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Ban for Fun


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I ban Pagafyr because I don't know how to respond to that.


Prohíbo Pagafyr porque no sé cómo responder a eso.

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George - you are so very banned for being lost for words. 😀 In fact, you are the most banned ever...

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I ban zixi for drowning us in words about the waters of Oblivion. 🌊

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I ban AaronOfMpls because I have a suit of lead lined diving gear for super hot radiation and another diving suit with deep diving for the coldest waters from planet 4546B where the Altera company ship the Aurora crashed.

I can swim in the Waters of Oblivion wearing the appropriate suit for eruptions in water from Lava blasts or Below Zero freezing cold water. 

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Lucky for Zixi I can't swim! So banned for killing poor yung George.


¡Por suerte para Zixi, no sé nadar! Prohibido por matar al pobre joven George.

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Oblivionaddicted - Banned. The automatic translation was once a glimmer in someone's eye and that someone was almost certainly human - at least on paper...

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George - banned for both hyperbole and imprecision. You do have other things - quite clearly you do or you wouldn't be making comments on this thread. So you're exaggerating somewhat. You might not have something else to help with translation though -  but you need to make that clear. 😁 

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