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Hello everyone :)

Can anyone tell me how Skyrim / Fallout 4 handles dealing damage? Is there a global function that's used by all weapons and that can be modified?

I'm interested in finding out because I want to make a mod that switches most forms of damage to bleeding, instead of instantaneous damage and I want it to work with all weapons, even modded in ones.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...

After nearly 11 months of nightmarish fighting to get Papyrus to work in N++ ---- and failing every time ---- I finally found the solution after figuring out the perfect "how-to" combo from numerous different sites, a video and a smidget of good luck for a change... I tested the compiler by creating a new script (but in fact just typing out a generic script provided by creation kit's site (to ensure that I wouldn't mistake my own idiocy for papyrus failings), compiled it successfully without errors and tested it; all without forgetting to bust out my epic happy-dance-moves and freaking out my neighbors. I'm absolutely the wrong person to type out how I managed to do it... at least in a way that isn't constantly veering off topic as my brain is usually doing, and easy for other's to follow. I don't even understand all the terminology enough to know what the heck to call these "words" that I'm seeing. lol It's tragic and pathetic... but, my brain will get me there eventually. I can however explain in very basic terms to someone who actually knows scripting enough to know how to create their own without needing to look at a vanilla script to guide them.


I apologize if I'm coming off disrespectful or annoying for offering to spread the word like I am... I'm just trying to find a good info source to start me off at the absolute beginning and came across a few topics that you helped people in. I remember the stress and aggravation from those 11 months.... I have no reservations when it comes to sharing the knowledge so that other new scripters won't have to go thru their own little slice of **** ! I figured that the more people can find solutions that not only differ from one-another but are also (actually) successful!


If I don't offer to share this if you'd like to add this info to any of your sites/blogs/etc. now, then I'll continue to type on and on... so, I'll just end it with "please feel free to throw me an inbox if you want... and I could never be offended if anyone did not want to share I'm sure that most (people) have their own horrible memories of papyrus in their "learning days" - so not wanting any part of it is more understandable than ever.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here is something that I had looked all over to find and figure out how to do. So I'll put all the steps in one place (this post) then you can adapt it into your growing tutorial thing.



How to make an esp plugin that is dependent upon another esp plugin.

Since the Creation Kit requires a plugin to be an esm (or master) in order to have other plugins use or replace its data, there are some necessary steps to take to fool the Creation Kit into believing that an esp is an esm file.


Step 1:

Download and install Wrye Bash -- as of this writing (Aug. 12 2012) it is necessary to install both standalone & phython versions as well as the game location version should you wish compatibility with the newest release of BOSS. Note the Wrye Bash installer will handle all the installation options, you merely have to select them in the dialog window.

Skyrim version


Step 2:

Wyre Bash should have been properly set up during install to recognize the skyrim game directories. Select the mods tab and all your installed plugins should be listed including those which are not active. Those with a check mark are active those without are not.


Step 3:

Find the plugin you want to be a temporary master. Right click on it and choose the option called Esmify Self. A warning box will pop up explaining that this feature is for advanced modders, please read it. I'd advise not to check the box that says to not show that warning again, but really it is up to you.


Step 4:

Now that the plugin is an esm you can go open the Creation Kit, but before you do LEAVE WYRE BASH OPEN! If you close Wyre Bash while an esp plugin is changed to a master it will get moved out of load order and placed at the top when you reopen Wyre Bash. Best just to leave it open so you don't need to worry about reordering the plugins later.


Step 5:

Before you can open the Creation Kit you have to also tell it to allow more than one master file. If you try to open skyrim.esm & the new masterfied esp plugin, the Creation Kit will get upset at you and tell you that you can't do that. So locate in your skyrim directory the file SkyrimEditor.ini. Open this file with a text editor, notepad will do just nicely. Scroll down till you find the entry:

bAllowMultipleMasterLoads <--- this line needs to be added to the [General] section.

by default this value is set to 0, change it to 1.

