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Why are multiple accounts so banned


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Okay, so we all agree that people who make multiple accounts are worse than Hitler. But no one has ever, to my knowledge, explained why this is. People who make multiple accounts have their accounts banned. And when they make more accounts to bypass this ban their accounts are banned. But why? Not making waves over this, but I am very curious.



Yours in ignorance,


The Rabbit

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At least partially, it ties into matters regarding vote manipulation and bypassing strikes or restrictions applied to an account. If you are given formal warnings for your behavior, the people running the show don't want you to simply be able to create another account to bypass that and the restrictions put in place. Same deal for if you are banned from accessing files from certain modders.


Matters of vote manipulation are part of it too. Someone with multiple accounts can download and endorse their own work in an attempt to boost its rating and visibility, putting other people's work at a disadvantage.


Plus it's easier to handle matters when everyone has just one account. No giving formal warnings to eighteen different accounts tied to the same person because he broke the rules on one of the accounts.


(This is pure speculation on my part. Some of it coming from seeing examples of people doing what I mentioned in the banned accounts section over the years.)

Edited by somerandomsheepthathops
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At least partially, it ties into matters regarding vote manipulation and bypassing strikes or restrictions applied to an account. If you are given formal warnings for your behavior, the people running the show don't want you to simply be able to create another account to bypass that and the restrictions put in place. Same deal for if you are banned from accessing files from certain modders.


Matters of vote manipulation are part of it too. Someone with multiple accounts can download and endorse their own work in an attempt to boost its rating and visibility, putting other people's work at a disadvantage.


Plus it's easier to handle matters when everyone has just one account. No giving formal warnings to eighteen different accounts tied to the same person because he broke the rules on one of the accounts.


(This is pure speculation on my part. Some of it coming from seeing examples of people doing what I mentioned in the banned accounts section over the years.)


Yes, I'm aware of those. Plus there is the CargeBack accounts that Robin is so fond of catching. It is agreed that all of these guys deserve to be shot. But if I were to create a second account with no malign intent then I, too, would be painted with the same brush, in a manner of speaking. I might also mention that this is not just a Nexus policy. Other site handle these in the same manner.



The Rabbit

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i'd ask why you need more than one account to begin with?


On another board that I had been a member of some years ago I had "Rabbit 51" and "Daffy Duck". I might have even used a "Yosemite Sam" at some point. I'd get somewhat insulting with myself and argue with myself as a form of entertaining the other board members. I never thought anything of it then. Ah, well...


The question is not if it should be used but why it is so prohibited, Mr. Whatever.


The Rabbit

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Guest deleted34304850

well of course it's not my real name - not sure what that matters?


i'm just enquiring that if the terms of service dictate that users should have a single logon, and then we disobey that request, and each have multiple accounts, then we're in breach of the terms of service of this board. correct?


If you are in breach of terms of service of anything then there are obviously consequences to that action.


so i'm asking why, given that this is writ large when you sign up and agree to the terms of service that you can only have a single account, why it would be considered necessary to have at least one other account, thus flouting the rules that you agreed to on sign up?


I'd also point out that if there is any possibility of interaction from a user account to any kind of financials/reward system, such as supporter/premium accounts and such plus the donation system, then you really want just a single account per user, otherwise its going to get messy and open to exploit, and while your own usage may be well meaning and not at all nefarious, not everyone is like that. if there's an exploit to be had, someone, somewhere will be working hard to benefit from that exploit.


the world we live in today, sadly.


and yes, even if you're just having a bit of fun, it will be viewed as a break in the tos, and dealt with as any other multiple-account abuse is. they have to be consistent with this, because exploiters live and thrive in grey areas.

Edited by 1ae0bfb8
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On another board that I had been a member of some years ago I had "Rabbit 51" and "Daffy Duck". I might have even used a "Yosemite Sam" at some point. I'd get somewhat insulting with myself and argue with myself as a form of entertaining the other board members. I never thought anything of it then. Ah, well...


Sounds annoying and spammy to be honest.


I would definitely get annoyed watching the "Recent Topics" section of the forums in the upper right corner be flooded with notifications by one person with several accounts 'arguing with themselves', while bumping off important topics asking for help etc.


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You might want to have two accounts for reasons which are not nefarious at all, but if we allow that, nothing is keeping others from creating 50 accounts and abusing them.


Many features of the site rely on the basis of there being one account per user such as but not limited to:


  • The endorsement system
  • Downloads / the DP system
  • Formal Warnings/Restrictions/Bans which are crucial for maintaining a healthy community and atmosphere
  • Mod Page bans


I believe the benefits of the rule outweigh the (limited) benefits of allowing users more than one account. This rule has been in place for many years now and, as you say, it is common practice across the internet.

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You might want to have two accounts for reasons which are not nefarious at all, but if we allow that, nothing is keeping others from creating 50 accounts and abusing them.


Many features of the site rely on the basis of there being one account per user such as but not limited to:


  • The endorsement system
  • Downloads / the DP system
  • Formal Warnings/Restrictions/Bans which are crucial for maintaining a healthy community and atmosphere
  • Mod Page bans


I believe the benefits of the rule outweigh the (limited) benefits of allowing users more than one account. This rule has been in place for many years now and, as you say, it is common practice across the internet.

Yeah, I don't know of any sites that allow multiple accounts. None of the forums that I am mod/admin in will...... Beth has the same policy on their forums.

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Yeah, I don't know of any sites that allow multiple accounts. None of the forums that I am mod/admin in will...... Beth has the same policy on their forums.

Reddit does, and I think we can all see what a mess that's become.

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