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Design Update - Our New Navigation is here


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In response to post #73619423. #73620108 is also a reply to the same post.

Chev70 wrote: Beurk beurk beurk ! I really don't like the new design at all; it's not practical at all; It's empty; it's ugly .... and no proposals in the search engine when I type the first letters of what I'm looking for.

I didn't ask anything; I want to recover the old version . You put us before the fact accomplished with no choice but to accept like as Panurge sheeps.

Signed, a longtime user very dissatisfied
BigBizkit wrote: Hi Chev,

happy to clear that up: this is not a change in the design.

The search service struggled momentarily (probably because a lot of people were testing it) and thus failed to display the previews correctly. This should be back to normal now - if it isn't for you, again, that is not part of the new design.

The previews are still there just as before as you can see here: https://imgur.com/a/Xt1dIAM

All the other points though are still valid. Any comments on that?
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In response to post #73619838.

Coen wrote: I don't really understand why the change was necessary?
The previous version was fine, at least from my perspective.
I find this one fairly annoying to use... mostly because I feel that the change was completely unwarranted, and I have to waste time getting used to a new set up that is full of, what I see as, dumb user interface choices.
Don't be like facebook and make changes for the sake of changes.

I agree completely.
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SOD OFF with the bloody captchas will ya!


I understand Steam, Green Man Gaming, amazon and PayPal having verification codes for security reasons, but this page!? A bloody mod page!? What do you want to protect from my account? My bloody downloaded and tracked mods?! Endorsed screenies!? PISS OFF will ya!

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In response to post #73619223. #73620048 is also a reply to the same post.

Sazac wrote:

Where is the "Tracked Mods" page located? I can't seem to find it anywhere anymore.

BigBizkit wrote: When you are on a game: Mods > Mod Updates (middle column)

Now you have to click on Mods, while on a game page; before you could just mouse-over Mods, from any page.
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Well, this is not intuitive for me. All I see is an ugly black bar on the top which has two ways to get to other games, My Profile and a search which does not include the wonderful drop down menu you had before. How the heck do I even get to the forum without googling it. I really want the old UI back. Why change whats working just fine. Maybe its glitched out somehow today. I sure hope so. I feel like the top bar is literally hiding everything useful.

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In response to post #73620228.

bigd4450 wrote: Get rid of the dumb black bar, you have cut the screen by a third. With the address bar above it and the stupid black bar a third of the screen is gone. This is a phone, not a lot of room to begin with.

I don't have any address bar above it. At least you've got that. Horrible redesign and apparently glitched out for me. Before I could pop in a find what I needed. Now I just don't want to come here.
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In response to post #73620248. #73620368 is also a reply to the same post.

tonycubed2 wrote: Hate it hate it hate it. Notifications are now harder to use. As a modder with limited time the previous design was great. Everything accesible from one location. I could quickly see how many notifications I had to review and answer.

You know what you have done? You created windows 8 with its tablet style menu. You are forcing a user interface no one was asking for and majority don’t want. And you are seeing the same backlash as windows 8, which is why windows 10 replaced it. We are tinkers, modders, hobbyists , geeks who don’t need a dumbed down system. Nor enjoy one.

Give us at least a toggle to switch to previous menu system. This is awful.

Thesparalius wrote: In regard to the notifications, I honestly find the new design to be faster and more responsive. The old design was sluggish and took way too long to load my notifications. Same with the various options to mark them as read or clear notifications etc. Practically instant now, whereas it was not before. But that's just me.

I agree with tonycubed2. This is not an improvement. In fact, I really hate it.

Please bring back the toggle. :/

Edited by raybo01
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In response to post #73617618. #73617658, #73617673, #73617738, #73618883 are all replies on the same post.

ScrollTron1c wrote: "Manage my mods" seems to be missing?
BigBizkit wrote: Go to the "Mods" tab and click "My Mods": https://imgur.com/a/GcDeCAB
LoneWanderer87 wrote: now my mods under mods section
ScrollTron1c wrote: Alright, somehow the layout implied that this "My mods >" button is a headline for the options below, because of the different font/color and the arrow
Eolhin wrote: That did look like a column header. Even reading this, it took three tries before my eyes stopped skipping over that automatically and I realized it was clickable. Still, now I know. Not very intuitive though.

I have nothing when I click on mods. Its just a dead space. The only way I can reach mods is by the search. Non of those tabs do anything for me. Ok I found an extremely stripped down version with less functionality way at the bottom hidden out of sight. Way inferior to the old but at least I can get somewhere. Ok now the three lines on the left have started working and I can get to some stuff Edited by steamteck
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