While here you may want to go ahead and change

bAllowMultipleEditors <--- this line is present by default

from 0 to 1. This is useful if you are working on one mod and want to see how another mod did something without closing your current work.


Step 6:

Save the SkyrimEditor.ini file and load up the Creation Kit. Now you can select the modified esp and it will be treated as a master, allowing you to make small changes to some records and keep the rest of the data intact for the other mod.


Step 7:

Do whatever mod work you were going to do, then save your finished product and exit Creation Kit.


Step 8:

Before testing things out in game, return to Wrye Bash and right click on the plugin you had esmified and select the option to Espify Self. This returns the file to esp plugin status. Now you can exit Wrye Bash.


Step 9:

Using whatever mod manager you prefer, ensure that your new esp is set to load AFTER the required esp. Start Skyrim and test out your mod.


Step 10:

if you have to do further work repeat the process tho steps 1, 5 & 6 only need be done once. (unless for some reason you need to reinstall the programs then you'll have to do those again)



Why would anyone want to do this you ask

it is because of as I like to call it "the nature of the plugins" meaning that when two or more plugins modify the same editor ids the last one installed gets its data and the other is left out in the cold. By making one the master or parent, the other can incorporate its' data into the first, thus allowing both the ability to function as planned. Here is an example: One plugin renames arrows to sort them. Another plugin modifies the damage, value and other aspects of the stock arrows. Whichever one of the two was placed last, gets its data. By making one a master and using its data as the base then the two plugins will work together so long as the one that was built upon is loaded first.






yeah I'm not good at making tutorials, but like I said I thought it would be helpful to have all that info in one place. Feel free to expand upon and make it read better.


Recommended INI edits - copy/paste as necessary




SResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Update.bsa, Dawnguard.bsa, Hearthfires.bsa, Dragonborn.bsa 






Not working. After I espify back the master, close Wrye Bash and CK, the plugin lose its master.

Followed all those instructions to be able to add custom spells from Forgotten Magic to my followers, but when opening CK again, the spells disappeared, and Forgotten Magic was not marked as a master anymore after being espified.

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If you espify back the master while the CK is open, who knows what will happen as that plugin no longer has the false master flag.


And if you reopen the CK without making sure the master has been "esmified" again, it should complain about the missing master and if it doesn't then it probably would look like everything was missing.


You cannot do it once and expect it to still work from then on. You have to "esmify" the ESP masters every time you want to work on your plugin in the CK. You have to "espify" the ESP masters every time you want to test in game.

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How to make Dragon Claw holders

Difficulty: Medium

It is assumed that the reader has basic knowledge of how the CK works.


1. In the render window, navigate to the wall you want to place your claws on.


2. In the Object Window, navigate to World Objects->Static. In the filter, type in "portgatebase0". Three entries appear. These will act as holes in the wall, where we will then place the Dragon Claws. Pick the one you like, then drag and drop it into the Render Window. Move and rotate it so that it matches the wall.


3. In the Object Window, navigate to Items->MiscItem. In the filter, type in "claw". A total of 11 entries appear. 8 of these have "dun" as a prefix, followed by a cell name (example: dunDeadMensRubyDragonClaw). The remaining three entries are a bit cryptic. There are two versions of the Golden Claw, "E3GoldenClaw" and "MS13GoldenClaw". The latter is the "real" version. The remaining ID is FFI01Claw, which is the Sapphire Claw.


4. Double-click the MS13GoldenClaw. At the bottom of the window you'll find a grayed-out area with the topic Model. Mark everything inside the box and hit Ctrl+C. Press Cancel.


5. In the Object Window, navigate to World Objects->Static. Right click and select "New".


6. In the ID field, type something like "GoldenClawStatic". Press the "Edit"-button next to the Model-field. A new window pops up. Press Edit. You will be prompted to select a model from you computer. Press Ctrl+V and hit OK. The Golden Claw should now be visible in the pop-up window. Hit OK. Hit OK.


