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American Gods, Season 2 episode 7. i just learned the show has been picked up by another network. to my surprise, i didn't even know a season 2 existed. so this is a big hell yeah in a time when i'm running short on quality shows.

Others worth mention:

Still have yet to catch up on Vikings.

The new Penny Dreadful: LA i see a poor review, yet i decided to watch the older one. I found it most excellent ... well everything besides the abrupt ending. From what i hear, the tv series was meant to be isolated around Venessa Ives, so with the ending of her character, it was decided to end the tv series on season 3.

i love fantasy or sci-fy, another one that hits home was watching Expanse. i don't think it got the ratings it deserves for what i believe to be a realistic sci-fi show, something i strive for in my gaming experience ... well, realistic fantasy if there is such a thing.

Carnival Row proved to be a watcher.

up to this point, it's been all adult geared shows, yet i find solice in some others such as: Locke & Key, A Solo Story, the Mandalorian.

I digress. i hope everyone finds a mind stimulating distraction during this zombie apocalypse .... UNPLUG from the news, i guarantee there's nothing new about the news.

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Someone who likes digging up the past may find a pack of TV shows on DVD's.


Are you an Archaeologist?


Since Moira gave me the quest to go out and search an old market place near Fallout 3 Megaton I've been doing it still to the ones that are now active. Like Wally Mart. That sweety, Moira Brown the eccentric owner of Crater Side Supply gave me so many I eventually found the living dead hanging around in the Washington Wastelands.


I think it was only a matter of time before I found some modern examples of someone of their kinship.


And Now! I have.


There are big digging machines removing soil stirring up ancient Smelter poisons, and making it hard to breath outdoors. I had to keep the windows closed for fear of getting a lot of old arsenic, lead, cadmium, and such seeping through the screen windows while the machine were digging around. I went market searching with a weapon people like that are alive, MONEY.


While the big machine operators didn't find any artifacts big enough to amuse any of them I found the complete collection of HBO's TALES FROM THE CRYPT at our local new Wally Mart; with lots more then the old store has that is still hanging on by the by.



Perfect Halloween treats!

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<<<< That is a baby dragon flying at you after it hatched from the egg behind it.



The way my mind worked has come to an abrupt halt because ...


I watched the biography of Bill Gaines on the first season's disk of Tales from the Crypt's TV shows. As I watched it I realized that his comic books were what my older siblings 5, 8, and 9 years old were reading when the comic books became popular. They and their friends were reading them when I was too young to understand.


What a mind bender. At least, now, I won't be spending any money for counseling. :- )


... Because I realized how it influenced my childhood and now I know better than to continue with "what the elders of my youth never got around to talking to me about" since I wasn't even 3 yet when those comic books were popular. I feel relieved and now I feel a bit sorry for all of the people younger than me whose elder siblings were familiar with MAD magazine. UNLESS you and your elder siblings were close enough that they explained what they got out of it.


I hope none of you did live in a vacuum wondering about all the Sh!t your elder's did. They were doing to entertain themselves after reading MAD Magazine and the likes, themselves, during the first few years of your getting a bit of wisdom and growing up.

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