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Illusion of freedom


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I've seen the world from far up in the sky. Someone said that it was because of a pie. A pie in the sky?! I don't know why?!


How is it possible?


You scream, I scream, we all scream for ice cream. In the middle of Winter?! Why?


Because when my Mom tells the story, they didn't have refrigerators in the Spring and Summer so Winter was the only time they could make it. :ohmy: :laugh:

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Freedom in society is an illusion.. to be truly free in this world you would have to exclude yourself from any and all of the "wonders" of society, only alone, defying the morals and laws made by others, be they Man or beast, are you truly free, but you would be alone.. by pursuing your Freedom you would accept isolation in every sense of the word, no interaction would be possible because that would require you to accept the rules of interaction and thus, sacrifice freedom for company.... to be truly free is to be truly alone..

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Ya my experience is less money makes you more creative. Life hacking I guess :pirate: ?


But Supposedly Trump is fairly wealthy ... and he is vERy creative !@#

Unless those rumors that he is really a popper are true ?

basically ... in debt up to his ears ...


Poor Trump having to subsist on a meager half mil of the presidents salary ... can you imagine the pain he is feeling ?

Sheesh ... that is probably just enough to cover his plumbing bill ... no wonder he eats fast food. :whistling:

Trump isn't taking a salary for being president. That's one of the campaign promises he made, that he actually kept.

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And to know on that for sure ... will be after the next 4 years.


Is there a reason I should believe specific claims by Trump ? How would one know which specific claims are the ones to believe ?


Is it about just using your common sense ?

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And to know on that for sure ... will be after the next 4 years.


Is there a reason I should believe specific claims by Trump ? How would one know which specific claims are the ones to believe ?


Is it about just using your common sense ?

There are sites that track politicians campaign promises. They are at least reasonably accurate. (which is where I got the info from. "independently verified".)


I don't trust any politician. Just because they say they will do something, does not necessarily imply they actually will. More often than not, they don't. They tend to make promises they KNOW they cannot keep, just to get into office. Once in office, all those promises seem to evaporate. Of course, there ARE those that WILL do exactly they say, at least, in some instances. Then you get to decide if that is something you actually want to see happen, and vote accordingly. :)

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The officials I was examined by say I am not able to work. I struggle to work in any way possible just the same. I continue to appraise my efforts so I know it isn't because of an inability, it's is because they say I have a Disability.


Before they made their claims upon me, I worked as a tiller before anyone heard of a roto-tiller, I was a landscape laborer, before anyone ever heard the name landscape artist, I was a house painter before an paint sprayer was invented, I was a roofer, before T-lock shingles were invented, and so on. Modern tools have made it so my abilities are a liability to those who are lazy and therefore it is so I that I am a disabled, not unable. Now I am almost a lazy as they are and looking to invent a way so they can be even more lazy than I could ever be.


At least President Trump is always doing something any lazy man can. Playing golf must really put a strain on his life. At least he does it enough times so he doesn't lose his strength and stamina to hit the ball and get in his cart to ride to where the ball fell.


Hire me! I can be a President all of you can admire while we all lay around playing video games all day and night. Or sharing how to make mods. Or maybe direct you to the tools and support applications which will make it possible to give those who are born with too many competitors for the title, "Laziest Person on Earth" a chance. At being the next WINNER!

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  • 1 month later...

Good luck to find another job President Pagafyr!


To come back to the subject: to be free people need among other things the freedom of opinion which goes by the access to medias that don't any unavowable interest to defend.


How can people be free to think by themselves when any slaver and public poisoner company boss can control the press and fire or do even worse with any journalist who would denunce his unawovable acts?


Letting the company bosses exercise such power is a direct violation of the freedom of speech by the way.



To be free people need laws to limit the other persons' power when this power is likely to trample their freedom like for example forbidding the simultaneous property of a company and of a media especially since the freedom of the press is one of the fundaments of democracy.

Edited by Oblivionaddicted
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Good luck to find another job President Pagafyr!


To come back to the subject: to be free people need among other things the freedom of opinion which goes by the access to medias that don't any unavowable interest to defend.


How can people be free to think by themselves when any slaver and public poisoner company boss can control the press and fire or en worse any journalist who would denunce his unawovable acts?


Letting the company bosses exercise such power is a direct violation of the freedom of speech by the way.



To be free people need laws the other persons' power when this power is likely to trample their freedom liek for example forbidding the simultaneous property of a company and of a media especially since the freedom of the press is one of the fundaments of democracy.


:huh: What a sore head! What a mess of words and sentences!


Wow! I'll never raise my voice again to be elected. Unlike the Women who instigated the ideas for women's rights to vote during the 19th century in the U. S. A. and Canada I will remain silenced.


My apologies!

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