7. Drag and drop GoldenClawStatic into the Render Window. Place it inside your hole. Move and rotate until it looks nice. Double-click the claw and check the "Initially Disabled"-tickbox.


8. In the Object Window, navigate to World Objects->Activators. Right click and select "New". In the ID-field, type "GoldenClawActivator". In the name field, type "Golden Claw Holder". Press OK.


9. Double click GoldenClawActivator again. This time the Script section is not grayed out. Click the Add-button. A new window will pop up. At the very top in the list you'll see [new script]. Double click it.


10. In the name field, type "DragonClawHolderScript". Hit OK. You will be taken back to the original window, with "DragonClawHolderScript" added to the list of scripts.


11. Right click the "DragonClawHolderScript". Select "Edit source". Delete everything. Copy and Paste the following:

Scriptname DragonClawHolderScript extends ObjectReference

MiscObject Property ClawToPlace Auto
{The claw we want to place}
Bool Property isPlaced = false Auto Hidden
Message Property FailMessage auto
{The message to show if the player dont have the claw in their inventory}

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActivator)
if(isPlaced == FALSE) ; is the claw placed?
if akActivator.getItemCount(ClawToPlace) >= 1 ; Does the player have the claw?
isPlaced = TRUE
self.getLinkedRef().enable() ; Enable the Static Claw
(akActivator as actor).removeItem(ClawToPlace, 1) ; Remove the claw from the players inventory
FailMessage.show() ; If the player doesnt have the claw, show the Fail message.
isPlaced = FALSE
self.getLinkedRef().disable() ; If the claw was already placed, disable the static claw
(akActivator as actor).addItem(ClawToPlace, 1) ; add the claw back.
12. Press save. Close the script edit window.


13. Right click DragonClawHolderScript and select "Edit Properties". Select ClawToPlace and hit the Edit Value button. Scroll down in the list until you find MS13GoldenClaw. Select the FailMessage and hit the Edit Value button. Scroll down until you find "defaultLackTheItemMSG". Hit OK.


14. Make sure markers are turned on: In the toolbar, navigate to View. Halfway through the list you'll see "Markers". If it has a checked tickbox next to it, markers are on.


15. In the Render Window, select the GoldenClawStatic. Highlight the main window. In the toolbar, find the "Create Trigger"-button. It looks like a box with a T on it. Click it.


16. In the list, select GoldenClawActivator. Press ok.


17. A red box should surround you Dragon Claw. Press 2 on your keyboard, as this will disable the Scaling widget. Double click the red box. Under the 3D data tab, make sure Rotation Z is NOT 0. Under the Primitives tab, hit the Player Activation-tick box. In the Linked Ref tab, right click int the white field and select "New". Press the "Select Reference in Render Window" button. Press "M" on your keyboard to hide markers. Double click the GoldenClawStatic. Press OK. Press OK.


18. Repeat all these steps for each Dragon Claw. Just remember to select the correct claw when assigning script properties. Note that you do not need to create a new script every time; simply select DragonClawHolderScript from the list, instead of clicking the [new script] option.


Congratulations, you now know how to create Dragon Claw holders!


I want to preface this by saying thank you so so much for these tutorials, you are a lifesaver! Also, I apologize if my question has been answered in this thread, since this original post is quite a few years old. I tried digging and finding an answer, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask anyway.


I'm stuck on 'step 10' "10. In the name field, type "DragonClawHolderScript". Hit OK. You will be taken back to the original window, with "DragonClawHolderScript" added to the list of scripts."

When I hit OK, it gives me a warning box saying "The extends script does not exist, please pick one that does". I am not sure what the issue is. (The Extends box reads 'ObjectReference')


I am VERY new to modding, the creation kit and scripting, so I could very well be missing something easy, but I would be very grateful for some advise.


Thanks!! :)

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How to make Dragon Claw holders
Difficulty: Medium
It is assumed that the reader has basic knowledge of how the CK works.

