a lot of those bugs and up the performance a tick as we go even though they shouldn't have to.

Edited by SacredKnight81
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I have every confidence it will rock and I'll love it but it'll be very buggy and be poorly optimized for good hardware. Have confidence the community will fix a lot of those bugs and up the performance a tick as we go even though they shouldn't have to.

So, you believe that beth will be beth. Again. :D


They do have a pretty consistent track record on that.....

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  • 3 weeks later...



If you expect any game to release without bugs, or without a model that can support it, then you may want to just, not buy any more games ever.


OMG, I'm so sick of this old mantra being chanted by the White Knights.


They love nothing better than to support the abuser in an abusive relationship.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree with all that is said. I was barely was into gaming when I buiilt my first PC and bought Fallout 3, and Oblivion. Fallout 3 was a buggy pile of crap right out of the box with constant CTD's same as Oblivion. This is the only reason I leanred about mods on Nexus, because of Bethesda garbage. Fallout New Vegas was also buggy, so was Skyrim. They never polish their games and test before releaseing them. And they do rely on the mod community to fix their crap. Did you know, the Bethesda team is only about 400 people? Compared to major game makers, that is a very small team. And then they made the decision to break off from their two main series, which they barely had enough man power to finish development to begin with, and make other games which don't even interest me in the slightest, but apparentely they knew that's what we wanted. I wonder how those are selling.


Lest we forget, that instead of fixing game bugs, often times they just remove the content, and they don't even clean up after themselves. Look at the Cutting Room Floor mod series as an example. A modder, adding back content that Bethesda either Deleted, or just didn't finish in the first place. How is it that Bethesda can legally remove content from a game just because they are too lazy to repair what they didn't test in the first place?


I have placed Fallout 3, Oblivion, New Vegas, Oldrim and SSE. I have owned Fallout 4 for two years and still haven't played through it yet. I leave the first town and realize it is just more of the same, then I shut it off and forget it.


I loved my Skyrim, but it's been too long and I can't handle another playthrough. I knew Fallout 76 was going to flop so I neve bothered buying it and I'm willing to bet Elder Scrolls 6 will pretty much end the series and will be an unplayable pile of trash not worth looking at. So now begins my search for a high quality next gen open world RPG to replace the 'Idea' of the Elder Scrolls Series, and it's too bad. Throwing in the towel on Bethesda now.

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  • 2 months later...

Honestly I don't like the linear action style and loss of RPG element Bethesda has given us....Albeit I enjoy a heavily modded FO4, did not nor wanted not the voiced protagonist. Bethesda is on the money train and it is within their creative right to do so.....however the manner in which they have achieved this success, is rather immoral perhaps even unethical. Personally I hope they have been listening to their fan base, and go back to root of their core players....however I seriously hold any hope to that candle....I miss the alien but magical land of morrowind, I liked Oblivion.....but by Talos after the 2nd year of SKYRIM I went to modding heaven on it.....Personally I would support an upcomer who would take up the mantle of FPTP-RPG (1st-3rd person) I ddon't expect another Morrowind, and honestly let that game die in peace....however the creativity behind it and the mechanics or lore and choice with a splash of fantasy would be a heaven send....

To be perfectly honest what I would love to see is the Nexus Mod community just literally make an RPG just to shut Bethesda up and make them rethink their current marketing strategy.
P.S. Wow didn't realize I was necro posting but here I am resurrecting this conversation......

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Honestly I don't like the linear action style and loss of RPG element Bethesda has given us....Albeit I enjoy a heavily modded FO4, did not nor wanted not the voiced protagonist. Bethesda is on the money train and it is within their creative right to do so.....however the manner in which they have achieved this success, is rather immoral perhaps even unethical. Personally I hope they have been listening to their fan base, and go back to root of their core players....however I seriously hold any hope to that candle....I miss the alien but magical land of morrowind, I liked Oblivion.....but by Talos after the 2nd year of SKYRIM I went to modding heaven on it.....Personally I would support an upcomer who would take up the mantle of FPTP-RPG (1st-3rd person) I ddon't expect another Morrowind, and honestly let that game die in peace....however the creativity behind it and the mechanics or lore and choice with a splash of fantasy would be a heaven send....


To be perfectly honest what I would love to see is the Nexus Mod community just literally make an RPG just to shut Bethesda up and make them rethink their current marketing strategy.

P.S. Wow didn't realize I was necro posting but here I am resurrecting this conversation......

Trouble is, Beth's current formula works. For them. They make huge piles of money on their games, so, they have zero motivation to change course. Making a game that appealed to their 'core players' isn't as profitable as making a game that appeals to the casual gamers. Therefore, they make games that appeal to the widest audience they can. That's more money in their pocket.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Disregarding my sheet dislike of Id Software(which is a Bethesda subsidiary studio now, not the company that John Carmack founded) and the sheer mess that has been Fallout 76... I'm not hopeful of TES6, either... if it ever happens. I'm doubtful of that right now as they seem to barely be putting work into it and have neglected it for years.


There was a lot about Oblivion that mods fixed- OOO or similar was essential to fix how broken the leveling system was. Limiting the player to 1 ring slot was dopey. That said, while Skyrim took a lot of leaps forward(leveling is no longer garbage, though could still be better in some ways), it took several steps back. Magic is basically useless, you have to level up the skill tree to even make magic useful at higher levels and even still the spells you buy aren't very good. Calm/Pacify does nothing once your level is so high and everyone levels with you. Damage increases barely scale when everyone has 300+ HP and your ice spike is doing 20 damage. It's so useless that you only need to use it... I think 4 times total in the magic college questline!


I hate dual-wielding because it's either a choice of a shield OR healing magic while Oblivion allowed both. I barely even get to use shields in a playthrough. We can't make spells by design because Todd felt it was "cheating". They deliberately neutered a system to be useless because we didn't use it their preferred way in Oblivion- and yet they left in a weird system of alchemy, enchanting, crafting that is easy to exploit to make weapons that do 1 million damage without using mods, console commands, etc... and never patched it out. Enchanting likewise has issues with that "dismantle equipment instead of using spells" nonsense and some items like a resist poison necklace failing to spawn past level 20 only further hinders a bad idea. Invisibility was also next to useless, what with it wearing off if you do anything, again, by design- Todd didn't agree with us playing a game we paid for in a way he didn't approve.


No underwater combat? Bad idea. I do not enjoy trying to shoot a slaughterfish I can't see with an arrow so I can fast travel.


They also really cranked up the idea you're playing a villain who only saves the world out of selfish desires. Most "evil" choices in Oblivion were purely optional and only 2 of the Daedric Prince quests really stuck out as wholly evil(and OOO offered a heroic option to Molag Bal's quest). Skyrim wants us to join the Dark Brotherhood with the destruction quest being lazy with fewer rewards. They all but force us into the Thieves guild with the destruction quest having been canned. Most shrine quests are blatantly evil and if you somehow can choose the heroic option(which is not an option really given in many cases) you get nothing so the whole quest is a waste of your time to do. Many of these need mods to have choices. The earlier development favored the Stormcloaks(who are blatantly a bunch of racists that want to either force out or kill any non-Nord in Skyrim- you excluded but Ulfric wants you only because of your dragon blood) and the Imperial option was only give later on.


Sure, the writing was on the wall when they canonized the Dragonborn's appearance but I expect TES6 will be a giant middle finger to moral hero players. They'll stick to their canon Dragonborn appearance, pick a side in the civil war, say the DB quest was all canon(even the destruction quest leaves 2 known survivors and room to say the Emperor was killed regardless), Dragonborn bcame a avmpire and sided with Volkihar, blah blah... player choice from Skyrim will be disregarded and choices in 6 will, I imagine, be incredibly limited or nonexistent in the name of "lore". I'd wager character creation may even get the axe if they're feeling super picky. These are the same "lore" writers who have seemingly forgotten about the Shivering Isles DLC even happening as they treat Skyrim Sheogotath as if he were the original now.


I'd also expect TES Online to be de-canonized since it's made by a different studio, if a lore writer doesn't like some picky little detail or two from the game. They can't even decide if the novels are official canon. That's if they don't just do another Daggerfall "warp in the west" situation to say all the Skyrim choices happened in branching timelines- it would be incredibly lazy but the only way I could see them not upsetting half the fanbase by canonizing certain major decisions. They'll use the time fissure from Alduin as a convenient excuse to explain it away. Either that or they'll "not explain a damn thing" by setting the game off 100 years later in a distant land and making only vague references to Skyrim's events.


As for the modding scene... I don't see them supporting it outside of Creation Club. Mods will probably require official keys to install and function, and all officially-sold mods will be deemed "lore" as all Skyrim CC is treated as official canon too- to make you pay a fortune for a $40 game. Disabling achievements in SE if you run unofficial mods is a big sign they no longer care for the scene that practically make their games more than playable and FIXES BUGS. Yeah, enjoy not having unofficial patches... it's not that I get the impression they care what we want so long as their products sell enough to make a profit. The whole ending of Dawnguard, even if you disregard every other instance, showed a blatant disregard for what players might want. They wrote Serana as flirty yet had her deny marriage through some pretty forced reasons, claiming they didn't think we'd even want to marry her, despite being one of few characters who has a personality at all(yet you can marry the housecarl who you have talked to for 30 seconds and has barely any personality stronger than that of a Dalek!). If they didn't want us to marry her they could have left the dialog completely out instead of having her turn whiny.


And yes, the marriage system was barely a thing to start with as it offered little benefit to gameplay, that also could have used extensive overhauling for role play purposes(I say the same for adoption, too). If not for the mod to marry Serana I'd have skipped it totally.


I'm to the point I'd rather not see a TES6 happen than it to be a horrible mess that ticks people off, because it will. Todd will inevitably attack critics and defend decisions as he's done with FO76 rather than admit he messed up. That's if Bethesda isn't closing down in 5-10 years because they are clearly struggling these days, maybe not in sales (yet) but definitely in PR.

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  • 1 month later...

my plan for TES6 is the same for fallout 76. im not pre-ordering and wont buy the cam until some time has passed so i can tell what the general population thinks of it. it saved my money for 76 due to that cluster f*#@. but i also think Bethesda knows that this is their last chance to win back the hearts and minds of their community. if they pull another fallout 76 with TES6 they have ended themselves. so im hoping they will take their time. bu who knows

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