1. In the render window, navigate to the wall you want to place your claws on.

2. In the Object Window, navigate to World Objects->Static. In the filter, type in "portgatebase0". Three entries appear. These will act as holes in the wall, where we will then place the Dragon Claws. Pick the one you like, then drag and drop it into the Render Window. Move and rotate it so that it matches the wall.

3. In the Object Window, navigate to Items->MiscItem. In the filter, type in "claw". A total of 11 entries appear. 8 of these have "dun" as a prefix, followed by a cell name (example: dunDeadMensRubyDragonClaw). The remaining three entries are a bit cryptic. There are two versions of the Golden Claw, "E3GoldenClaw" and "MS13GoldenClaw". The latter is the "real" version. The remaining ID is FFI01Claw, which is the Sapphire Claw.

4. Double-click the MS13GoldenClaw. At the bottom of the window you'll find a grayed-out area with the topic Model. Mark everything inside the box and hit Ctrl+C. Press Cancel.

5. In the Object Window, navigate to World Objects->Static. Right click and select "New".

6. In the ID field, type something like "GoldenClawStatic". Press the "Edit"-button next to the Model-field. A new window pops up. Press Edit. You will be prompted to select a model from you computer. Press Ctrl+V and hit OK. The Golden Claw should now be visible in the pop-up window. Hit OK. Hit OK.

7. Drag and drop GoldenClawStatic into the Render Window. Place it inside your hole. Move and rotate until it looks nice. Double-click the claw and check the "Initially Disabled"-tickbox.

8. In the Object Window, navigate to World Objects->Activators. Right click and select "New". In the ID-field, type "GoldenClawActivator". In the name field, type "Golden Claw Holder". Press OK.

9. Double click GoldenClawActivator again. This time the Script section is not grayed out. Click the Add-button. A new window will pop up. At the very top in the list you'll see [new script]. Double click it.

10. In the name field, type "DragonClawHolderScript". Hit OK. You will be taken back to the original window, with "DragonClawHolderScript" added to the list of scripts.

11. Right click the "DragonClawHolderScript". Select "Edit source". Delete everything. Copy and Paste the following:

Scriptname DragonClawHolderScript extends ObjectReference

MiscObject Property ClawToPlace Auto
{The claw we want to place}
Bool Property isPlaced = false Auto Hidden
Message Property FailMessage auto
{The message to show if the player dont have the claw in their inventory}

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActivator)
if(isPlaced == FALSE) ; is the claw placed?
if akActivator.getItemCount(ClawToPlace) >= 1 ; Does the player have the claw?
isPlaced = TRUE
self.getLinkedRef().enable() ; Enable the Static Claw
(akActivator as actor).removeItem(ClawToPlace, 1) ; Remove the claw from the players inventory
FailMessage.show() ; If the player doesnt have the claw, show the Fail message.
isPlaced = FALSE
self.getLinkedRef().disable() ; If the claw was already placed, disable the static claw
(akActivator as actor).addItem(ClawToPlace, 1) ; add the claw back.
12. Press save. Close the script edit window.

13. Right click DragonClawHolderScript and select "Edit Properties". Select ClawToPlace and hit the Edit Value button. Scroll down in the list until you find MS13GoldenClaw. Select the FailMessage and hit the Edit Value button. Scroll down until you find "defaultLackTheItemMSG". Hit OK.

14. Make sure markers are turned on: In the toolbar, navigate to View. Halfway through the list you'll see "Markers". If it has a checked tickbox next to it, markers are on.

15. In the Render Window, select the GoldenClawStatic. Highlight the main window. In the toolbar, find the "Create Trigger"-button. It looks like a box with a T on it. Click it.

16. In the list, select GoldenClawActivator. Press ok.

17. A red box should surround you Dragon Claw. Press 2 on your keyboard, as this will disable the Scaling widget. Double click the red box. Under the 3D data tab, make sure Rotation Z is NOT 0. Under the Primitives tab, hit the Player Activation-tick box. In the Linked Ref tab, right click int the white field and select "New". Press the "Select Reference in Render Window" button. Press "M" on your keyboard to hide markers. Double click the GoldenClawStatic. Press OK. Press OK.

18. Repeat all these steps for each Dragon Claw. Just remember to select the correct claw when assigning script properties. Note that you do not need to create a new script every time; simply select DragonClawHolderScript from the list, instead of clicking the [new script] option.

Congratulations, you now know how to create Dragon Claw holders!


I want to preface this by saying thank you so so much for these tutorials, you are a lifesaver! Also, I apologize if my question has been answered in this thread, since this original post is quite a few years old. I tried digging and finding an answer, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask anyway.


I'm stuck on 'step 10' "10. In the name field, type "DragonClawHolderScript". Hit OK. You will be taken back to the original window, with "DragonClawHolderScript" added to the list of scripts."

When I hit OK, it gives me a warning box saying "The extends script does not exist, please pick one that does". I am not sure what the issue is. (The Extends box reads 'ObjectReference')


I am VERY new to modding, the creation kit and scripting, so I could very well be missing something easy, but I would be very grateful for some advise.


Thanks!! :smile:




The ObjectReference script does indeed exist. If you are getting a warning that it does not then chances are you need to extract the Scripts.rar file (original Skyrim) or Scripts.zip file (Skyrim Special Edition). The appropriate script archive for your version of the game is downloaded with the Creation Kit and can be found in the Data folder. Simply extract to its current location and all appropriate sub-folders will be created.


FYI - The game uses the PEX files while the Creation Kit uses the PSC files.

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How to make Dragon Claw holders

Difficulty: Medium

It is assumed that the reader has basic knowledge of how the CK works.


1. In the render window, navigate to the wall you want to place your claws on.


2. In the Object Window, navigate to World Objects->Static. In the filter, type in "portgatebase0". Three entries appear. These will act as holes in the wall, where we will then place the Dragon Claws. Pick the one you like, then drag and drop it into the Render Window. Move and rotate it so that it matches the wall.


3. In the Object Window, navigate to Items->MiscItem. In the filter, type in "claw". A total of 11 entries appear. 8 of these have "dun" as a prefix, followed by a cell name (example: dunDeadMensRubyDragonClaw). The remaining three entries are a bit cryptic. There are two versions of the Golden Claw, "E3GoldenClaw" and "MS13GoldenClaw". The latter is the "real" version. The remaining ID is FFI01Claw, which is the Sapphire Claw.


4. Double-click the MS13GoldenClaw. At the bottom of the window you'll find a grayed-out area with the topic Model. Mark everything inside the box and hit Ctrl+C. Press Cancel.


5. In the Object Window, navigate to World Objects->Static. Right click and select "New".


6. In the ID field, type something like "GoldenClawStatic". Press the "Edit"-button next to the Model-field. A new window pops up. Press Edit. You will be prompted to select a model from you computer. Press Ctrl+V and hit OK. The Golden Claw should now be visible in the pop-up window. Hit OK. Hit OK.


7. Drag and drop GoldenClawStatic into the Render Window. Place it inside your hole. Move and rotate until it looks nice. Double-click the claw and check the "Initially Disabled"-tickbox.


8. In the Object Window, navigate to World Objects->Activators. Right click and select "New". In the ID-field, type "GoldenClawActivator". In the name field, type "Golden Claw Holder". Press OK.


9. Double click GoldenClawActivator again. This time the Script section is not grayed out. Click the Add-button. A new window will pop up. At the very top in the list you'll see [new script]. Double click it.


10. In the name field, type "DragonClawHolderScript". Hit OK. You will be taken back to the original window, with "DragonClawHolderScript" added to the list of scripts.


11. Right click the "DragonClawHolderScript". Select "Edit source". Delete everything. Copy and Paste the following:

Scriptname DragonClawHolderScript extends ObjectReference

MiscObject Property ClawToPlace Auto
{The claw we want to place}
Bool Property isPlaced = false Auto Hidden
Message Property FailMessage auto
{The message to show if the player dont have the claw in their inventory}

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActivator)
if(isPlaced == FALSE) ; is the claw placed?
if akActivator.getItemCount(ClawToPlace) >= 1 ; Does the player have the claw?
isPlaced = TRUE
self.getLinkedRef().enable() ; Enable the Static Claw
(akActivator as actor).removeItem(ClawToPlace, 1) ; Remove the claw from the players inventory
FailMessage.show() ; If the player doesnt have the claw, show the Fail message.
isPlaced = FALSE
self.getLinkedRef().disable() ; If the claw was already placed, disable the static claw
(akActivator as actor).addItem(ClawToPlace, 1) ; add the claw back.
12. Press save. Close the script edit window.


13. Right click DragonClawHolderScript and select "Edit Properties". Select ClawToPlace and hit the Edit Value button. Scroll down in the list until you find MS13GoldenClaw. Select the FailMessage and hit the Edit Value button. Scroll down until you find "defaultLackTheItemMSG". Hit OK.


14. Make sure markers are turned on: In the toolbar, navigate to View. Halfway through the list you'll see "Markers". If it has a checked tickbox next to it, markers are on.


15. In the Render Window, select the GoldenClawStatic. Highlight the main window. In the toolbar, find the "Create Trigger"-button. It looks like a box with a T on it. Click it.


16. In the list, select GoldenClawActivator. Press ok.


17. A red box should surround you Dragon Claw. Press 2 on your keyboard, as this will disable the Scaling widget. Double click the red box. Under the 3D data tab, make sure Rotation Z is NOT 0. Under the Primitives tab, hit the Player Activation-tick box. In the Linked Ref tab, right click int the white field and select "New". Press the "Select Reference in Render Window" button. Press "M" on your keyboard to hide markers. Double click the GoldenClawStatic. Press OK. Press OK.


18. Repeat all these steps for each Dragon Claw. Just remember to select the correct claw when assigning script properties. Note that you do not need to create a new script every time; simply select DragonClawHolderScript from the list, instead of clicking the [new script] option.


Congratulations, you now know how to create Dragon Claw holders!


I want to preface this by saying thank you so so much for these tutorials, you are a lifesaver! Also, I apologize if my question has been answered in this thread, since this original post is quite a few years old. I tried digging and finding an answer, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask anyway.


I'm stuck on 'step 10' "10. In the name field, type "DragonClawHolderScript". Hit OK. You will be taken back to the original window, with "DragonClawHolderScript" added to the list of scripts."

When I hit OK, it gives me a warning box saying "The extends script does not exist, please pick one that does". I am not sure what the issue is. (The Extends box reads 'ObjectReference')


I am VERY new to modding, the creation kit and scripting, so I could very well be missing something easy, but I would be very grateful for some advise.


Thanks!! :smile:




The ObjectReference script does indeed exist. If you are getting a warning that it does not then chances are you need to extract the Scripts.rar file (original Skyrim) or Scripts.zip file (Skyrim Special Edition). The appropriate script archive for your version of the game is downloaded with the Creation Kit and can be found in the Data folder. Simply extract to its current location and all appropriate sub-folders will be created.


FYI - The game uses the PEX files while the Creation Kit uses the PSC files.

Thank you for the quick reply! I have already extracted the scripts.rar file. In doing so it cleared up previous problems with this Dragon Claw scripting but now I am stuck on this one. I am not sure if there is something else that I can do, or if there is a way that I can look to see if the files were extracted correctly...? Like I said, very new to this, so i'm sorry if I sound stupid.


Thank you again for the help!

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You can get around this by opening Notepad and enter the following:


Scriptname DragonClawHolderScript Extends ObjectReference

You can change the "DragonClawHolderScript name to whatever you really want to use. Make sure to save it in the script source folder with the same name that you designated on the Scriptname line and with the PSC extension.


If the Creation Kit was open during this process, exit and reopen. This will allow it to recognize the script. You can then attach it to the desired object, make additional changes as well as save and compile. (I do not have the game or the CK installed so I cannot give accurate steps).

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